Jim Conway has died...

Andy in NH

NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Make that 10/4/24. I'm pretty sure that I posted about that back then. I know that I notified LFGC where both of us were/are members.

Jim was a long-time friend. A really great guy and instructor. He helped me a number of times over the years . . . modifying my 1911, hooking me up with a good HVAC company, training opportunities, etc. Jim will be greatly missed! May he rest in peace.
Make that 10/4/24. I'm pretty sure that I posted about that back then. I know that I notified LFGC where both of us were/are members.

Jim was a long-time friend. A really great guy and instructor. He helped me a number of times over the years . . . modifying my 1911, hooking me up with a good HVAC company, training opportunities, etc. Jim will be greatly missed! May he rest in peace.
Obituary says September? Either way, original post edited - thank you.

I did a search for his name and didn't see anything death related.
that’s too bad. I trained with Jim and his partner (but 95% Jim) through a few courses up at Pelham. We bonded over glocks and NES, believe it or not. We kept in touch for a bit. He was extremely knowledgeable.
I’ll never ever forget the smell of the smoke from his pipe.
😣 I also trained a bit with Jim. Strange seeing this as I was just suggesting training to a buddy last night. I was telling him about the course I had with Jim. That was over a decade ago and I still recall the course vividly and practice the skills he taught every time at the range. This is to say he was a great teacher/mentor cuz I forget what I had for dinner last night🤣.
R.I.P Jim. You helped so many.
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