LCP Ammo

Jan 28, 2009
Very southern NH
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Hey, what's in your LCP?

I carry my LCP for time when I can't carry anything bigger. My usual defense gun is a 1911 Officers but sometimes the little disappearing LCP makes sense. Ruger recommends against the use of +P ammo (anything over 21,500psi) in the LCP. When I'm at the range, I usually shoot FMJ ball, but when I carry, I usually use PMC Starfire ammo. Any defensive 380 ammo I look at doesn't list what the chamber pressure is, only the muzzle velocity. SAAMI doesn't list standards for the 380 +P.

So LCP owners, what is your recommended carry round?
I have found that 102 grain Remington Golden Saber has proven to be, hands down the most effective round out of the P3at's and LCP's after lots of testing by both myself, and every comparison I have read both in print and on line.
Ditto, shoots good too (from my PPK)

Yup, Critical Defense fed great in my ppk/s. Just try and get recent production as the old ones seem to suffer from hard primers. If you do get an old batch, Hornady will take care of you. They did for me ... great customer service! Great round.
Mine has eaten everything I've fed it so far, no problems. Right now the only HP .380 rounds I have are Winchester Rangers. They're so hard to find I don't want to shoot 'em up!
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