Larry Frisoli @ Woburn Sportsman’s Association - 09/28

Posting his signs at all the gun clubs in MA would be a huge help I would think. That would tell gun owners that don't pay attention to the issues that if it's at a gun club chances are the person is pro-gun.


Great idea! I'll post them in Winchendon and Gardner this week.


OK, I emailed the campaign headquarters a couple of days ago for signs/fliers for the clubs.

Today I got a call on my cell... from LARRY! He's coming to my house on Saturday to drop of signs/bumperstickers/etc.! But before he does that he's going to his place in Royalston to set up his tree stand in a new spot he's been scouting for bow season! Can you imagine Reilly doing that! Or any other politician for that matter? This in no John Kerry trooping through some fields in camo with tags hanging off pretending to have just shot a couple ducks.

Today I planted a bug in the ear of the Braintree R&P Legislative Chairman to invite Frisoli to speak at our next meeting (Oct 16th due to Holiday next week). I expect that Don will call and see if this will be possible. Most of the gun club folks haven't even heard of Frisoli at this point!
Frisoli's campaign seems to be very much like Karen MacNutt's campaign some years ago for AG! No "organized" organization was her downfall and reading posts here that folks called offering help/wanting signs/etc. with no response smells very much the same.

It really is too late (politically-speaking) for him to get the name recognition out there to have a chance of winning. ONLY possible tactic that could help him would be a televised debate between he and Coakley! But to get his name/story out there one club/person at a time when you have 4-5 weeks left is an impossible task.

I was involved in a few campaigns (as a very minor player) but could see "true organization" and "true non-organization":
- Karen MacNutt's campaign - totally disorganized! Most don't know it but she had enough signatures to get herself on the ballot, but no org to get the forms back from the 351 city/town clerks and deliver them to the Sec. of State's Office by the deadline. So she fell short in signatures and was denied a spot on the ballot as the Rep candidate for AG. I've known Karen for 30 years and she and I discussed this after the fact, it was an admitted failure of org.

- Sen. Joanne Sprague for 2 campaigns. Very well organized and she won! She was on the Public Safety Committee and is a staunch 100% gun-owner supporter.

- Rep. Bill Keating, later Senator and now DA. Also very well organized campaign strategy each time.

- Carla Howell's attempts (twice). Very well organized campaign strategy, but being a 3rd party (Lib), she wasn't taken seriously by "the players" and most voters who are trained like Pavlov's Dog to only vote R or D!
Let's not give up hope. Keep promoting Larry and get in there and vote for him. If we give up now we are truly doomed. Onward!!!!!
Jim, sorry but I'm a realist! He stands no chance due to no organization!

Not giving up, I planted the idea of having him address BR&P meeting, but that will only hit 30-40 members. He'll get two votes here. But this won't push him over the top.
Maybe, maybe not. But let's go into the voting booth with vigor and hope. After it's all over we can dissect what happened.
Is there a poll out right now on who is winning for AG? I never even hear about this race in the media. It's always just the governor's office.
Hope you guys don't mind...

I just sent an email to Larry to let him know we're here and volunteering us to help his campaing...

I told him to specify a task for us and we'd try to organize it and get it done.

I hope we're willing...
I did a Google News Search and there is some coverage of the campaign here and there.

One thing you might not have noted Len is that Coakely isn't a household name either. I haven't seen any polls that indicate she's ahead of Larry or by how much. Have you? I wish I could find some kind of polling data.
AG's Race Ads Heat Up
Coakley, Frisoli Vie For Office

POSTED: 5:24 pm EDT September 6, 2006
UPDATED: 5:55 pm EDT September 6, 2006
BOSTON -- Some call the attorney general's office the second most important office in the state. The attorney general has regulatory control over criminal prosecution to utility rates.

NewsCenter 5's Pam Cross reported that longtime prosecutor Martha Coakley, the Democratic front-runner, and Republican Larry Frisoli have sharp differences.

Frisoli said he will tackle any subject. He's a trial lawyer and former city councilor running for attorney general. Among his ideas is to put convicted drug offenders in a registry, even if they're teenagers.

"It should be something which help parents know, particularly in the high schools, who is selling drugs. It is covered up in the juvenile system today, and that is wrong. We have to have a uniform statewide system that monitors the prosecution and investigation of people who molest children," Frisoli said.

Frisoli blasted onto the scene with a radio ad attacking Coakley.

"It took Coakley 18 months to indict a man accused of raping his stepdaughter because he was a big-time corporate vice president," the ad said.

"I don't think it's a negative ad," he said.

Frisoli pledged no personal attacks but said Coakley's office dragged its heels on two cases involving allegations of sexual predators.

"These are existing cases in which the judgment, decisions of when to prosecute or who prosecutes is affected because of political reasons," Frisoli said.

"The ad is incorrect for one thing. There's factual errors in it," Coakley said. "My first priority is to do things correctly and do them well. In two of those cases, we did get indictments, and I believe it was the right call. I am not going to apologize because they took as long as they did. I think we were thorough in them."

Coakley is a longtime prosecutor who is known for high-profile cases. Coakley, who has no Democratic primary opponent, outlined several areas for immediate attention, including regulations that promote the state's economy.

"Protect our consumers and make sure we have fair insurance coverage, for instance, car rates. But we can't do it so much that people won't sell insurance in this state. How do you provide for a bigger playing field for business -- businesses large and small," Coakley said.

Although Coakley is well-known and experienced, Frisoli said don't count him out. He said he will wear out his voice and shoes trying to get support.

No debates between the candidates have been scheduled.
the problem is that almost no-one in MA knows either of them... and unfortunately, most of the morons up here will simply vote for AG along party lines. thus making the (D) the winner.

Now... that is where we can make a reccognition does help.
One thing you might not have noted Len is that Moakely isn't a household name either. I haven't seen any polls that indicate she's ahead of Larry or by how much. Have you? I wish I could find some kind of polling data.

Last I heard, Moakley is still dead! They have a courthouse downtown named for him! [laugh2]

I think that the political pundits know that Coakley is a shoe in and thus aren't spending any political capital on the campaign. She's still seen on TV frequently about this crime or that crime, etc. Frisoli is seen on TV where, when??

When it comes to the polls in November which name is likely to trip "name recognition"?

Edit: I see you caught your error and corrected it. [wink] Couldn't pass on the opportunity however! [smile]
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Well I think I heard a radio ad for Larry and maybe he'll run more TV stuff as we get closer to the election.

I fixed the typo Len you smartass! [laugh]

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