KAG ARMS at the MILL, Prices Are Awesome

You picked my interest. What do real people do with higher end metal single action 1911/2011 beyond competing with them? inquisitive minds feel… inquisitive :)
The oversized neanderthal cannot handle the multiple small motions required to use guns with decockers or safeties. He therefore limits himself to striker fired guns in large part because of their simple controls. He can repetitively practice and perform with apparent skill as he can apply all his limited processing power to the important things occurring around him (like where to put his feet) while his paws pull the simple trigger over and over.

If he tried to use a gun as complicated as a 1911 or one of its close derivatives, he would be lost; requiring the use of his primary brain function to manipulate the gun and likely trip on his own feet.

But with his striker fired guns he is a beast.
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The oversized neanderthal cannot handle the multiple small motions required to use guns with decockers or safeties. He therefore limits himself to striker fired guns in large part because of their simple controls. He can repetitively practice and perform with apparent skill as he can apply all his limited processing power to the important things occurring around him (like where to put his feet) while his paws pul the simple trigger over and over.

If he tried to use a gun as complicated as a 1911 or one of its close derivatives, he would be lost; requiring the use of his primary brain function to manipulate the gun and likely trip on his own feet.

But with his striker fired guns he is a beast.
I read this in the voice of Morgan Freeman.

Stellar perfomance.
probably going to be next weekend given his track record
Ha. You are wrong. As usual.

After the pharaoh quoted the relevant texts from that book- I will bow out of the intellectual NES race as a man should know when he is over his head. Who wudda thunk. I will now craw under my rock and do some reading. The answer to my question took an unexpected and welcomed direction for which I am thankful. I am about to learn new shit.

Btw, the first thing I did to the Atlas was to completely tear it apart and marvel the simplicity of execution of the 1911 platform. I did not find it particularly complicated and clearly form followed function. Now I have to learn to go fast and not suck. The dominant hand thumb position above the safety is weird for me… but no excuses…
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Today, on the new installment of the Egyptian saga we will learn the following:

1. The caliber of the female nether regions can be changed via a judicious application of pieces of liver.
2. If you dont get a KAG magnet at the end of your purchase - you are not cool. I was about to not get one, but one thing lead to another and the owner felt bad and gave me one. Being a one star customer has its drawbacks for sure. Meh.

A joke on the subject:
The dino and the elephant meet.
Elephant: "Hey, Dino... did Noah send you a friend request on Facebook?"
Dino: "Uhhhh, no?"
Elephant: "Thats too bad.... "
... and this is how dinos were extinct.

3. What you see on NES available from KAG is -not- what is available. Go look here for example:
While there is a lot of stuff that obviously is a no go for MA, this is the full list of what he has for sale. He just doesnt like NES -that- much to post his full inventory. Or he is lazy. Or both. Intellectual prowess comes at a price. Now if only my teens got that into their thick skulls.

4. Doctors always wear their scrubs. It is like an insignia commanding respect among the mere mortals.
5. The owner of KAG really likes Glocks. Now he is up to three on the wall. Supposedly the new one is very killy. Prolly a .40…
6. In their endless search for stronger vodka somebody at Kalashnikov finally found the one infused with khaos- inducing mushrooms.
7. Still no dog. But I will not deduct stars this time, because I was supposed to bring mine. In preparation of my visit the owner even bought high end treats so when I showed up empty handed (sorry- I was on business and drove the truck the dog does not get to ride in) I felt extra bad. But no excuses. Next time (there will be no next time- ha) I will absolutely have to bring the furball in.
8. You can have your good and bad cholesterol up at the same time "because they do different things". Thank you.
9. If you are about to get your new HK battle rifle and notice that the charging handle finger hook is bent - dont be a pussy - just bend it right back and call it a day. Or even better- turn around and 10 feet away on the wall is a really nice shiny and far superior Radian handle that you should put in and.. call it a day again. The folks these days...

So overall- two star experience - in reality still a single star, but I gave him a bonus star because of the dog fiasco on my side.
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This is going to be a serious post. Sort of.

I know what KAG is. After my last visit yesterday to get my 22lr supply for Steel Challenge season it donned on me - KAG is a black hole. It has both characteristics of a black hole- things (my money) disappear in it and it has a very strong gravitational pull- my guess is it spans in about 30 mile radius which means that most of us are susceptible to it.

But the KAG gravitational pull has another not so esoteric origin - it is the owner of the shop. Since I promised the last time I visited I brought in my dog this time. So I got to observe how the big guy plays with the big dog. It is very telling and genuine how people interact with dogs - if one observes carefully many spot on conclusions can be drawn about the human (and dog) players. Needless to say I was very pleased with how the owner played with my dog and it just confirmed my thoughts on what kind of person the owner is. Yeah- he is somebody that blends well seriousness, responsibilities with occasional episodes of hilarity. He also has very little filtering so if he doesn’t like you he will tell you in your face- My kind of guy.

On a non-dog note- I randomly complained to him that I am looking for a particular red dot that I refuse to pay MSRP for (and it was not available for less anywhere)... he says "hold on" - looks it up and gives me a price that cannot be beat. And this is a vendor that he does not deal with normally. So yeah- if you are looking for anything - just ask him- even if he doesnt have it he will make conscious effort to find it for you and at the right price. Also, one can fully rely on asking him for something that is not in stock and him letting you know (months later some times) that your stuff is now in stock and you can come pick it up.

I know this post comes across as a recommendation lol, but I felt the need to write it up.

Now on a very serious note - he still gets 1 stars as my dog had no (shop) dog to play with so he slobbered on everybody instead. Oh, and the owner tried to kill my dog. Photographic evidence is attached. It did happen :p


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@alx nice dog, he is larger in person than he appears in pictures. your son who was with you was a very respectful and nice young man, surely something for a father to be proud of.

Thank you. He does appear smaller on photos doesnt he... :)

On the topic of my son- Thank you for the kind words. Yes- your impression I believe is correct. I have tried very hard to make him recognize and be respectful of higher authority - after all this is the only way to become one in time. He also has his head screwed in correctly politically and socially already. He sees things as I believe they should be seen and in their real colors. So at his age (16) I claim parental success at this point in time. This ofcourse can and prolly will change, but I am very content with this one for now.

KAG - I agree with your statement 100%. Our kids are extensions of us. Even when they are very different and nothing like us - the foundation pieces forming one's character are what their parents made them be...
The wife was suspicious of my extended trip to the Mill yesterday, so I didn't get to spend enough time at KAG. Did get in & out with a few cases of ammo at the best prices around. Pleasure doing business as always Sherif. I'm in the dog house for a while now.

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