m16 vs AC556

Jan 13, 2010
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I am thinking about these two guns. I know a bunch about the m16 and not so much about the ac556 other than it is way cheaper. Anyone want to weigh in here.
I'll weigh,

The AC556 is not a combat gun, its a casual shooter and built to sit in the rack of a police cruiser and look good. The barrel is pencil thin and probably one of the worst mistakes Ruger ever made in their history of making guns, when a little heavier barrel woud have greatly improved this gun's performance and durability.

It takes proprietary mags that are expensive and getting somewhat hard to find although I think a new batch of 20rd mags recently hit the market for reasonable money.

Its not anywhere near as accurate as an M16, and cannot be caliber changed like the M16. Its a single caliber gun

It experiences muzzle climb and can be difficult to tame for a new shooter.

Parts and service are strictly Ruger, whereas an M16, the world is flooded with parts and service

I can live with all of the above, I've got other MGs I like better and shoot more

I bought and currently own one and I bought it several years ago for the same reason you post above, $$$ The price of M16s were rising fast at the time and I wanted an intermediate cartridge MG, this was the cheapest thing at the time so I snatched it up. No regrets.

Pros: I already own it and its long since paid for. I have all the mags I need so buying anymore isn't a problem.

What are you looking for and what is your budget?
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If you can afford the 16, get the 16. You can do so much more with a 16 than an AC556. If you can't afford the 16, save up more and buy one. If you are impatient buy the AC, its not a bad gun, certainly not a bad step up from a MAC or similar "entry level MG", but its no M16 (see finalygotabeltfed's post)...
Then maybe consider an FN FNC??

Excellent suggestion. Considering the budget limits, the FNC seems a very viable option. The only downside, as I see it, is that the FNC eliminates the mag issue (takes STANAG mags), but there is a concern about parts availability. I have a semi FNC, and am not overly concerned with the parts issue, but perhaps a heavily used auto FNC would be more prone to breakage.

Last time I checked, you get get a full auto FNC for about $7500.00. Not bad at all.

I opted for a non-Colt M16 (Sendra receiver) and paid a hair over $10K for it. If you can find a similar option, it may suit your wishes better, if you are looking for the flexibility that the M16 offers in terms of modifications.

What I really want is a Thompson. I've been looking for one ever since I got my green card 3 years ago. But I can't find one worth owning for under 18K. So I have been thinking about getting a AC556 to go with my pre-ban mini, but I haven't seen a lot of them around either.
What I really want is a Thompson. I've been looking for one ever since I got my green card 3 years ago. But I can't find one worth owning for under 18K. So I have been thinking about getting a AC556 to go with my pre-ban mini, but I haven't seen a lot of them around either.

If you haven't found one worth owning under 18k by now, chances are you won't.

Curious as to what is the criteria you consider worth owning? I've seen some pretty nice ones out there in recent times(within the past couple of years), ones I'd have jumped on if I didn't already own one.

Also, I'm sure you know that all Thompson SMGs are now C&R guns and that adds somewhat to the prices they command on the market.
I'm in the same boat. M16, ac556 and FNC. I hate the idea of spending 15k on a MG though.

Another potential advantage of the FNC route is that is you start with a semi, and later add the sear, you can break up the cost over time (buy the rifle for about 3,500 and when you are ready, buy the sear and have it installed for about the same).
Another potential advantage of the FNC route is that is you start with a semi, and later add the sear, you can break up the cost over time (buy the rifle for about 3,500 and when you are ready, buy the sear and have it installed for about the same).

I'm currently doing exactly this. Have the FNC semi, sear paperwork is at the ATF, identified person to do the conversion.
Given the choice unless you already have the M16 get the m16! Reasons well parts for one. The big reason is versatility. I have uppers for my m16 in 22lr .45 .40 9mm .50 wolf and a few in 5.56. I had one in 10mm but it never ran good.
I can tell you where there is a Colt m16 complete lower for sale in Mass, it looks like it has never been mated to an upper . I think the price is 18k
Just for your reference, I was looking for a while, and finally decided to get two instead of one MG. I'm still waiting for the transfer to go through, but I got a mini-MAC 380 in great condition and a AC556 with semi, burst, FA. Both for $12k. Leaves me alot for the ammo since the mac will empty a 32 round mag in <2 seconds.

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Just for your reference, I was looking for a while, and finally decided to get two instead of one MG. I'm still waiting for the transfer to go through, but I got a mini-MAC 380 in great condition and a AC556 with semi, burst, FA. Both for $12k. Leaves me alot for the ammo since the mac will empty a 32 round mag in <2 seconds.
Problem with the West Hurley guns is that sooner or later the cocking knob will come off the actuator. It is separate part which is peened on. Also, some crack at the tail end of the receiver. Be careful. My 1928 is a Savage and the actuator and knob are machined from a solid steel bar. It came with a horizontal fore end which I replaced with a vertical grip. A $500 post sample at the time, so I can't really bitch about the lack of a comp or better sights. Jack.
Well I tell you. I have decided to sell my Sendra RR M16 as I just don't shoot it anymore and need the dough for home improvements so I'm gonna be listing it on the boards this weekend. But I am keeping my Ruger 13 inch shorty. I just love that gun so much. As much as I like the 16 I am gonna offload that and keep the AC. Something about how the rugers feel, shoot and handle have made them my fav since the early 80s. Feed them good factory mags and they run like tops. I'll miss the sendra 16 but I'd miss my ruger more.
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we need a new bathroom in our house as well as some other upgrades. At 40 years old I need to take care of real BUSINESS and give the toys a rest for once in my life.
like I said... I dont shoot it and still have the AC556 and thats my passion and baby. I have sold many things over the years in my 20s and 30s (guns and guitars) and regretted many of them. This one is a well thought through decision and nesessity.

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