Local Police to use FRB lists to arrest gun owners?

I don't know man, they mostly seem just a pissed about this as we do from reading the thread.

Yeah most of the posters there seem to view Healy and this move unfavorably, to say the least.
You do have to wonder though - similar to NES - what percentage of cops participate in that forum and is it a representative sample?
X% of cops will absolutely jam you up, take your rifle, etc., if you get noticed by them. I don't know what X is. I do know it's not zero. be very concerned about any interaction with police so long as one is in possession of a gun that is now declared illegal and a felony violation of the Mass AWB. So, cops are very much the problem.

Direct quote from her highness' press conference;
“…will not be applied to possession, ownership or transfer of an Assault weapon obtained prior to July 20, 2016.”

Why all this anti-cop hatred? The AG just basically declared to the WORLD that individuals with LTC's and in legal possession prior to last Wednesday are grandfathered. (for now)
So a gun is similar if it's similar....and we shouldn't go looking for trouble? Christ dude, if this doesn't get you worked up what will?

The AG's assertion will be tested as some point, or the legislature will amend the laws.
Getting worked up does nothing except raise your blood pressure.
The AG's assertion will be tested as some point, or the legislature will amend the laws.
Getting worked up does nothing except raise your blood pressure.

It will be tested, she's already said as much. Unfortunately that means some poor bastard is going to go for a ride in the back seat of a cruiser. It's not anti-cop to acknowledge that.
Direct quote from her highness' press conference;
“…will not be applied to possession, ownership or transfer of an Assault weapon obtained prior to July 20, 2016.”

Why all this anti-cop hatred? The AG just basically declared to the WORLD that individuals with LTC's and in legal possession prior to last Wednesday are grandfathered. (for now)

Think it through. Just as an example, say you are on the way to the range and get pulled over. For any number of reasons the cop sees your AK or AR-15. He knows that gun is illegal to possess in Mass (according to the AG). Now what? You may be able to show, at some point, that you acquired the gun prior to 7/20, maybe. What happens until then?

More broadly, Healey is a politician in an office. Her decrees are pointless without police willing to make them reality. Felons are on one side and cops are on the other. Healey just made most gun owners in Mass felons. Now what side are you on?
Direct quote from her highness' press conference;
“…will not be applied to possession, ownership or transfer of an Assault weapon obtained prior to July 20, 2016.”

Why all this anti-cop hatred? The AG just basically declared to the WORLD that individuals with LTC's and in legal possession prior to last Wednesday are grandfathered. (for now)

It isn't specifically directed at LEO, it is directed at the creation, existence, and enforcement of different classes of citizens in this state. Equal rights and equal protection under the law do not exist in the commonwealth: LEO have more rights (now quite literally) than does any other citizen and what is worse, they don't even lose those rights when they retire!!!
Yep, equal protection means jack shit in MA. So much for MA being a "progressive" state protecting rights. If you are a Christian, white, heterosexual male, you are screwed.

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Has this ever happened (cop at a range) to anyone prior to 7/20?

Do local LEOs have access to the FRB list of firearms? It's rumored some can't even see if you have an active LTC.

They know from running your drivers license if you have an LTC I know this first hand. My wife who had her LTC application in found a young child wandering around with no parents in sight. She called the Saugus PD and when they arrived they asked for her ID and the police officer said Oh you have your LTC? and that was weeks before her license was mailed.
There were no "cops" on that stage with her. Only 1 Chief, Brooks from Norwood trying for his moment in the political spotlight. People should flood norwood town hall with complaints. I'm sure they'd rather have their c.o.p. in town leading his department than milling around a stage for a press release in boston.

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You need to look up some new optics. Do you think this dude is also a rogue politician?
For any number of reasons the cop sees your AK or AR-15. He knows that gun is illegal to possess in Mass (according to the AG). Now what?

It's not just AKs and ARs. A newspeak assault weapon is anything "similar," and according to the AG's guidance similar means similar. Crystal clear right?
I think the next step will be to scare the in state gun clubs into prohibiting AR & AK's. Wouldn't take much with some of the FUDD clubs.

It will be critical for us to be engaged at our local clubs to ensure this won't happen. Everyone needs to get off their ass and participate in club meetings. Don't let a few nervous Nellies decide the fate of your club.
Which is why, if they do come for them, it will be flashbangs and SWATT teams at 2am. primed to shoot anything that blinks. Overwhelming force and MA storage laws. I wonder how many could even get a shot off if they wanted to. If you are actually obeying the storage laws it's doubtful you'll even see one of your rifles before they get to you.

That is a huge part of the problem when it comes to fighting it. I mean actually "fighting". There is no body of the enemy to attack. This isn't a potential force or force confrontation. Like at the bundy ranch where you had a group that may or may not be engaging another group. In the incremental confiscation case there is no one to back your play. It's just you against 5-6 guys w/ select fire weapons in a room full of teargas and smoke. It won't go down like a militia group fighting the big bad gov army. It will just be one or two at a time. A couple homes a night, whatever.

After the first one or two people try to stand up and get themselves killed, along with their dogs and maybe a family member or two, that will be that. This isn't a fight you'll will win. Not that way. You'll just be posumously named a domestic terrorist tea party libertarian, whatever. Just some lone gun nut trying to keep his baby killers.

Until people get organized into groups and consolidate their forces into a group that can't be ignored by the media. A group the PD would have to meet force on force. You don't have a chance. It can't be won through conflict on an individual basis. Of course that leaves the problem of, jobs, families, trying to get organized and not infiltrated by LEOs/feds., etc...

Somewhere along the way we seem to have forgotten just how important the first part of that amendment is. Opting instead for a myopic focus on the latter half. One DOES NOT WORK without the other.

