Justice Kavanaugh

He did vote that way when the case was at the DC Circuit.

I think he is going to be good, but I don't expect to agree with every vote he makes or opinion he writes.

I also think Kavanaugh would have voted the same as Roberts with regards to Obamacare was a tax instead of a penalty. It is clear reading the oral arguments that Kavanaugh did not see the difference between a tax and a penalty.

ETA: Roberts, not Kennedy.
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All this winning is like watching the Red Sox for years I would just change the station when they started to lose yet another game , now I love it when they get behind by a run or 3 then they ramp it up and bulldoze the opponent. Took me a long time not to wince when they get behind. Trump's ining does the same for me I'm having trouble getting used to the small setbacks resulting in a larger win>
It's great to win. The only negative is that there are so many people in our government that think guilty until proven innocent should be the new standard. Congratulations to Judge Kavanaugh and thank you to those that voted to maintain due process.
I suggest gloating to your liberal friends/colleagues. Go ahead, rub it in. It feels good.

Seriously. They would do it to you if the shoe was on the other foot. We can play by those rules too.
I suggest gloating to your liberal friends/colleagues. Go ahead, rub it in. It feels good.

Seriously. They would do it to you if the shoe was on the other foot. We can play by those rules too.

It's not as juicy as Trump's win because the whole country didn't pay attention, but I'll be sure to walk around work with a little extra swagger next week. I still remember the puffy eyes after Trump won. I was sure to give those folks an extra hearty "Good morning" that day.
The glass quarter empty view.

We won't do better than Kavanaugh.

And he will be so sympathetic to radical lefties after his smooth nomination process.

The important thing is I don't think we'll see an expansion of BS like "reasonable restrictions" because pro2a decisions will generally not need to be hamstrung because of needing Kennedy to cover the vote gap. Of course legal scholars would know more about this, because it appears such scotus deliberations are pretty secret....

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