KB1QBC AKA "Kykker" at it again.

This reminds me of a jammer back in the 90's on the 94 machine on Mt Tom in Holyoke. Called himself Apple. Actually, we all called him apple because that's all he ever said! This went on for years. I think it's a thing of the past now, can't rx that machine from here. These clowns are everywhere, we used to call em LIDS.
On Field Day and it was my job to get the club a satellite contact. With several of the low earth orbit FM birds crippled or dead I had to get out of the tent in the middle of the night to try the remaining satellites. As 1 bird came above the horizon all I heard was "One, two. One, two. One, two. One, two ............ One, two. One, two." It went on for MINUTES. I could tell by his aggressive tone of voice and lack of call sign he wasn't checking his signal. He was jamming on Field Day. I crawled back into the tent pisses because the next passes were at 3:00am and 4:30am. I got very little sleep that night and no satellite contacts :-(
I've been a ham for nearly 30 years and it has gotten worse on 2 meters but in reality not by much. I live on Cape Cod and there isn't much 2 meter activity here at all. Yesterday on my way to the RI area I heard a group of local hams arguing on the 76 repeater. First it was a lively political debate but then it turned out that most of the group had it in for one ham with republican leanings. They told him they were sick of having to hear his point of view all the time and basically wanted him to shut up. Ham radio is no place for that type of discussion in their opinion. On the way home I heard the same group "minus the republican" go on for over an hour about how you get away with not doing the household chores she who must be obeyed has ordered you to do. Normally I would have just rotated the volume control completely counter clockwise but I was interested in seeing how long it would go on. They were still yukking it up as I got deeper into the Cape and could no longer hear them. Well over an hour of mindless chatter. I used to live in that area and I actually know some of them. More than that they just don't the republicans banter what they really want is a repeater open to "their" group of inane conversationalists.

Back when I first got my ticket I was a regular on the 146.700 repeater in Cranston. It's then trustee W1XJ is credited for the following observation. The average IQ of a repeater user is inversely proportional to it's coverage area.
I was just thinking about this thread. I haven't been on the air much lately, and when I have it's usually on the local repeater (which got moved and upgraded, so the coverage area is much better). Haven't been on the Paxton repeater for a while, but I wouldn't be surprised if kykker was still up to his games. He didn't learn from the multiple warnings and fines from the FCC, so I doubt he's going to change.
Maybe you guys can help me out. I used to be into CB radio back in the day in the Plymouth / Carver area and I kind of have an urge to put one in my truck now. Is there any intelligent life around Pepperell, Townsend, Lunnenburg to make it worth jumping back in?
Maybe you guys can help me out. I used to be into CB radio back in the day in the Plymouth / Carver area and I kind of have an urge to put one in my truck now. Is there any intelligent life around Pepperell, Townsend, Lunnenburg to make it worth jumping back in?

Yeah Billerica,Gardner,Fitchburg have traffic on 12 and 2 and 19.
ok so, I was checking new posts, thought from the title this was a forum user, then started reading, and I know nothing about Ham, and now I know what it feels like when people around me can't understand what I'm talking about when I talk computer/programming/networking....

seriously, you guys have your own dictionary. I'm outta here.
ok so, I was checking new posts, thought from the title this was a forum user, then started reading, and I know nothing about Ham, and now I know what it feels like when people around me can't understand what I'm talking about when I talk computer/programming/networking....

seriously, you guys have your own dictionary. I'm outta here.

Sometimes it is hard to QSO with the QRM. QSL?
ok so, I was checking new posts, thought from the title this was a forum user, then started reading, and I know nothing about Ham, and now I know what it feels like when people around me can't understand what I'm talking about when I talk computer/programming/networking....

seriously, you guys have your own dictionary. I'm outta here.

It's a good thing you didn't try to fake it. We would have known when you couldn't do the secret handshake.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
I've been a ham for nearly 30 years and it has gotten worse on 2 meters but in reality not by much. I live on Cape Cod and there isn't much 2 meter activity here at all. Yesterday on my way to the RI area I heard a group of local hams arguing on the 76 repeater. First it was a lively political debate but then it turned out that most of the group had it in for one ham with republican leanings. They told him they were sick of having to hear his point of view all the time and basically wanted him to shut up. Ham radio is no place for that type of discussion in their opinion. On the way home I heard the same group "minus the republican" go on for over an hour about how you get away with not doing the household chores she who must be obeyed has ordered you to do. Normally I would have just rotated the volume control completely counter clockwise but I was interested in seeing how long it would go on. They were still yukking it up as I got deeper into the Cape and could no longer hear them. Well over an hour of mindless chatter. I used to live in that area and I actually know some of them. More than that they just don't the republicans banter what they really want is a repeater open to "their" group of inane conversationalists.

