You were correct before, and now you are wrong.
The definitions in the original MA law were cut-and-paste directly from the Federal 1994 AWB, and codified into MA law when the Federal ban expired in 2004--correct?
The 1994 "Assault Weapons Ban" prohibited:
Semi-automatic shotguns with two (2) or more of the following:
Folding or telescoping stock
Pistol grip
A fixed magazine capacity over 5 rounds OR
A detachable magazine
OK. So CLEARLY 5+ rounds was fine for a semiauto shotgun as long as you didn't have a pistol grip. MA called them "high capacity shotguns"--and you could go to your local gun store and buy one (as well as a "high capacity rifle" like an AR15) with even a lowly "Class B License to Carry".
The MA ban precisely mirrored the language (and presumably the legal intent) of the Federal AWB until its expiration--ergo a semiauto shotgun was perfectly legal if it had only 1 of the evil features (read: fixed capacity of +5).
Can anyone point out to me exactly when they CHANGED the language to (retroactively) include ALL semiautomatic shotguns with a fixed capacity over 5 rounds?
What (sometimes) creates confusion is that there was also a Federal "Importation Ban" on firearms which don't meet a "sporting purposes" criteria. That is a whole seperate thing.
The ban on high-capacity IMPORTED shotguns had to do with the IMPORTATION ban on "non-sporting" firearms--and it affected Italian shotguns like Benelli and Italian-made Beretta's IF they were high-capacity or had "military features".
Beretta CAN legally sell domestically-produced high-capacity shotguns like the A300/400 shotguns--they just have to be made in the USA.
You may be right and I may be wrong. But I'm still not sure. Here's why...and I believe this language was in the law before last year. I underlined and bolded the relevant text. If you read just that text, you'll see what I mean.
Section 121 has all the definitions. Here's the wording for "Large Capacity Feeding Device"
''Large capacity feeding device'', (i) a fixed or detachable
magazine, box, drum, feed strip or similar device
capable of accepting, or that can be readily converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition or
more than five shotgun shells; or (ii) a large capacity ammunition feeding device as defined in the federal Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, 18 U.S.C. section 921(a)(31) as appearing in such section on September 13, 1994. The term ''large capacity feeding device'' shall not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with,.22 caliber ammunition.
So by this definition, the fixed magazine on a shotgun is a "large capacity feeding device" if it accepts more than 5 shells. Now here's Section 131M.
Section 131M.
No person shall sell, offer for sale, transfer or possess an assault weapon or
a large capacity feeding device that was not otherwise lawfully possessed on September 13, 1994. Whoever not being licensed under the provisions of section 122 violates the provisions of this section shall be punished, for a first offense, by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than ten years, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and for a second offense, by a fine of not less than $5,000 nor more than $15,000 or by imprisonment for not less than five years nor more than 15 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to: (i) the possession by a law enforcement officer; or (ii) the possession by an individual who is retired from service with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving such a weapon or feeding device from such agency upon retirement.
Trust me. I wish the law was clear enough that we didn't have to navigate a thousand different sections to answer one simple question. Furthermore, I wish the law was not unconstitutional. Then again, no one is forcing us to live in MA.
I also realize that people have been selling, transferring, and possessing them for years in MA.