Justice Kavanaugh

Geezus Kryste.

The inability of some people to think anything out just amazes me. I really am amazed at some people's total lack of ability to think " well this woman just made a completely unfounded accusation against that guy over there - what's to prevent some woman doing the same thing to me?"

Just my opinion, but when he said " well, you wouldn't do that " - she should have said " You sure about that? " - just to drive the point home.

One thing I’ve noticed about the Left is that they have an inability to see past their nose, with respect to to any situation. They are about the here and now and no concern about the longitudinal.

Here’s a very good video into how they generally see things. All emotion and contradiction - no introspection.

View: https://youtu.be/H6dv6G1FWxk

Change is impossible for the hardcore Lefty. I used to be a moderate one and “woke up” about 5 years ago.
Law has a lot to do with intent. For example, if you have a 12 inch barrel upper and a complete lower, you can be charged of possession of an NFA device even when they are not together because of intent.

So Booker thinks he released documents he should not have, and even after it was found that the docs were approved to be released, he still referenced releasing them without approval.

Can we prosecute him? I see intent.

Don't think you're using intent quite right. Intent may or may not factor into the equation depending on what a person is being charged with. Perjury requires intent. I'm pretty sure erroneous statements made in good faith aren't the same as perjuring yourself. Intent is also the difference between, I think, Manslaughter and Murder. Intent has nothing to do with NFA violations. Your example has to do with Constructive Possession, not intent. I may intend to build a pistol with that 12" upper, and maybe a full-sized rifle with the lower. Intent doesn't matter there.

Intent has nothing to do with things like releasing/leaking/mishandling classified information. You either did it or not. This is why everyone is still pissed off about Killary getting off scott free when the FBI even admitted that she broke the law.
Trump should not have said anything about it. It's not funny and it serves no purpose.

Speak for yourself, I laughed my ass off! It absolutely serves a purpose, which is to counter the idea that Ford is telling the truth about being assaulted when it has been proven that she lied about multiple things already. But she can put on her cute voice and cute glasses and win people over. This is Trump's way of countering that.

McConnell must be fuming, him and other senior GOP Senators have been busting their balls the past few
days to secure Flakes, Collins and Murkowskis votes, now this happens and they have to go back and hopefully
smooth things over.

I agree to the extent that we (and Trump) should be careful to avoid losing them, but at the same time my blood boils that passing anything conservative through the Senate relies on those RINO bastards/bastdettes.
And predictably, Comrade Booker is calling to simply pass on Kavanaugh because the Dems did their job to slander him enough that he's damaged goods. What an a**h*** Booker is.

Cory Booker: Ditch Kavanaugh, whether he’s ‘innocent or guilty’

Booker is your typical Scum bag Lefty who has the look of a typical Spoiled brat Dorm room Millennial...You know the " I didn't do that " look. He is an Epic fake.

One positive take away from all this, The American people have finally seen how these shit bags operate live and in HD.
Trump should not have said anything about it. It's not funny and it serves no purpose. It will not help with the confirmation process and it will turn any women away from supporting him who may have been on the fence.

Sometimes he just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut...I do not see how this could be flipped in a positive light.

Why isn't it funny? its slowly leaking out that this entire charade was a FAKE...so yes its hilarious how DUMB the left is. So the " Poor Ford " crap is over, now we turn out attention to LAWSUITS.
you guys need to get out more, MA strip clubs suck, but don't be judgemental for the rest of US and Canada

Stay home!
Deadly bacteria warning goes out to visitors of Berlin sex club | DW | 03.10.2018
The bacteria strains A, C, Y and W135 are believed to have been possibly spread at the music-thumping Berlin institution, known for wild and raunchy sex acts being performed out in the open or in nooks and crannies.

Neisseria meningitidis is spread through saliva and respiratory secretions. Common symptoms include severe headache, high fever, chills, dizziness, neck stiffness and extreme malaise.
Foolish or not, what makes his statement seem worse than it was was that days earlier he found Ford to be a
"very credible witness" and said her testimony was "compelling."

