Maine Primitive Gathering: Review!


May 7, 2009
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Held on Broad-Winged Farm in Wells Beach Maine, two to three hundred people got together for a 4 day festival. All the folks were like minded, very nice, enthusiastic, and there was a sincere senses of welcoming from all.

The courses were spread out and were offered all day, some under tents, others in the grassy field..
I was only there Saturday, and some of the courses were:
Tomahawk throwing.
The Atlatl.
Plants and Herbs
Blacksmithing and tool making
Animal processing,
Hide tanning,
Shelter construction
Bow and arrow making and more I can't remember. I would say 20 – 25 courses in all.

I missed the Sat night party, with a band and the Native American story teller.
The pot luck dinner was offered by the group with all sorts of wild game and such.
And people camped in mostly tents, tepee, and campers.
Cost: $50 for the weekend and $20 for the day. Children under 16, seniors over 65, and active duty military are free.
The gathering is held the 2nd Saturday in Sept every year
Mel Stephens is the organizers, for any questions.

To see more
Maine Primitive gathering

Thank you to all involved it was a great time..
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I think the main thing I would suggest is plan before you attend. The courses were 2 hr blocks so if you want to take a couple of courses you might be out because they were at the same time. One day wasn't enough. Like I said there were maybe 20 something courses, so spread out your time and you should get every thing you want over the 4 days. I just couldn't swing the time so?

Bug spray, sun block were needed by some and the outer grounds had lots of poison ivy, so stay out of there. I think $50 was a steal for all that was offered, a camp ground for 4 days would have cost more.
Here you get to meet and interact with people and maybe pick up a few things.
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