Moderator said:
With respect, donuts are designed for a short distance of travel like to the nearest garage or to get home not for everyday use. Most 10 round magazines are designed to be used at the range or for everyday carry purpose. In fact I am willing to bet that there are more of the high cap magazines that are designed for range use then low caps. Example, I have two 20 round magazines for my 1911 that would make it almost impossible to carry the gun while still trying to conceal.
The difference there is a 7 or 8 round magazine in a 1911 was not "hacked" to
fufill its mission. (although some purists would argue the 8 rounders are
an abomination, but thats a whole nother topic!) As a matter of fact
I own a ton of low capacity 1911 magazines like that (7, 8, and 10
rounds) but those are not broken.... What I'm talking about is not just any 10
round magazines, as there are many of those that work just fine- I'm talking about
the 10 round magazines which have to fit in a full size doublestack magazine well, one that
was meant to hold magazines of larger capacity. There is often a big difference
between magazines which exist due to dimensional limitations and magazines which only
exist as a result of bureaucratic bs. (A 1911 mag is only 7 or 8 rounds because thats simply all
you can fit in the well, not because some dumb law forced it to be that way).
A G19 10 rounder or a P226 10 rounder are prime examples of hackneyed 10 round magazines.
If there was no AWB, those magazines probably would have never been created. They don't
provide the user with any perceptible benefit other than a sore thumb, and more difficult
maintenance, and possibly erratic performance and other quirks.