Man disputing camping fees killed by State Parks Officer

Aug 10, 2005
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Check this out.

Family: Ranger shot man in the back at Elephant Butte

ELEPHANT BUTTE STATE PARK, N.M. (AP) - The family of a man who
was fatally shot by a State Parks officer at Elephant Butte State
Park allege the shots were fired into the man's back.
That according to a copyright story in today's Albuquerque
Fifty-eight-year-old Bruce Teschner was killed August 23rd
during a confrontation with State Parks Officer Clyde Woods.
Authorities say Woods shot Teschner after he refused to pay a
14-dollar-a-night camping fee and refused to leave the park.
Authorities say Woods apparently was unarmed.
An affidavit says Woods told the belligerent Teschner that he
would be arrested and got Teschner prone on the ground.
But Teschner did not comply, got up and moved away with his
hands apparently in his pockets.
I smell a heavy duty wrongful death suit. I have ZERO empathy for the moron, since he should've paid. But shooting the guy is a little heavy handed.

Elephant Butte, that isn't too too far from El Paso.
Grifter said:
Was there anything about an ME confirming that the man was shot in the back?

Just said the "Family allege the shots were fired into the man's back"

I'm holding judgment until I hear all the facts.

New Mexico

I have camped and fished all over the west. Last year I camped/ fished for three weeks in Wyoming, two weeks in Utah. I have also traveled extensively in Nevada, Colorado, the Sierras of California, Arizona and have spent a total of about a month in New Mexico. The Forest Service people are the nicest, most polite and helpful in all states. National Park Rangers are slightly less friendly.

New Mexico is a different story.

My first trip to New Mexico was an education. The state past time is DWI. Last time I was in Albuquerque the local paper had an item about a guy arrested for his 21st DWI. I never drive after dark in that state, everyone on the road is blotto. The roads are all marked with white crosses where whole families have died in tragic accidents, especially Route 666, Gallup to Shiprock.

There seems to be a constant tension between ethnic groups; Indian, Hispanic, White, as well as social groups; famers, stockman and urban folks.

The Albuquerque cops shoot a heck of a lot of civilians. If you’re a young Indian or Hispanic male you better wear body armor. Many of the local cops carry .44 Mags, a little over kill in my opinion. I never felt comfortable in New Mexico. If it didn’t have such great trout fishing I wouldn’t return
I'm holding judgment until I hear all the facts.

Adam, I'm with you. This just doesn't sound right. IF the guy was shot in the back, then it's a clear case of murder (I would think).

But it is possible that if there was some sort of fight, the Parks Officer could have started shooting from the front and the guy could have turned quickly enough to be shot once or twice in the back. I have read about this happening in other shootings.

Of course both sides are going to start off with "Our side is right!".
Either way, that's a little nuts.

But I'm with Nickel, I love to camp. And if you can't afford to pay the small fee for a site in a state park, just drive around and ask someone with a lot of land if you can hole up in their woods.

You'd be suprised how many people don't mind as long as you promise to keep it clean and make sure that all fires are out before you leave.
#1 to avoid any of this crap

Don't be an a**h***

The whole polite society/ golden rule thing

Works WONDERS for me.

....ok I AM an a**h***....but I keep it to myself in mixed company 8)

Well I'm pullin for good-ol Justice! I heard she's still alive...though she may have recovered her sight.....

-Weer'd Beard
....ok I AM an a**h***....but I keep it to myself in mixed company

What was it the Army Blue Light Major said to Bruce Willis in Diehard 2?

"Yeah, you're an a**h***, McClain. But you're my kind of a**h***."

This is one of those cases where more information is needed before coming to some kind of meaningful conclusion. What I see as a key indicator was that the suspect put his hands in his pockets. When the hands are no longer visible, then this is viewed by the police as some kind of escalation gesture.

I also wonder what the crux of the suspects argument was. He was from Montana and there are a lot folks who live there who are in the "Sovereign Citizen Movement." It may be that the suspect refused to pay because he did not recognize the legitimacy of either the fee or the authority of the officer.

Again, this is speculation....and it is a shame that the incident resulted in loss of human life....


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