Back when I first got my ticket I was a regular on the 146.700 repeater in Cranston. It's then trustee W1XJ is credited for the following observation. The average IQ of a repeater user is inversely proportional to it's coverage area.

Capewalk, we probably know each other! I remember working with Dick Bromley on a tower day (me at the bottom) and of course the awful fall he took, at a later date that took him months to recover from. The 70/76 difference was the same back then, 10/70 much more welcoming and 16/76 very "cliquey".

You Probably would know me, as I was the on the board for a few years and the president for two years of 10/70 Ocean State Amateur Radio Group. Had a lot of DX nuts on there and remember when K1MM did the Cliperton Expedition and we all went nuts on 70 trying to coordinante frequencies. Good to hear that callsign again, W1XJ

Chuck N1NA
Capewalk, we probably know each other! I remember working with Dick Bromley on a tower day (me at the bottom) and of course the awful fall he took, at a later date that took him months to recover from. The 70/76 difference was the same back then, 10/70 much more welcoming and 16/76 very "cliquey".

You Probably would know me, as I was the on the board for a few years and the president for two years of 10/70 Ocean State Amateur Radio Group. Had a lot of DX nuts on there and remember when K1MM did the Cliperton Expedition and we all went nuts on 70 trying to coordinante frequencies. Good to hear that callsign again, W1XJ

Chuck N1NA

We do know each other. You owe me a Dick Bash novice code practice tape. LOL. I'll bet you didn't see that coming. Doug

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
We do know each other. You owe me a Dick Bash novice code practice tape. LOL. I'll bet you didn't see that coming. Doug

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

naw, 5 wpm makes me sleepy, your mad because I won the RI CW speed contest at the 76 auction a few years ago! C'mon Doug - admit it!

Actually, as much as enjoy CW, it was getting to be ludicrous making people learn it for their licenses, since even the Navy and Coast Guard don't use it anymore and brings a lot fresh air into the hobby.
naw, 5 wpm makes me sleepy, your mad because I won the RI CW speed contest at the 76 auction a few years ago! C'mon Doug - admit it!

Actually, as much as enjoy CW, it was getting to be ludicrous making people learn it for their licenses, since even the Navy and Coast Guard don't use it anymore and brings a lot fresh air into the hobby.

I'm not at all angry. I lent you my Dick Bash 5 wpm study tape so your wife could go for her novice. You promised you'd get it back to me. Still have it? Doug [rofl]
Jeez, that WAS a long time ago. I remember right after she got her novice, but then never went any further. About a year after I went on a crash diet and lost 135 Lbs of ugly fat, in one day - I divorced her!
naw, 5 wpm makes me sleepy, your mad because I won the RI CW speed contest at the 76 auction a few years ago! C'mon Doug - admit it!

Actually, as much as enjoy CW, it was getting to be ludicrous making people learn it for their licenses, since even the Navy and Coast Guard don't use it anymore and brings a lot fresh air into the hobby.

yup, got my tech and never bothered to go any further because i thought the CW req was bogus, i had no interest in diddah-dittin.... still don't....
then 2m, 440 in my area went to shit and i stopped going to SEMARA meetings thanks to the drama and crotchety old men.....

now if i can just get rid of the crotchety old men at the gun clubs....

thankfully they're a self correcting problem.....
i am young and patient...
yup, got my tech and never bothered to go any further because i thought the CW req was bogus, i had no interest in diddah-dittin.... still don't....
then 2m, 440 in my area went to shit and i stopped going to SEMARA meetings thanks to the drama and crotchety old men.....

now if i can just get rid of the crotchety old men at the gun clubs....

thankfully they're a self correcting problem.....
i am young and patient...

Nice thing about CW, and yes it is not an easy thing to learn, is to be able to communicate with young people, like yourself, in countries that do not have the political permissions nor the money to be able to purchase the equipment to do what what most us in the more "technologicaly advanced countries".A Major PLUS is the Q Signals cross Language Barriers.

I first got my general class a long time ago, and had a lot of fun with the repeaters, etc -gave up all that in 1984, for the same reason - burps, farts, talking on 2 meters to the guy you could see across the road, very cliquey, . I can do that all with email, IM. etc.
Go Lowband SSB, but give a shot at at trying to learn CW. If you love music and rythm, that makes it much easier. - or if you can afford it, SSB DX - CW requires a lot less power.
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If you ask him, my money says that he will self identify as a libertarian type.

He can "self identify" all he wants, but I'm pretty sure he's on the dole, which makes him not much of a libertarian.

Anybody just find it funny that trolling long pre-existed internet forums?

If I meet you in person someday I can tell you all about elite tier trolling we used to do on 11M. Another buddy of mine, and a couple others, we managed to force a couple of child predators off the CB. Pretty much permanently. [rofl]

There isn't to many people left on 11 meters that I started with....it's starting to pick back up.

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