LTC now required to buy books

I bought a Lee Reloading Book at Bass Pro Shop in Foxboro yesterday and the cashier made me show my LTC. I said “An LTC for what? A book?”. She said, “Yup. Anything gun related now”. Anyone else experience this?
If that's store policy, and not just a retarded clerk, I'll never go there again and cut up my Bass credit card
I bought a Lee Reloading Book at Bass Pro Shop in Foxboro yesterday and the cashier made me show my LTC. I said “An LTC for what? A book?”. She said, “Yup. Anything gun related now”. Anyone else experience this?
No effin way!

I would hope you told them "Showing an LTC is not required", and if the cashier pushed their stupidity, you asked for a manager. And if they went 'tard you asked them to show you the MA law that states it as such.
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Bought ammo at Bass Pro in Texas, didn’t have to present any ID. It’s Massachusetts not Bass Pro Issue
Same here in FL. Forgot to buy some shells for Sporting Clays the other day. As much as I hate bps they were right off the highway on the way there.

No ID. Think they only check it if you look under 18.
Its not the person behind the registers fault. ANY item that comes out of firearms dept. is in their system as needing an ltc. Some of the clerks are clueless about mass. laws and are just sheep doing what they're told to do. I got one clerk who told me some of them are smart enough to just bypass the ltc bullshit, but others are just clueless. Same thing happened to me at a grocery store when i bought a six pack of BUD ZERO. No alcohol in this beer. 0%. Clerk wanted an i.d. I said what for, there's no alcohol in this stuff. Same story as above. Everything coming out of liquor dept. gets scanned as needing id. Manager just told her to ring it up..........Im not going to inconvenience myself just over some stupid inventory bullshit. Deal with it...
F that, I walk.

Ever buy a gun from Cabelas? Besides the Fed and MIRCS, they do their own “corporate background check”. Longest process ever to buy a milsurp at the store. They had a shipment of SKS’s and they freaking removed all of the bayos.
I bought a reloading manual a few days at Cabela's in Hudson and didn't have to show an LTC. Maybe it's whatever the cashier thinks it is. Is this just a Ma thing?
If it makes you feel better, I was carded for buying a bottle olive oil at Trader Joe’s in Foxboro the other day.
Companies can't find anyone to work, so they're hiring anyone who is breathing. You're expecting clerks to be able to think, and that is no longer the case. Too many of them are morons. You need to deal with them as if you are dealing with a mentally retarded chimp, who has been on a banana bender for the past week.
Where else do you shop for hunting stuff?
Anywhere else.

And you can buy reloading manuals from countless other places (like Brownells and MidwayUSA). Furthermore, why buy a reloading manual instead of just checking the data on the powder manufacturers web site?
Bass Pro/Cabelas are the Walmart of the outdoor and shooting world. I avoid both like the plague. Most of their goods are cheaply made Chicom junk sold at exorbitant prices. I don’t need their shit camo for hunting, I just wear earth tones.
Actually it's reached the point where one can buy better utility gear at Walmart. CaBasspro has cheap toy level crap.
The cash register droids are required to ask that, just look at their cash register screen when they ask you that and they tell the droid to ask for it. They’re not gonna lose their job just because you’ve made a stand at the register.
And you still paid for it after that? I would have at least asked to talk to a manager 1st.
What for?

Do you think the manager will stand up against the corporate oppression and tell all his cashiers to stop asking for LTC?

Do you think the Manager will go back to his office and write corporate an Email telling them how one customer wasn't happy and corporate will give a sh*t?

The best you can do is stop supporting them. Anything else you are just wasting your time.
No point in being a Karen about it and wasting more time to prove a point that won't make a damn difference.

At this point, complaining about Bass Pro / Cabelas in MA is like going to Walmart and complaining about the old person checking receipts.

You know it will happen, you put yourself in that situation, now deal with it.

It is common knowledge that Bass Pro/Cabelas has gone full retard a long time ago. You can't buy a plastic box without an LTC.
I like trying to find the most rediculous thing theyll ask to see an ltc for

ETA: I go there like once a year now to buy my dad shoes
What for?

Do you think the manager will stand up against the corporate oppression and tell all his cashiers to stop asking for LTC?

Do you think the Manager will go back to his office and write corporate an Email telling them how one customer wasn't happy and corporate will give a sh*t?

The best you can do is stop supporting them. Anything else you are just wasting your time.
Mainly to waste their time and/or get the book without showing the id. Maybe not even pay for it at that point!
If we are going to bash Bass Pro, I'll join in. Bought a cheap safe to keep in the barn for a cheap 22 and shotgun. Got an email saying the biometrics is allowing kids to get into the safes and to smash the finger print thingy and they would send me a whole new safe. Fine, I can still use the key and the finger print thingy really sucked anyway. I get my "new safe"and the packaging was horrible it had damage all over along with some internal damage that I can fix. So they send me a third safe and it's damaged as well. Lol, they said they can't send a safe without damage. Now I have 3 safes, all are functional except the one I had to smash the key pad (works with keys though). Actually, I sort of happy with them I bought 1 and got two for free.
I would have told her where to put the book. BTW, purchased a BG 2.0 on Sat up here. I have to wait until tomorrow to shoot myself with it. [laugh]
This ☝️. I’m going to be a pain in their asses about this. I’m thinking the best way to address this is to have a bunch of people go in and grab something gun related and, when carded, just leave it at the register. It has to be a conga line. Each person should congregate just past the point of purchase and then one spokesman ask for the manager. I don’t know if it’ll work but it will certainly be worth doing.
No offense but no. Fill up a shopping cart and hand them the book after everything else has been rung up. Then tell them to f*** off when they ask for your LTC and walk out
Just wait, pretty soon the national chains - Dick's, Bass Pro, Cabela's, etc. will just stop selling anything gun related in Mass - ass - achusetts thanks to their legal departments.

yup this will be it, they have already installed all the glass cases in Foxboro and put the shells in there, haven't locked them yet but figure that's the next step.

All the more reason to shop local
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