JOJO's A2 Comp

I know this is a little off topic, but I have been using JP "Benny Cooley" comps in my ARs with great results and they are still available from Brownells.
I emailed them, hopefully I'll get a response an see if they're still in production. If I can't find an A2 style I'll probably go with the Benny Cooley one.
JoJo's should have a few of them on the shelf, they are in southington, ct. the best gunshop in CT imo, well worth the visit.
They also build custom 1911s. Very talented guys.

For what its worth. If you want a reasonably priced comp, the Miculek comp is the best deal out there. If you want a comp that looks like an A2 FH, then I'm told the JoJos one is good.
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