Make sure you have surveillance set up all around the perimeter of your home I prefer POE cameras myself that way there if I'm in any part of the home I can see everything using my Iphone, even when I'm out and about, make sure you have cameras with trip alarms as well. And above all a good dog, be it a 100 pound'er or an ankle biter a dog will hear what you don't. These are good precautions to take, and there are many others such as reinforcing the door jambs and putting security film on your windows which makes them unable to break without a major effort.

Of course a lot of these precautions should be made either way weather confiscation happens or not, at least these upgrades give you a sense of security.
Make sure you have surveillance set up all around the perimeter of your home I prefer POE cameras myself that way there if I'm in any part of the home I can see everything using my Iphone, even when I'm out and about, make sure you have cameras with trip alarms as well. And above all a good dog, be it a 100 pound'er or an ankle biter a dog will hear what you don't. These are good precautions to take, and there are many others such as reinforcing the door jambs and putting security film on your windows which makes them unable to break without a major effort.

Of course a lot of these precautions should be made either way weather confiscation happens or not, at least these upgrades give you a sense of security.

Unfortunately, the only thing all of that is going to get you is a dead dog in addition to flashbangs in your child's crib.
Think it through. Just as an example, say you are on the way to the range and get pulled over. For any number of reasons the cop sees your AK or AR-15. He knows that gun is illegal to possess in Mass (according to the AG).

More broadly, Healey is a politician in an office. Her decrees are pointless without police willing to make them reality. Felons are on one side and cops are on the other. Healey just made most gun owners in Mass felons. Now what side are you on?

When I'm on the way ANYWHERE with my AR (or any firearm) in my car, NOBODY is going to be able to observe it, much less easily remove it either. Arguably the gun is NOT ILLEGAL cuz I had it before JULY 20th. No road cop is going to do anything right now about this. They're doing the wait and see like most everybody else.

I'm on the law n' order side. PARTICIPATING by signing petitions, sending e-mails, making calls, and will attend hearings and rallies as they come up in the future. Also have sworn to defend the constitution more times than most folks too. You're being motivated by fear more than reason it seems. This must be fought in the legislative branch, and not amongst ourselves...............
When I'm on the way ANYWHERE with my AR (or any firearm) in my car, NOBODY is going to be able to observe it, much less easily remove it either. Arguably the gun is NOT ILLEGAL cuz I had it before JULY 20th. No road cop is going to do anything right now about this. They're doing the wait and see like most everybody else.

I'm on the law n' order side. PARTICIPATING by signing petitions, sending e-mails, making calls, and will attend hearings and rallies as they come up in the future. Also have sworn to defend the constitution more times than most folks too. You're being motivated by fear more than reason it seems. This must be fought in the legislative branch, and not amongst ourselves...............

Who says a cop actually has to see anything?

And for the record I'm not anti cop, and I don't believe that the majority (even the vast majority) would pull anything. However, all it takes is one. Are you sure there isn't one cop in all of MA who's eager or dumb enough to try it? Not one?
Direct quote from her highness' press conference;
“…will not be applied to possession, ownership or transfer of an Assault weapon obtained prior to July 20, 2016.”

Why all this anti-cop hatred? The AG just basically declared to the WORLD that individuals with LTC's and in legal possession prior to last Wednesday are grandfathered. (for now)

Why? My personal conversation with a local officer was along the lines of he gets to interpret the laws in such a manner that we both get to explain it before a judge where he gets paid OT and how much do I get paid to lose my guns and sit in court?

Also, you left out the decree where she gets to change the rules at any time in the future - After what she just pulled do you trust her not to jack you up?
First, the Boston Chief and the other guys in no way shape or form speak for the rank and file officers. They are and always have been Democrat political puppets. So those are not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about the average officers.

And no cop is gonna show up in uniform. Why would they? Showing up at a political event representing the department tends to be frowned upon regardless of the event.

This right here. A lot of chiefs and department higher ups are basically politicians in a police uniform. They are appointed by town/city governments and haven't been a police officer for years.

I'd have to look it up for the exact phrasing but it is in our policies and procedures, that we are prohibited from wearing our uniforms to events that are not authorized by the agency. Showing up to a political rally on the other side of the state in uniform would mean disciplinary action, public crucifixion, etc.

I want to touch on a few other things that have been brought up in this thread.

It's easy to just blanket all LEO's calling us unintelligent, but the fact is we discuss this stuff on a daily basis in between shooting dogs and other jack booted things. The majority of MASS LEO's think this is unconstitutional and have no intention of jacking people up on horse crap. We have discussed what would happen if there were directives to confiscate guns. Based on these discussions, I don't know who the AG would send to boot the proverbial doors cause most of us would be home behind our own doors.

Contrary to what the "more protecting and serving" thread shows the majority of police officers get into this line of work in order to have a positive impact in their community. I said it in my interview, and have acted accordingly in my career. I have been on interview boards and I've seen people give the same answer, get hired, and act accordingly as well. The one good thing to come out of the civil service process is that towns are hiring police who live in the communities they work in. They're not out there to crap where they eat. Yes, bad stuff still happens and ends up on youtube, and guys get canned before all the facts are in. That is still the exception not the rule. It's not about getting a gun and badge, you can get that on the internet.

Do you seriously think that hundreds of thousands of men and women make the choice to work in law enforcement to wear a gun to work? Everyone knows going into this career that they have to sacrifice nights, weekends, and holidays. All the while being blasted by the media cause some cop 1,000 miles away makes a bad decision, but he wears the same uniform as you so your on his team. Carrying a gun at work obviously makes up the difference. Or maybe it's because they actually believe in serving their community.

If the "go time" that everyone loves to fantasize about ever happens, pensions and job security will be the last thing on any LEO's mind. They will be home with their families like everyone else on this board.
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