Lauren Boebert goes off on ATF

If she was a teacher, the NES Stud Club would rank her as a guilty 6.

Seriously, she's only in Congress because she was a reasonably attractive bar owner open carrying in Colorado. She's pro-gun, but she's also pro-"Look at meeee!!!!"

That's a brilliant analysis. No joke. Look at Meeeee. She is a class an attention whore.
That's a brilliant analysis. No joke. Look at Meeeee. She is a class an attention whore.
Who would you rather have in congress?

Maybe some old dude, a career politician, voting to ban ICE vehicles, shut down power plants, increase your taxes and restrict your 2A?

Maybe some NES member can step up and put on a serious campaign, you are all super smart, good looking studs that are all about freedom. So, who is stepping up?

NES: "we don't want career politicians"

*Non career politician gets elected*

NES: "f*ck that person, we want a career politician"
Who would you rather have in congress?

Maybe some old dude, a career politician, voting to ban ICE vehicles, shut down power plants, increase your taxes and restrict your 2A?

Maybe some NES member can step up and put on a serious campaign, you are all super smart, good looking studs that are all about freedom. So, who is stepping up?

NES: "we don't want career politicians"

*Non career politician gets elected*

NES: "f*ck that person, we want a career politician"
Congress is a joke and has been for a very long time. I don't care who's in Congress because Congress doesn't care about us and only concentrates on their own enrichment! The US Congress is a dog and pony show and tits and ass don't change that! Dare I say adding the PMS 'look at me' angle only makes the show worse! According to the graph below, most people seem to agree with that most often!!
Congress is a joke and has been for a very long time. I don't care who's in Congress because Congress doesn't care about us and only concentrates on their own enrichment! The US Congress is a dog and pony show and tits and ass don't change that! Dare I say adding the PMS 'look at me' angle only makes the show worse! According to the graph below, most people seem to agree with that most often!!
Highest approval rates around 9/11 and the iraq war beginning. Says a lot about the intelligence of the average american as well
Who would you rather have in congress?

Maybe some old dude, a career politician, voting to ban ICE vehicles, shut down power plants, increase your taxes and restrict your 2A?

Maybe some NES member can step up and put on a serious campaign, you are all super smart, good looking studs that are all about freedom. So, who is stepping up?

NES: "we don't want career politicians"

*Non career politician gets elected*

NES: "f*ck that person, we want a career politician"

You mean our ONLY choices are some guy who wears Depends and her?? What has this Republic come to.

I think there are more than 2 choices. She's a crappy choice. I'm glad it's her and not some Dem, but she's not a good choice.
You mean our ONLY choices are some guy who wears Depends and her?? What has this Republic come to.

I think there are more than 2 choices. She's a crappy choice. I'm glad it's her and not some Dem, but she's not a good choice.
Who is the other choice?

Where is this perfect candidate that not only will look great and have perfect hair, but also be the correct gender, will defend the constitution and fight for smaller government, not bigger, more rights, not less, lower taxes, less spending...

Can you tell me who that person is?
Congress is a joke and has been for a very long time. I don't care who's in Congress because Congress doesn't care about us and only concentrates on their own enrichment! The US Congress is a dog and pony show and tits and ass don't change that! Dare I say adding the PMS 'look at me' angle only makes the show worse! According to the graph below, most people seem to agree with that most often!!
almost any democratically elected body sucks compared to a good king. there is nothing better than the absolutism power - presuming you got a saint for the king who knows how to do everything 'just right'.
the only issue is - good kings are so rare in the human history - we are forced to keep our democratically elected morons as a much lesser evil compared to what dictators do.
almost any democratically elected body sucks compared to a good king. there is nothing better than the absolutism power - presuming you got a saint for the king who knows how to do everything 'just right'.
the only issue is - good kings are so rare in the human history - we are forced to keep our democratically elected morons as a much lesser evil compared to what dictators do.
IMO, the only difference we REALLY have compared to dictators is the face of the head tator changes every 4-8 years.
IMO, the only difference we REALLY have compared to dictators is the face of the head tator changes every 4-8 years.
well, the balance of 3 branches of power still, mostly, works.
all was going actually almost OK here until they started all the tricks with executive orders.

Who is the other choice?

Where is this perfect candidate that not only will look great and have perfect hair, but also be the correct gender, will defend the constitution and fight for smaller government, not bigger, more rights, not less, lower taxes, less spending...

Can you tell me who that person is?

That's not my point. My point is - she can be a better candidate and still a shitty candidate.

Plus, I really don't care WHAT they look like. Let's leave the Hot Stepmom to Pornhub instead of Capitol Hill. LOL

It's like Trump. You can agree with a lot of his positions, be VERY glad he beat Shrillary and sad he lost to Biden but still know and openly admit that he's a crazy megalomaniac. The guy is just bat-poop-crazy. It's OK to say that AND vote for him AND hope he wins when he's the only hope. But he still the-cray-cray and I'd have preferred a dozen other people in 2020 over him running for re-election.
Have to wonder what choices we'll have in the next POTUS election session. Turd taco, shit sammich, or diarrhea soup... IMO, there really are not "great" choices anymore. Or at least there haven't been for many years. Maybe we'll get lucky and have someone who actually believes that the COTUS needs to be upheld, not circumvented by EO's and other BS. I just won't hold my breath on that. With how things have been going, we'll either get another four years of Dementia Joe, KamelToe H will get elected (either will turn the country into an even larger dumpster fire), or some other person will run that's just as bad (if not worse).
Have to wonder what choices we'll have in the next POTUS election session. Turd taco, shit sammich, or diarrhea soup... IMO, there really are not "great" choices anymore. Or at least there haven't been for many years. Maybe we'll get lucky and have someone who actually believes that the COTUS needs to be upheld, not circumvented by EO's and other BS. I just won't hold my breath on that. With how things have been going, we'll either get another four years of Dementia Joe, KamelToe H will get elected (either will turn the country into an even larger dumpster fire), or some other person will run that's just as bad (if not worse).
Because of the sheep, that would make the person unelectable. Sadly! :mad:

Who is the other choice?

Where is this perfect candidate that not only will look great and have perfect hair, but also be the correct gender, will defend the constitution and fight for smaller government, not bigger, more rights, not less, lower taxes, less spending...

Can you tell me who that person is?
Im still willing to run as a woman

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