I'd like to know how he's going to explain that one?.

i think if you look carefully at what he said, is that he would LISTEN to her, and IF she seemed credible, he would pursue it further.

He listened to her, and her neurotic/batshit crazy testimony did NOT pass the Trump smell test...that is all he is saying now.
We're still not used to not doing things as they've always been done, and that includes both sides.

Apparently the "old rule book" pre '16 in a case like this was: Dems lie, we withdraw with apologies. If we don't withdraw, and the lie is found out, we apologize and forget the whole incident.

Trump never read the rule book, and seems to be playing "Calvinball" (comic strip, not Coolidge) by making up the rules as he goes along, and insulting those who are worthy of insults. This includes Ford.
Trump should not have said anything about it. It's not funny and it serves no purpose. It will not help with the confirmation process and it will turn any women away from supporting him who may have been on the fence.

Sometimes he just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut...I do not see how this could be flipped in a positive light.

Are you just reading CNN subtitles while waiting for your dunkin? Watch the entire speech before you subject your brain to CNN's waterboarding!

He also said: "think of your son, think of your husband,"

That was not funny! I agree!
Law has a lot to do with intent. For example, if you have a 12 inch barrel upper and a complete lower, you can be charged of possession of an NFA device even when they are not together because of intent.
So Booker thinks he released documents he should not have, and even after it was found that the docs were approved to be released, he still referenced releasing them without approval.

Can we prosecute him? I see intent.
Comey would disagree with you. Hillary did not intend to break the law therefore she should not be charged.
Comey would disagree with you. Hillary did not intend to break the law therefore she should not be charged.

FBI came to a conclusion that she was just hammering few bulky hard drives in order to fit them in her new iBook. They have requested iBook manual from Apple but Apple has told them that they can download it for free from the web. For free? From a web? RUSSIANS! Because of this national security concern FBI is still waiting on Apple's response. :)

FBI does not operate in the present time. They are doing fabulous job 40 years after or entire lifetime after something was not committed. Present and future times are not allowed!
Are you just reading CNN subtitles while waiting for your dunkin? Watch the entire speech before you subject your brain to CNN's waterboarding!

He also said: "think of your son, think of your husband,"

That was not funny! I agree!

Trump mocks Christine Blasey Ford at Mississippi rally

“How did you get home? I don’t remember,” Trump said, mocking Ford’s answers before the Senate Judiciary Committee. “How did you get there? I don’t remember. Where is the place? I don’t remember. How many years ago was it? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. What neighborhood was it in? I don’t know. Where’s the house? I don’t know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don’t know. But I had one beer, that’s the only thing I remember.”

Trump mocks Christine Blasey Ford at Mississippi rally

“How did you get home? I don’t remember,” Trump said, mocking Ford’s answers before the Senate Judiciary Committee. “How did you get there? I don’t remember. Where is the place? I don’t remember. How many years ago was it? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. What neighborhood was it in? I don’t know. Where’s the house? I don’t know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don’t know. But I had one beer, that’s the only thing I remember.”

Works for me, Don't come crying wolf unless you have all your ducks in order. If mocking is the only thing she receives out of all of this, she should consider herself LUCKY!.
Trump mocks Christine Blasey Ford at Mississippi rally

“How did you get home? I don’t remember,” Trump said, mocking Ford’s answers before the Senate Judiciary Committee. “How did you get there? I don’t remember. Where is the place? I don’t remember. How many years ago was it? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. What neighborhood was it in? I don’t know. Where’s the house? I don’t know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don’t know. But I had one beer, that’s the only thing I remember.”

Yes! YES! [rofl][rofl][rofl]

While morons keep imagining what would happen if, innocent people are being punished without any due process.

Trump is using humor to kick our butts because we are the idiots who voted them in!


