LTC now required to buy books

Bass pro has been like that from day one. Policy vs actual law
Was LTC’d for a set of dies YEARS ago.
f*** bass pro and cabela’s too
I had not bought from cabelas since they stopped shipping the black powder kits from the catalogs. That was forever ago!

A Cabelas cashier tried pulling the LTC needed to pass go shit on me to buy an empty plastic MTM ammo can carrier set. I put up a big stink telling them a license is not needed for a piece of plastic. Line backed up as I stood my ground and the weekend warriors with their Igloos in the carriages were irritated. Finally the manager came over and had to bypass the register crap.

No LtC required for gun socks and black powder pistols at the time.

I just order the die sets off Midway
I was carded for a brass checker about 2 years ago. Asked for the manager and had a polite conversation. He apologized a million times and said it was policy. Not his fault he’s just following orders. But I thought they stopped it for things like this and just carded for ammo and really nasty stuff. Apparently it’s back. I go there to train my dogs, if I see something that interests me I buy it. 20 minutes from my house and Starbuck across the way! Hard be beat.
So you're ok being a communist, just as long as it's not inconvenient?
I bought a Lee Reloading Book at Bass Pro Shop in Foxboro yesterday and the cashier made me show my LTC. I said “An LTC for what? A book?”. She said, “Yup. Anything gun related now”. Anyone else experience this?
It’s like they don’t want real customers, just city slicker looky loos!!

We take the kids to hooksett BPS every year for the free Santa picture. I’ll usually grab a few things but not much, it’s all junk. And they were the closest place to get a replacement outboard fuel hose (with the correct connections already on the hose) on a Saturday when Friday of a long boating weekend the fuel hose got closed in a cabinet door and sprung a leak….

But why shop there??
I bought a Lee Reloading Book at Bass Pro Shop in Foxboro yesterday and the cashier made me show my LTC. I said “An LTC for what? A book?”. She said, “Yup. Anything gun related now”. Anyone else experience this?
Well, in their defense, did the book have sharp edges?
Its not the person behind the registers fault. ANY item that comes out of firearms dept. is in their system as needing an ltc. Some of the clerks are clueless about mass. laws and are just sheep doing what they're told to do. I got one clerk who told me some of them are smart enough to just bypass the ltc bullshit, but others are just clueless. Same thing happened to me at a grocery store when i bought a six pack of BUD ZERO. No alcohol in this beer. 0%. Clerk wanted an i.d. I said what for, there's no alcohol in this stuff. Same story as above. Everything coming out of liquor dept. gets scanned as needing id. Manager just told her to ring it up..........Im not going to inconvenience myself just over some stupid inventory bullshit. Deal with it...
Bass Pro/Cabelas are the Walmart of the outdoor and shooting world. I avoid both like the plague. Most of their goods are cheaply made Chicom junk sold at exorbitant prices. I don’t need their shit camo for hunting, I just wear earth tones.
And you still paid for it after that? I would have at least asked to talk to a manager 1st.
No point in being a Karen about it and wasting more time to prove a point that won't make a damn difference.

At this point, complaining about Bass Pro / Cabelas in MA is like going to Walmart and complaining about the old person checking receipts.

You know it will happen, you put yourself in that situation, now deal with it.

It is common knowledge that Bass Pro/Cabelas has gone full retard a long time ago. You can't buy a plastic box without an LTC.
And you still paid for it after that? I would have at least asked to talk to a manager 1st.

Oh I'd make a book-burning stink the likes of which retail in mASS would not believe. A bunch of BPS customers and book-burning??? It would look ugly for them.

Although, I'd also not buy anythign gun related from them anyhow. So there's that. I mean, maybe if I decided to get into duck hunting and wanted to peruse the decoy section. Otherwise, I'll all set.

It's a long con.

The store is hoping that outraged gun owners will flock to them in order to buy books or non "scary" but gun related supplies, expecting to get to the register and then instead of being "carded", she asks for payment. Now you look like an a** if you walk out, instead of them, so there's good odds you grumble and complete the sale. Pretty slick idea, actually.

