Justice Kavanaugh

That is what I have been literally screaming since people began declaring victory yesterday.

The Dems have been masters at last minute surprises, don't expect them to stop now.

Yup! I expect them to show up at 4:52 today with a deceased woman and a toe tag that reads, Kavanaugh killed me in a blackout, drunken rage.
This pic may have been posted already in this thread, but I don't remember seeing it.

Either way - worth repeating just for the meme effect.

Graham with a big smile on his face while some unhinged woman screams in the background:

While straightening his tie! Love it!
While straightening his tie! Love it!

...and the Brazilian cop, the big black dude and the generic blazer boi, the entire thing seems posed. It's a brilliant pic.

The name's Graham, Lindsey Graham.

Graham seems so happy lately, McCain must have taken the location of the box full of compromising pics to the grave.
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These people are seriously f***ed in the head.
It's shit like this that will invigorate R's even more to get to the polls
and rain down even more misery on them.

"Activists target Susan Collins after she seals Kavanaugh vote, call for harassment

Activists’ efforts to convince lawmakers to oppose Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh descended into calls for public
harassment and accusations of being a “rape apologist” after the judge gathered enough votes to get confirmed on Saturday.

“Senator Susan Collins is the mother & grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%,” tweeted Linda Sarsour, a far-left activist and a leader of the Women’s March that branded Collins a “rape apologist” after the speech. “She is a disgrace & her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly.”

“A white woman Senator is talking about presumption of innocence that is never offered to Black men in America. You are watching white supremacy live on the Senate Floor,” Sarsour said even before Collins finished her speech.

Kat Calvin, the founder of anti-voter ID group “Spread the Vote” that claims to be non-partisan, urges people to publicly harass Collins over her voting decision.

“Never let Collins have a moment of peace in public again,” she wrote."

Activists target Susan Collins after she seals Kavanaugh vote, call for harassment
If the USA were the racist place people like Linda Sarsour claim it to be, someone would swing by Linda's home late at night and, er, do something racist.

But that never happens.

The whole nation is a free-fire zone for the left.
The left on living life in opposite-land...I'd wager the majority of those protesters can't pass a basic citizenship test.

Her pro-Kavanaugh speech on the Senate floor was an insult to Americans’ intelligence.

"She did not sound like a statesperson carefully weighing a crucial decision. She sounded like a partisan hack."

They're showing lines of women with zip-tied wrists in front of the Supreme Court, on the way to slammer. Quite a sight!
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Watching the protests now on Fox.
This is great!
The moonbats have gone full nuclear retard!
The only thing that could possibly make this better is to read in tomorrows headlines;
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Not Be Down For Breakfast".

I'm nervous that she might pop off before today's vote and they will need to postpone the vote until after her funeral.
"They" did not necessarily fail. They were Co-opted by evil forces that had a very different agenda.
i think a couple of positive things did emerge from this train wreck.

1) men, generally, are now more aware that there IS a sexual harassment/abuse problem that MOST women have experienced.

2) Women, generally, now realize that if they are seriously abused, they need to TELL SOMEONE in authority--either the cops or the school/work. If they keep it silent for decades, no-one will believe them later on.

3) There needs to be a DISCUSSION about male/female relationships. Men, being horny dogs, are going to continue to try to get laid. Not every flirt from a man is sexual harassment! It is human nature for this sort of interaction to take place. So there needs to be a renewed effort to COMMUNICATE. THAT is where the ongoing discussion needs to be going on. If some guy at work compliments a woman he likes on her clothing, and she screams RAPE! to HR.....Well that is NOT moving things forward at all. Communication and understanding is needed from both sides

Society as a whole does a much better job of educating all young people about all kinds of physical abuse. Unfortunately the pendulum has swung 180 degrees and now the snowflakes are looking for abuse everywhere. The virtuous victim gets a lot of attention. Then you throw in the liberal whackos and they weaponize it. They define what they feel is harassment so looking at someone wrong or if a comment doesn't come from a source they like they cry foul. Just like the post below shows.

Like the SNL Tom Brady skit where he can compliment or flirt but the less attractive guy gets HR called on him. Although I guess that's the female version of NES Guilty/not guilty verdicts. ;) Just on steroids.

I agree communication can be part of the problem in some instances. Women are or used to be raised to be nice and not hurt feelings so they don't always communicate their disinterest in a guy. I have a client like that and she wonders why guys seem to be stalking her. It's because she is not clear so the guy thinks she's still interested.

Men also need to be clear. My former company lost a lawsuit because when a female did not get a promotion the hiring manager talked about her just getting married and maybe starting a family instead of giving a solid performance based reason.

Zach Goldberg had a long tweet about the data shown that liberal women report sexual harassment and domestic violence at significant higher percentage than moderate and conservative women. Apparently it’s true, men like torture liberal women more.

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/ZachG932/status/1035368864870268928

View attachment 249375
...and the Brazilian cop, the big black dude and the generic blazer boi, the entire thing seems posed. It's a brilliant pic.

The name's Graham, Lindsey Graham.

Graham seems so happy lately, McCain must have taken the location of the box full of compromising pics to the grave.

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Zach Goldberg had a long tweet about the data shown that liberal women report sexual harassment and domestic violence at significant higher percentage than moderate and conservative women. Apparently it’s true, men like torture liberal women more.

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/ZachG932/status/1035368864870268928

View attachment 249375

It's possible those numbers are true and liberal women just keep company with liberal men. I wonder if there are stats on perps for liberal vs conservative. I bet those number are even more varied.
It's possible those numbers are true and liberal women just keep company with liberal men. I wonder if there are stats on perps for liberal vs conservative. I bet those number are even more varied.
The long Tweet thread is very data rich. Another interesting data point is that liberal women have far more sexual partners than their conservative counterpart. It indirectly validates the 'tramp theory'.


A fourth hypothesis is that insofar as they tend to be more promiscuous and sexually 'open', Female liberals are more likely to be perceived as 'easy' and are thus a greater object of sexual attention. I hazard to say that this hypothesis finds strong support in the data..

First, female liberals consistently report having more male sex partners than their moderate and conservative counterparts (ignore the jump in moderates for the years And, as it happens, the number of sexual partners significantly positively predicts the probability of reporting sexual harassment in a controlled logit model. Unsurprisingly, there's even an ideology x sex partners interaction, with the effects of the latter becoming stronger at the liberal end of the 7-point ideology scale. Importantly, this finding is not an artifact of the GSS data: I managed to replicate it on data from the 1992 National Health and Social Survey
The long Tweet thread is very data rich. Another interesting data point is that liberal women have far more sexual partners than their conservative counterpart. It indirectly validates the 'tramp theory'.


The Chateau Heartiste site covers this kind of stuff constantly.

Some of it is really eye-opening: Chateau Heartiste

Another site that covers an awful lot of deplorable ground on the true dynamics between men and women - is Return of Kings: Return Of Kings – For masculine men

Be aware - both of these sites are full of guys who consider themselves to be players , and the point of view they're coming from is one of trying to score with women.

That doesn't discount the data or social science stuff they bring up though.
Just finished sending a thank you email to Susan Collins. She stepped up big when it was time to go all in.

.....although she made the mistake of supporting her vote with a thorough, thoughtful, intelligent, fair and statesmanlike analysis.

She'd have been better of with "because **** you, that's why." The Left might leave her alone if that were her argument.
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