This is even funnier than Our President!:
‘We want our anger to be validated and not dismissed’[thumbsup]

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Trump mocks Christine Blasey Ford at Mississippi rally

“How did you get home? I don’t remember,” Trump said, mocking Ford’s answers before the Senate Judiciary Committee. “How did you get there? I don’t remember. Where is the place? I don’t remember. How many years ago was it? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. What neighborhood was it in? I don’t know. Where’s the house? I don’t know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don’t know. But I had one beer, that’s the only thing I remember.”

Great video, seriously stop being a beta and whining about Trump, you aren't going to beat the Dems at their own game. The only way to win is to make fun of them, its what the average person is thinking, Trump just has the balls to say it.
"by race and sex"
wtf is this? When did Religion become a Race?

You make a good point but Jewish Americans are tremendously powerful politically and it's interesting to know where they stand.

The opposition to Brett Kavanaugh both in the Senate and outside is Jewish-led. The Jewish lobby almost always gets what it wants.

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh could affect Jewish issues

Within an hour of the announcement, the National Council of Jewish Women released a statement that said it was “incensed” by the choice and helped organize an opposition rally.

The Jewish Case Against Brett Kavanaugh

Trump’s presidency has lived up to his campaign rhetoric by implementing a racist, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim agenda. His disgraceful policy of separating immigrant families is just his most recent practice that echoes the worst moments of American history and actions of foreign dictators.
Jewish Americans must fervently oppose the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. On issues of religious freedom, reproductive rights, voting rights, economic justice, and a host of other issues, Kavanaugh has shown fierce hostility to the priorities and values of an overwhelming majority of our community.

But also....

Progressive, Conservative Jews Sharply Divided Over Kavanaugh Nomination
Progressive Jewish organizations denounced the Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote to advance the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, while conservative groups lauded it.

....which is probably why Kavanaugh is still a contender.
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"Trump’s presidency has lived up to his campaign rhetoric by implementing a racist, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim agenda. His disgraceful policy of separating immigrant families is just his most recent practice that echoes the worst moments of American history and actions of foreign dictators."

The worst moments of American history. Seems many don't know history past a couple of years i guess.
Yes! YES! [rofl][rofl][rofl]

While morons keep imagining what would happen if, innocent people are being punished without any due process.

Trump is using humor to kick our butts because we are the idiots who voted them in!


This is even funnier than Our President!:
‘We want our anger to be validated and not dismissed’[thumbsup]

I get what you are saying. And if this were a reporter or any other politician I would agree. But he is being as hypocritical as the democrats in having already formed an opinion before the investigation is complete. He is the President of the United States and whether the accuser is a democrat or a republican she deserves the same neutrality from the potus as the accused. By mocking her he is showing the country he doesn't care about the woman's claim. And he should care or at least seem to right up until the claim is proven false. Then say what you want. But it is still an open investigation and in his position he should reserve his opinion until the facts are in and then he should comment being respectful to both parties. He wants another term and the way to get it is to not PO your female supporters or any that may be on the fence. Showing direct to this woman will resonate with women across the country. Female opponents will throw this in his face and it will be difficult to defend. Let the law makers and law enforcement handle this. He should keep his distance. he was doing fine praising the committee and the FBI and he should have left it at that. His position should prevent him from speaking negatively about either person.
I get what you are saying. And if this were a reporter or any other politician I would agree. But he is being as hypocritical as the democrats in having already formed an opinion before the investigation is complete. He is the President of the United States and whether the accuser is a democrat or a republican she deserves the same neutrality from the potus as the accused. By mocking her he is showing the country he doesn't care about the woman's claim. And he should care or at least seem to right up until the claim is proven false. Then say what you want. But it is still an open investigation and in his position he should reserve his opinion until the facts are in and then he should comment being respectful to both parties. He wants another term and the way to get it is to not PO your female supporters or any that may be on the fence. Showing direct to this woman will resonate with women across the country. Female opponents will throw this in his face and it will be difficult to defend. Let the law makers and law enforcement handle this. He should keep his distance. he was doing fine praising the committee and the FBI and he should have left it at that. His position should prevent him from speaking negatively about either person.

