Lauren Boebert goes off on ATF


Is that elbow too pointy ???
Goes off. Gets off. She still looks like a MILF porn actress. Not that there's anything wrong with that. And her brain is pretty tiny. She did NOT Kamala her way to her position, but her looks and sparky attitude far outweighed her Mensa application with voters. And can turn on her if she's not careful - aka Squad Squids getting chunked as well. (I'd take her over AOC but both would have to be muzzled. ROFL!)
"Shocking photos!"

It's amazing how the media is just stunned at this. OMG its a white chic with a body tattoo! So revealing, so edgy! This is their news?? I wouldn't care if she was a democrat.

After 4 kids and grandma-status, you gotta give her credit for having the guts to pull off that inkwork. She's P90Xing every day. Meanwhile other women have 1 kid and it's an automatic ticket to 200lbs.
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