SBR Build - completed rifle vs stripped receiver

Feb 20, 2013
Sunshine state
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Are there any issues with using an existing completed AR type lower that's FA10'd as a rifle already?

What are the pros and cons of registering a completed assembled rifle and changing to a short barrel after receiving the Form1 stamp approval, VS using a stripped receiver and building from scratch and then submit the MA FA-10?
Are there any issues with using an existing completed AR type lower that's FA10'd as a rifle already?

What are the pros and cons of registering a completed assembled rifle and changing to a short barrel after receiving the Form1 stamp approval, VS using a stripped receiver and building from scratch and then submit the MA FA-10?

If you are filling out a Form 1 individual or trust, it makes no difference whether you buy a lower complete or buy a stripped receiver and assemble it yourself.

If you are buying a complete rifle already NFAed, you would be going thru a NFA dealer using a Form 4 I believe.

My sole SBR was a non NFA complete lower receiver already FA10ed before submitting my Form 1 Individual.

I also have a stripped preban lower I am planning on filling out a Form 1 Trust for.
In MA? No.

People prefer to start out with a stripped "OTHER" lower because they can build it up as a pistol with a short upper, and use it while they wait for the stamp. Not really an option with the MA-AWB, so just do whatever is easiest.
There is no difference between either approach.

If you Form 1 a stripped lower or Form 1 a functional firearm, it makes no difference. Before I got my FFL, I SBR'd two pre-ban lowers just so I could legally do anything I want to them short of a MG conversion.
Word of caution however, if you Form 1 a stripped lower as a SBR and then have the misfortune of effing it up during the build, you now own a registered $200 paperweight.

May want to consider completing the lower, making sure it works 100%, then registering it.
Word of caution however, if you Form 1 a stripped lower as a SBR and then have the misfortune of effing it up during the build, you now own a registered $200 paperweight.

May want to consider completing the lower, making sure it works 100%, then registering it.

I can understand ****ing up an upper; which you're still stupid doing so but you're definitely a special kind of stupid if you some how **** up assembling a lower.
It's pretty easy to snap a trigger guard ear off doing the roll pin.

you also can get lucky like me and have the grip screw break. drilling that mother****er out and coming up with a solution was a laugh and a half. looks like shit under the trigger group--but it's rock solid and that ****er is never coming off!
Yeah, its still a good suggestion. It never hurts to make sure you $60 lower works reliably before you spend $200 to paper it.

What do you intend to check it with?

Option 1: A 16" upper. Now you must FA10 the lower according to MGL in MA.
Option 2: An upper less than 16". Now you must FA10 the lower AND you are in violation of federal statues governing short barreled rifles.
Option 3: Test the unregistered and unstamped lower on an unnamed upper and pretend it didn't happen (but post about it on the interweb). WINNING!

I'm not sure what the plan is to "test" this lower before applying for a stamp but any way you do it is illegal. Personally I've got five stamps and have never broken a lower but then the wasted time would be worth more to me than a $200 stamp.

Have I seen pics of broken lowers? sure. I have also seen pics and video of people shooting themselves. (yes I equate the two in levels of stupidity)
Comeon. Are you serious?

Assemble the lower.

Bring another AR with you to the range. Put the upper on the lower and dump a mag.

Take the upper off and put it back on the original rifle and go home.

Would you really FA10 it for a 10 minute test? Seriously.

And even if you did, its not like it would be extra work. Once the stamp came back you'd have to FA10 it anyway. So it still gets FA10'd once.

I've never broken a lower either. But I HAVE gotten lowers that were out of spec and did not function properly. In one case it was a pre-ban so I was kindof screwed. I solved the problem with a Timney trigger that doesn't require the hammer and trigger pin to be in perfect alignment.

Comeon. Are you serious?

Assemble the lower.

Bring another AR with you to the range. Put the upper on the lower and dump a mag.

Take the upper off and put it back on the original rifle and go home.

Would you really FA10 it for a 10 minute test? Seriously.

And even if you did, its not like it would be extra work. Once the stamp came back you'd have to FA10 it anyway. So it still gets FA10'd once.

I've never broken a lower either. But I HAVE gotten lowers that were out of spec and did not function properly. In one case it was a pre-ban so I was kindof screwed. I solved the problem with a Timney trigger that doesn't require the hammer and trigger pin to be in perfect alignment.


Have you seen the shit people post on here?

I would fully expect to see a range report of said lower once dummy gets his stamp referencing the original range trip.

ETA: which Timney & thoughts on it?
It started as the standard 3 lb timney. I had some issues with light primer strikes so I sent it back and they installed the AR10 hammer spring in it. I've never measured it with my trigger gauge. But its probably actually more like 4#.

This is one of the pre-ban lowers that I SBR'd. Its a DPMS and some triggers don't function 100% with it.

I like the Timney Its faster than a two stage but not as fast as a Geissele Super 3G. But also a better target trigger than the Geissele Super 3G.

I have the SD-3G and I'm selling it bc I like the two stage triggers better. SSA, SSA-E, & especially the LaRue MBT.

Timney never floated my boat bc I just don't like single stage triggers. I was just curious what u had & why.
The only part of the equation that I waited for approval on was the engraving. Maybe I am silly and perhaps someday I will break something on a lower but until then I submit my stamps before assembling anything.

Five down without trouble. I can't imagine doing any other AR stamps so anything else would start as a long gun or blank. How are you going to function test an AK blank without pressing a barrel? Use a barrel extension?
The only part of the equation that I waited for approval on was the engraving. Maybe I am silly and perhaps someday I will break something on a lower but until then I submit my stamps before assembling anything.

Five down without trouble. I can't imagine doing any other AR stamps so anything else would start as a long gun or blank. How are you going to function test an AK blank without pressing a barrel? Use a barrel extension?

Extension or chop.
Speaking of AKs, is there such a thing as a "preban" ak receiver? I only see rifles such as MAk90s.

The only ones I've seen are ones people claim they removed the trunnions from . I saw one on gun broker the guy started to weld sheet metal around the magwell and ejector to try to turn it into a 74 gun :(....

Mak90s aren't bad guns and you could allways convert them into folders etc .
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