Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

Lol ok.

The democrats will load you and your kids into a train car if you don’t support communism.
this too will pass. if you notice, they can't seem to run a lemonade stand. look at sf, look at seattle, look at nyc and yes, look at boston.

i think more normal people are getting tired of the show. i know i am.
My reps response today


Thank you for contacting my office voicing your opposition to HD 4420.

This bill has just been filed in the House of Representatives and has not yet had a public hearing or been up for a vote in that chamber. I am also not a member of the Judiciary Committee, which will be reviewing this bill prior to it continuing through the legislative process.

As it has only been filed as a house docket bill at this point in time, the Senate has not yet had the opportunity to review or discuss the specifics of the bill. If it passes in the House, we will then begin a more thorough and comprehensive consideration of the policies within the legislation.

Your outreach on this legislation is appreciated, but I remain committed to the strongest principles of gun safety and reducing gun violence here in the Commonwealth. As a father of two young school children, commonsense regulations of firearms are something I have consistently and will always support.

Should you like to discuss this issue further when it is being considered by the Senate, I would be happy to do so.

All the best,

Brendan P. Crighton
State Senator
3rd Essex District

This would be my response:

"As a father of two kids, I think a simple, reasonable means of protecting them, or even them protecting themselves, should be readily and inexpensively available to me and my family. I am also in favor of gun safety. The regulations imposed in this future bill and also in current law are detrimental to the general public safety, and everyone, including YOU, know it.
LOL, if this passes there isn’t a company out there related to the firearms industry that will ship you a t-shirt or a baseball cap, nevermind a magazine.
100% fact

Some of my vendors were already getting ready to cut off shipments to mass as of last week
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Other than writing and calling my local reps, I emailed GOALs link to Jim Polito, conservative radio host on 920 AM, who has mentioned in the past that he has a MA LTC. I requested that he mention the proposed Bill on his show and direct listeners to contact their reps.

It would be pretty cool if a bunch of NES'rs could call in to the show every morning this week. Just bombard them with a heavy dose of RKBA!

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The Jim Polito Show Daily Best-Of 07-17-23​

July 17, 2023 • 43 mins

On Monday's show Jim talks about the Secret Service ending the White House cocaine investigation with no leads and is joined by National Correspondent Rory O'Neil to discuss the heatwave across the Southwest. Jim also talks about Massachusetts proposed gun bill.
Most likely two things:

First, they will go over the 100%BS "summary" since no one cares to read 140 pages - not even Linsky, even if you told him there's a picture of a lubed up sheep's ass at the end. The purpose of the summary is to make everyone think the bill is straightforward, "commonsense" and should be passed with ease, and to make everyone be on the same page with the party line of what's in the bill (conveniently leaving out a lot of what's actually in the bill).

Second, they have to sort out the committee disagreement. This is not a great look for them, but it is a relativey small hurdle that will most likely be taken care of this week and it would be hard not to bet on concurrence by the chambers at the soonest possible juncture.
"Taken care of"

My pessimistic side is telling me this bill will pass and we need to prepare for the worst

Whatever comes out of committee will pass with the Dem Super Majority. The unfortunate reality of politics is that if you don't do what your leadership tells you to do (1) you will never get anything allocated to your district that you can claim as a victory in you next campaign. Running a campaign on the slogan "I voted my conscience and you people got nothing" has never been a successful strategy, and (2) You'll be lucky to get appointed to any committee above the "oversight of office parties committee".

GOALS strategy of "we're not offering any amendments. Go ahead and pass this and see what happens" pretty much means that we are stuck with this for the next 3-5 years while lawsuits wind their way through the courts and regardless of what gets ruled by SCOTUS it is clear that the Dem supermajority states like NY, MA, CA, NJ, MD, WA are just going pass another law as soon as one gets overturned and start the process over again.

At some point the only choice becomes bend over and take it or organize a resistance.
I sent essentially the same email to my state rep and state senator.

I write today to ask you to oppose, in it's entirety, HD 4420 "An Act modernizing firearm laws" so called.

As written, this bill will place undue burdens on lawful citizens who own and use firearms of any description.

It will expose those lawful citizens to arrest and prosecution for mere possession of items that heretofore were legal. It will retroactively ban items in common use by licensed gun owners.

It will place expensive and unnecessary training, storage, and registration requirements on those same citizens.

While doing all of the above, there is no indication that the provisions of HD 4420 will deter or prevent would be criminals from using firearms to commit crimes.

The Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association has come out against this bill as written. In part they point out that there will be an unfunded mandate that will divert police department staff from their primary function of preventing and investigating criminal activity.

"Numerous provisions in this Bill will place a severe strain on Law Enforcement Agencies, both Municipal, and our partner Agencies within State Government such as the MassachuseFs State Police and the State Firearms Records Bureau."

Their statement goes on to say that the expansion of "prohibited areas" will not prevent and likely will increase the chances of a mass shooting.

The entire report by the MCOPA can be found here for your reference,

Again, I strongly urge you to oppose HD. 4420 in it's entirety as it is too fatally flawed to be fixed.

Sorry if dupe, and for what it’s worth…..

I just got that email. I need to hear from goal first before I believe this. Seems like a trick to get people to stop contacting them.
The courts need to step in.

They will.

The more egregious this bill is, the faster it'll get smacked down.


I believe it will pass, but it'll be in a HIGHLY neutered form by the time it does. And it needn't be complied with; injunctions will come thick and fast if it stays this awful.
Buy lowers and mags now. Ex post facto is likely to be ruled out or struck down.

Looking every day to get out of MA.

Just conflicted if that’s going north or south.

No grandfathering is not the same as ex post facto. They are only going to prosecute people (IF they do at all) for continuing to possess the items after they declare them illegal. It would only be ex post facto if they prosecuted you for your prior possession of the items even though you got rid of them once they became illegal.
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