Jim Wallace Provides Testimony on Microstamping

He was too friendly to the chairlady. She looked clearly annoyed by his friendliness. Oh well, you can't please everyone.
The DA's logic was, well, not logical. She started with "microstamping is not a very reliable tool since most guns come from out of state or are easily removed/fooled" but then her "logic" took her to "i guess it's a tool and we need all the tools we can get, regardless if they infringe on someone's constitutional rights". Very odd chain of reasoning.
How the hell does microstamping fall within the text, history and tradition guidelines of Bruen?
That standard is for 2A issues. I'm sure they will argue that requiring micro-stamping, does not infringe, basically isn't a 2a issue. And so the standard need not be applied.
I thought Jim did well, I don't know how he stays so calm. My thoughts, some of which were mentioned:
-This will boost the cost of a gun more than $3.00. The blonde lady needs an attitude adjustment and new data. The R&D and tooling will get rolled into MSRP.
-As a consumer, how do we know that the number on our pin matches what we are told? Is it supposed to match the gun's serial number?
-This only affects semi-autos in states that have the law and for people who comply. Seems like a very low percentage as many guns used are from criminals, stolen, or even revolvers.
-I would not be comfortable leaving my brass anywhere now as it is basically DNA.
-Criminal offense for filing the tip of the firing pin? How can you prove it was filed and not worn down?
-Obviously this does nothing to STOP shootings. Enforcing current laws would be more effective.
-Are these going to be illegal now? NFA item lol?
How the hell does microstamping fall within the text, history and tradition guidelines of Bruen?

How do serial #'s fit????

At some point in the future, a Supreme Court not even envisioned today is going to ask that question. And the # of crimes SOLVED by "gun tracing" is going to be shown to be so laughably small that GCA68 will be gutted. It won't be in my lifetime, but it is destined to happen.
How the hell does microstamping fall within the text, history and tradition guidelines of Bruen?
It aligns well with what they’ve been able to pass post-Bruen. So I think until anyone can challenge any of this (No, GOAL cannot and will not ever be able to) then that’s where the bar is set. Stock up on firing pins.
How do serial #'s fit????

At some point in the future, a Supreme Court not even envisioned today is going to ask that question. And the # of crimes SOLVED by "gun tracing" is going to be shown to be so laughably small that GCA68 will be gutted. It won't be in my lifetime, but it is destined to happen.


I remember watching the nonsense testimony on ghost guns duringthe last round of BS laws and the Hampden County DA Gulluni was asked how often tracing firearms provided useful information for an investigation and his response was “rarely” as most guns used in crimes are stolen and/or come fro out of state.
What microstamping :)

I remember when this first started getting floated around, in CA I think...

The guy doing all the floating was(surprise surprise) the guy who owned the the company who would be doing all the microstamping lol

I don't GAF what they do and what laws they pass anymore.. Once I purchased an SP5, my gun buying days pretty much came to a halt.

I do feel bad for people that just now want to start exercising their 2A rights in MA.

I remember watching the nonsense testimony on ghost guns duringthe last round of BS laws and the Hampden County DA Gulluni was asked how often tracing firearms provided useful information for an investigation and his response was “rarely” as most guns used in crimes are stolen and/or come fro out of state.

It retains it's "WE NEED THIS" based on Law & Order more than law and order. Just like the bans on switchblades, balisongs, blackjacks, ninja stars, etc., They aren't any more dangerous or deadly than a hammer or a jackknife, but they are SCARY! Same with this. "Oh, you can trace any firearm." Yeah. OK. Because law abiding citizens buy guns legally, commit crimes, tehn sell them legally. Got it.

But. . . but. . . but. . . . Logan and Lenny can trace a gun before the next commercial. Yes. And they get DNA while the perp is in for questioning. LOL
There are 7 or so states that rammed this through......including that great Republican Stronghold called Texas.
I missed the Texas microstamping thing. Do you have a reference or something for that.

I couldn't find any mention of it in the anti web sites and I would have thought they would be all over that.
Will revolver rounds need micro stamps too or nah? No surprise here. Coming from a state that bans suppressors cause the bad guys can stealthily kill anyone and no neighbors would have a chance to call 911 ermahgerd
It retains it's "WE NEED THIS" based on Law & Order more than law and order. Just like the bans on switchblades, balisongs, blackjacks, ninja stars, etc., They aren't any more dangerous or deadly than a hammer or a jackknife, but they are SCARY! Same with this. "Oh, you can trace any firearm." Yeah. OK. Because law abiding citizens buy guns legally, commit crimes, tehn sell them legally. Got it.

But. . . but. . . but. . . . Logan and Lenny can trace a gun before the next commercial. Yes. And they get DNA while the perp is in for questioning. LOL
so buy all the slides, uppers and bolts while you still can, now. plus spares. as none of this shit will be any better or easier to deal with going forward.
I missed the Texas microstamping thing. Do you have a reference or something for that.

I couldn't find any mention of it in the anti web sites and I would have thought they would be all over that.

Looking at microstamping stories I got got drawn into a misleading post that listed these states, hook line and sinker....my bad.

People also ask

What states require microstamping?

  • California.
  • Delaware.
  • Illinois.
  • Mississippi.
  • New Jersey.
  • Texas.
  • Vermont.
  • West Virginia.
Jan 15, 2025


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Looking at microstamping stories I got got drawn into a misleading post that listed these states, hook line and sinker....my bad.

People also ask

What states require microstamping?

  • California.
  • Delaware.
  • Illinois.
  • Mississippi.
  • New Jersey.
  • Texas.
  • Vermont.
  • West Virginia.
Jan 15, 2025
Texas does not have microstamping...

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