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This. 18 year marriage with 4 kids and now she's like every other floozy. Another fraud like MTG, once they got near the dicks with power, they hopped right on.Boebert was not emotionally and spiritually prepared for the sudden political life. Her overly dramatic speeches gave the appearance of a junior high girl seeking attention. While I know nothing about her family, i feel for her 4 boys and husband who probably feel like mom lives on another planet.
I am not defending her, I barely follow whatever she says or does ...This. 18 year marriage with 4 kids and now she's like every other floozy. Another fraud like MTG, once they got near the dicks with power, they hopped right on.
I was talking about their marriages. MGTOW should be shredding these whores. They were only with their men until something better came along.I am not defending her, I barely follow whatever she says or does ...
But, look at it like working in a big corporation, a lot of people here work at one. You can't just walk in, start yelling at everyone and change everything, it doesn't work that way, not even for the CEO.
So, I am not sure what people were expecting she would do. The machine is too big, you have to take small wins here and there.
If we're looking for the perfect messiah we can stop looking. I prefer whoever's actually doing what they've been elected to do, regardless of what they look like, or sound like, or do on their own time. I don't disagree that a certain amount of "style" has to be there but we're out of time. The Visigoths are coming over the wall. Boebert was one of just TWENTY house republicans willing to hold up McCarthy's speakership to demand some concessions from him before voting to confirm him as speaker. TWENTY out of TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO republicans in the house!You unfortunately need people like Lauren Boebert now. It's mostly the fault of the 24-hour news cycle constantly beating you over the head with "breaking news" and "this just in." You can't just keep putting up the same boring candidate over and over again. I think Rand Paul is great but that guy couldn't energize a room of coked out chimps. You need someone who's going to fire up the base to go out and vote.
Most New England Republicans are so beaten down and miserable they don't realize that red America loves people like Lauren.
I would go so far as to say that 100% of the women in congress and at least 50% of the men there fit this description...their egos are SO large that they each have their own gravitational pull.If she was a teacher, the NES Stud Club would rank her as a guilty 6.
Seriously, she's only in Congress because she was a reasonably attractive bar owner open carrying in Colorado. She's pro-gun, but she's also pro-"Look at meeee!!!!"
The look she gives when soft restraints are magiacally produced
I've seen that picture comparison but I think the shark picture suits her better.
Creepy that the theater has surveillance cameras (low light capable too) to spy on the audience and that this video of Bobart and her date and what they were doing was released….
View: https://x.com/travis_in_flint/status/1702847564037374463?s=61&t=9_6J4EXn3Cis_SuTHVywHA
There’s not a more staunch 2A conservative in the house.
NES: Screw her.
I’m curious how many people have actually listened to any sort of long form interview or talk of hers.Yet at least 90% of NES would have played with those epic fun bags like mystery man if they had the opportunity.
JFC.......Lets not get led around by nose rings shall we.......
More than 85% of the media are leftist communists in this country.
Boebert has been targeted by the Leftist media as the view her seat as winnable.
In 22 the bulk of attack ads against Boebert by her challenger came from out of CO and will happen again in 24.
The Dems are desperate to take back the house.
The media will do all it can to make it happen.
The media is reporting that Boebert called a women a miserable person.
The media provided no context like perhaps that women flung insults at Boebert nor will they.
Let's not lap up Leftist Propaganda like the last bit of gravy on our plates.
Creepy that the theater has surveillance cameras (low light capable too) to spy on the audience and that this video of Bobart and her date and what they were doing was released….
View: https://x.com/travis_in_flint/status/1702847564037374463?s=61&t=9_6J4EXn3Cis_SuTHVywHA
Such a credible person.....
Lauren Boebert FINALLY apologizes for sleazy behavior that got her kicked out of Beetlejuice musical
Moment Lauren Boebert's 'Democrat' boyfriend fondles her CHEST
Republican firebrand Lauren Boebert has finally apologized for her sleazy behavior during a trip to see Beetlejuice the musical at a Denver theater.www.dailymail.co.uk
Republican firebrand Lauren Boebert has finally apologized for her sleazy behavior during a trip to see Beetlejuice the musical at a Denver theater.
The US Representative, who became a grandma earlier this year aged 36, blamed her divorce and the anxiety of being out in public after she was caught heavy-petting with 'Democrat' boyfriend Quinn Gallagher, waving her hands, singing loudly, using flash photography and vaping.
After being ejected from the show last Sunday, she asked an usher 'Do you know who I am?' and gave a staffer the finger.
Anyone offended by this hasn’t been to the Randolph movie theater latelyThe US Representative, who became a grandma earlier this year aged 36, blamed her divorce and the anxiety of being out in public after she was caught heavy-petting with 'Democrat' boyfriend Quinn Gallagher, waving her hands, singing loudly, using flash photography and vaping.
After being ejected from the show last Sunday, she asked an usher 'Do you know who I am?' and gave a staffer the finger.
The Dems have a realistic shot at retaking the house. The Republican Party is now too fractured and has lost a good part of its base to MAGA.Democrats are hedging their bets that if Trump gets reelected and they take the house, they will impeach him again.
Something something old dog new tricks...they could try governing without favoritism and honesty.
There was a time where representatives represented the people and weren't always trying to enrich themselves.
Point me to a better alternative in her district and I’m all for it. Politicians are all sleeze bags. Her giving a Democrat a rub n tug is more disqualifying than anything else.