I agree but you know what, neither of us is President and it's this kind of reckless speech that took Mr. Trump to the White House.

However, you and I both know Ford is a lying opportunist and President Trump and his flyover country base also know it.
I get what you are saying. And if this were a reporter or any other politician I would agree. But he is being as hypocritical as the democrats in having already formed an opinion before the investigation is complete. He is the President of the United States and whether the accuser is a democrat or a republican she deserves the same neutrality from the potus as the accused. By mocking her he is showing the country he doesn't care about the woman's claim. And he should care or at least seem to right up until the claim is proven false. Then say what you want. But it is still an open investigation and in his position he should reserve his opinion until the facts are in and then he should comment being respectful to both parties. He wants another term and the way to get it is to not PO your female supporters or any that may be on the fence. Showing direct to this woman will resonate with women across the country. Female opponents will throw this in his face and it will be difficult to defend. Let the law makers and law enforcement handle this. He should keep his distance. he was doing fine praising the committee and the FBI and he should have left it at that. His position should prevent him from speaking negatively about either person.
He's showing he won't cave in to a phoney story made up by Ford. Anyone with half a brain can see right thru Ford's story. The left calls Trump's Daughter a feckless whore and that goes unchallenged. I'm sick of this shit. What do you want, Trump to act like Flake. I frankly don't give a damn what the Left thinks, what the RINOS think and there is a part of me that wants to Left to come after me. I have reached the end of the line with them all.

As of Friday morning, Butera’s Twitter account (twitter.com/RachelAButera) appeared to have been deleted. Butera’s video mocking Ford’s voice remains available on Twitter, at this link. It’s not clear if Butera deleted her own account or if Twitter took action; Twitter typically does not comment on the status of individual accounts.
I get what you are saying. And if this were a reporter or any other politician I would agree. But he is being as hypocritical as the democrats in having already formed an opinion before the investigation is complete. He is the President of the United States and whether the accuser is a democrat or a republican she deserves the same neutrality from the potus as the accused. By mocking her he is showing the country he doesn't care about the woman's claim. And he should care or at least seem to right up until the claim is proven false. Then say what you want. But it is still an open investigation and in his position he should reserve his opinion until the facts are in and then he should comment being respectful to both parties. He wants another term and the way to get it is to not PO your female supporters or any that may be on the fence. Showing direct to this woman will resonate with women across the country. Female opponents will throw this in his face and it will be difficult to defend. Let the law makers and law enforcement handle this. He should keep his distance. he was doing fine praising the committee and the FBI and he should have left it at that. His position should prevent him from speaking negatively about either person.

That's just it! there is no claim, how can there be a claim of Assault when she has yet to prove such claim! we are now weeks into this and I have yet to see any Evidence of any kind of Assault taking place! Hell Im still looking for the Russian Collusion evidence 30 months in!...THERE IS NO THERE THERE! Stop trying to convince yourself there is.

PS This has zero to do with other victims of assault ZERO, this has to do with a fabricated story and the presumption of innocents until proven guilty.
I agree but you know what, neither of us is President and it's this kind of reckless speech that took Mr. Trump to the White House.

However, you and I both know Ford is a lying opportunist and President Trump and his flyover country base also know it.

That kind of reckless speech is fine as a candidate. But he is not a candidate anymore. Of course Ford is lying. It is my opinion that is why the FBI doesn't want to talk with her. Because then she would be charged with a felony.

Just saw Sarah Sanders answer some questions about his comment on OAN. Dismissed the questions as that the potus was just quoting Ford like the dems were quoting Kavanaugh. The only difference is he should continue to appear neutral. That's all I'm saying...
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