Or, the chica at the register is an anti and was making up stuff at random to suit her own agenda...

Yeah. They'll make hundreds off of that con. LOL

Anyone consider this.....

This may not be an intentional attack on your 2a rights

It's easier to train the low hanging fruit that run registers at big box stores to "ask for ltc on anything gun related" vs. Spend time training them on what actually does and does not require an ltc.

No doubt. But c'mon. This is just stupid. Someone let the paranoid attorney make corporate decisions again.

OTOH, there are two men in federal prison because they printed a not-to-scale photo of an auto-sear on a piece of metal. Not perforated. Not to scale. A picture. Federal jail. So we're at least in the REALM of having someone convicted of possessing something.

Listening to a podcast on The Empire State Bldg. They harkened back to the Pullman strike of 189x. Basically, Pullman had his workers live in his town, buy his stuff, worship at HIS church and could not congregate or publish papers. They were effectively slaves. 130 years ago, we had a situation where civil rights did NOT exist if you were just a regular working-class slob. (And we wonder why unions got so strong.) The fight for our civil rights is constant. Someone is ALWAYS looking to put you down.

(I don't think Pullman was a scumbag. In his time, workers were chattel. Sub-human. That's how "society" saw the world. He didn't set out to kill them and cause them ruin. It was just part of normal business. He was just exceptional at causing them ruin. Again, hence how unions were created in the first place.)

Well, in their defense, did the book have sharp edges?

"It could break the skin and cause a bad infection!" LOL
And over 10 pages, high capacity book with a folding cover...
Full auto, bump stock fingers, rapid page flip assist:
F the MA locations, in NH you save the sales tax and they actually mention that they have a discounts for past/present first responders/LEO military. Over all, I save about 20% up there.
Well, in their defense, did the book have sharp edges?
There defense is you live in a shitty state. They are doing what is required in your state. Anything that says gun, ammo, etc, they ask for a license. It's not the cashier or managers fault. They are doing what they are told. They could go line by line and allow items to not need to see your license. Why should they? People bitch about going out of state to buy 30 round mags and get carded. What business wants to be the first to get sued by the state of Massachusetts? Some of you say they won't. How do you know? Is anyone here willing to put up $100,000+ to test that theory?
Is this what the left calls book banning?

The call book banning when a limited spaced school library doesn't carry LGBTQIA books, so demanding ID for a book is also book banning, IMO.
I recall the long-ago post here by someone trying to buy the coffee mug with a handle shaped like the grip of a gun. Yup, BP/Cabela's required a MA Resident LTC. Another post here some time ago, a NR was denied sale of an empty ammo can because they can't sell to a NR even if the NR holds a MA NR LTC!

It's BP lawyers who make those rules. It's not even the MA AG mandating that crap.
It's easier to train the low hanging fruit that run registers at big box stores to "ask for ltc on anything gun related" vs. Spend time training them on what actually does and does not require an ltc.
As a big box store, it's not up to the cashier. When they scan certain items, the ID check will pop up, and it's not normally within the cashier's power to override.

Just wait, pretty soon the national chains - Dick's, Bass Pro, Cabela's, etc. will just stop selling anything gun related in Mass - ass - achusetts thanks to their legal departments.
Back when Dick's went FR, I remember someone on this forum telling the story of his teenage son being denied purchase of a rifle case as a gift for his father (the poster).

Same thing happened to me at a grocery store when i bought a six pack of BUD ZERO. No alcohol in this beer. 0%. Clerk wanted an i.d. I said what for, there's no alcohol in this stuff.
That might actually be state law. In NH, low- or zero-alcohol beer is still a "malt beverage", and is only for sale to 21+. I know, it's ridiculous.
On Black Friday, they had a 22lr ammo special for 6 cents a round so I bought some. I wasn’t asked for my LTC. As I was leaving the register the manager came over and asked the cashier if the id check popped up yet. It obviously hadn’t. It was a new SKU that wasn’t in as an ID item yet. Manager said they needed to fix that right away.
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