LTC Question

Oct 7, 2006
Western Sociachusetts
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I have been waiting for about a month and a week now, and I finally got fed up with waiting and decided to call the CHSB to see what was up. Well the guy at the CHSB said that they hadn't recieved the paperwork yet for my license but had me on file. I called my police station and the issuing officer is on vacation until the 14th. Did anyone have the same problem or have any advice on what to do. I am stopping by the station tomorrow to see if I can get any answers, but otherwise I am assuming I am SOL until he gets back, hopefully not. Do they send them out once they hit a certain number of people or what? I also thought it was all online and there was no "paper work" really needed except fingerprint cards and etc.
Be patient

Mine took nearly six months and I'm in a friendly town...sometimes the local PD saves them up and sends them in at one time. There are all kinds of delays and reasons for the delays. It is basically not their priority.
It will come
Thanks for the replies, I JUST WANT IT haha, I am still goign to stop by and ask them what is going on. Maybe I can convince them to just give it to me and I can drive to Chelsea myself.
I do have to give kudos to Somerville. They won't give you an ALP first time out unless you know somebody, but they do get your license to you within the legally prescribed 40 days...

As far as the CHSB, they get blamed for EVERYTHING. It's good you called, but be careful you don't tick off the issuing officer if the CHSB gets on his/her butt- it only takes the stroke of a pen to write "Sporting and Target" instead of "All Lawful Purposes" (I'm not even going to mention the "B" letter... [rolleyes] )

Hang in there and let us know how it goes!
Oh yea I realize that of course, I def. don't want to sound like a day-before-christmas shopper, walking in there and demanding answers. I just would friendly ask hows the process going? The main reason I am getting a little impatient is because of last Tuesday's results...
As far as the CHSB, they get blamed for EVERYTHING. It's good you called, but be careful you don't tick off the issuing officer if the CHSB gets on his/her butt- it only takes the stroke of a pen to write "Sporting and Target" instead of "All Lawful Purposes" (I'm not even going to mention the "B" letter...

CHSB does NOT determine the restrictions, if any; the licensing authority does.
Wanna hear a shocker? Boston issued my license in 18 days.

It was at my door 26 days after I completed the application.
Wanna hear a shocker? Boston issued my license in 18 days.

It was a good thing I was sitting down when I read that. wow....

iodonnel - just be patient. It will come through eventually. Call when the licensing officer is back from vaca. and nicely ask what the status is. You're not the first this has happened to and you most certainly won't be the last.
I didn't say that the CHSB did. If you re-read my original post, I said that if the CHSB gets on the issuing officer's butt it may tick him/her off enough to tweek a license (in a bad way). [wink]

Ah, I see your distinction. Thank you for the clarification.

It has been my experience that CHSB does not contact the LO; it simply implements orders to rescind, revoke or restore licenses or issue new ones.
Haha, so much to choose, and I am only in Mass, I am going to stick with the local and employer and buy a S&W. I just picked it up today a brand new S&W 1911PD Gunsite Edition. LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT and TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT is all I have to say. 26.3 ounces without the 9 rounds of .45!!
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