Mark Dice: "College Students Sign Petition to Imprison All Registered Gun Owners!"

It's not just college students. Anyone see one of the number of videos of people signing petitions to end women's suffrage? [laugh]
Guy is a useless idiot that doesn't prove anything to support what the other side believes, or what he thinks they believe.

1/3 looked liked foreign exchange students whom most likely would, smile, nod and politely sign their own death warrant; not because they don't understand the history of their own culture or country,

but because they'll sign anything a stranger approaches them with.

He really doesn't go into detail about his execution of gun owners, or FEMA camps before he asks for their signatures.

Heavily edited, and doesn't reveal the actual numbers of people who told him to **** off.

The whole thing lacks any creditability or substance.
Guy is a useless idiot that doesn't prove anything to support what the other side believes, or what he thinks they believe.

1/3 looked liked foreign exchange students whom most likely would, smile, nod and politely sign their own death warrant; not because they don't understand the history of their own culture or country,

but because they'll sign anything a stranger approaches them with.

He really doesn't go into detail about his execution of gun owners, or FEMA camps before he asks for their signatures.

Heavily edited, and doesn't reveal the actual numbers of people who told him to **** off.

The whole thing lacks any creditability or substance.

Watch his other petition videos
Guy is a useless idiot that doesn't prove anything to support what the other side believes, or what he thinks they believe.

1/3 looked liked foreign exchange students whom most likely would, smile, nod and politely sign their own death warrant; not because they don't understand the history of their own culture or country,

but because they'll sign anything a stranger approaches them with.

He really doesn't go into detail about his execution of gun owners, or FEMA camps before he asks for their signatures.

Heavily edited, and doesn't reveal the actual numbers of people who told him to **** off.

The whole thing lacks any creditability or substance.

I dunno. I mean Penn and Teller got people to sign a petition banning water. ****ing water!!!!!
I got an anti to sign the citizens pettition at the state house. She came rolling in with her nails did, her hair did, every thing did including her stop gun violence sticker. It was the highlight of my day.
Heavily edited, and doesn't reveal the actual numbers of people who told him to **** off.

Pretty much this. Although there's no shortage of dummies out there, we really don't know how many people told this guy to pound sand.
I'd sign that. Molon Labe.
I'll sign it too. If you register guns you're a sellout and jail is a great place for you. Sorry MA, CT, NY and CA, offense intended... grow a pair and fight back!! (non-violently, as I believe it can and will be resolved peacefully, and legally, though the courts).
Mark Dice needs a history lesson.

Governor Gage directed the Redcoats to begin general, warrantless searches for arms and ammunition. According to the Boston Gazette, of all General Gage’s offenses, “what most irritated the People” was “seizing their Arms and Ammunition.”

Lord Dartmouth, the Royal Secretary of State for America, sent Gage a letter on October 17, 1774, urging him to disarm New England. Gage replied that he would like to do so, but it was impossible without the use of force. After Gage’s letter was made public by a reading in the British House of Commons, it was publicized in America as proof of Britain’s malign intentions.

As others have stated, sign it Molon Labe.
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