Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

I wonder if they'll have border checkpoints up like they do in California, checking cars as they come into the state to see if they comply with whatever is the Tyranny of the day. It seems like everyone coming from other states driving through the Peoples Republic would need to register their weapons before they can drive through. Am I reading that right?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’ll believe when they throw their badges on the table and walk off the job.

I don’t think we want the good cops turning in their badges and walking off the job. If they do that guess what type of cops will be left; the anti-2A cops who will have no issue enforcing this law.

During the covid restrictions my town’s chief refused to have his officers enforce any of the mask or gathering restrictions as he realize how absurd they were. We need that same response from law enforcement if this passes.
I don’t think we want the good cops turning in their badges and walking off the job. If they do that guess what type of cops will be left; the anti-2A cops who will have no issue enforcing this law.

During the covid restrictions my town’s chief refused to have his officers enforce any of the mask or gathering restrictions as he realize how absurd they were. We need that same response from law enforcement if this passes.
You would need that response from all law enforcement which we know isn’t happening. The minute the police union gets them out of this bill it’s game on.
You would need that response from all law enforcement which we know isn’t happening. The minute the police union gets them out of this bill it’s game on.
We’re an ultra-minority in this state and should accept allies wherever we can, especially police chiefs and PDs

But if they carve out an exemption I hope everyone fights it with the same vigor as the actual legislation, by any means necessary.
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We’re an ultra-minority in this state and should accept allies wherever we can, especially police chiefs and PDs

But if they carve out an exemption I hope everyone fights it with the same vigor as the actual legislation, by any means necessary.
Totally agree but being in a union myself I’m fully aware of how the game is played
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’ll believe when they throw their badges on the table and walk off the job.
I don’t want them to throw their badges on the table and walk out. Then we’d just get pure leftist enforcers sworn in.

No, I want them to openly refuse to enforce the unconstitutional law, while going about their normal duties.
I don’t want them to throw their badges on the table and walk out. Then we’d just get pure leftist enforcers sworn in.

No, I want them to openly refuse to enforce the unconstitutional law, while going about their normal duties.
Me too but I think we both know that based on recent events that ain’t happening
Totally agree but being in a union myself I’m fully aware of how the game is played
I agree but let’s take the help and fight that battle if/when it happens.

But if it happens, no FFLs should sell to cops, no ranges should allow them in. f***, don’t even let them on NES at that point.
Did you read the entire letter this chief wrote? He really hits on many of the major flaws associated with this bill which is nothing more than a temper-tantrum reaction to the Bruen decision by a bunch of power hungry communists that are in-charge right now.

“As I enter my third year as your police chief, responsible for overseeing the 123 sworn men and women who serve the more than 60,000 of you day in and day out, my duty compels me to speak up.

“I have read the relevant portions of H.D. 4420, a bill proposing a substantial rewrite of Massachusetts’ existing gun laws. Despite claims this bill attempts to stem the flow of illegal firearms into the state while increasing protection from gun violence, I see no language that would lead one to believe this rationale to be true. Instead, it appears the only thing this bill will accomplish is turning thousands of our law-abiding residents into criminals overnight.

“This bill seems more designed to invade the privacy and vandalize and confiscate the property of law-abiding citizens than it does protecting them.

“As we saw all too clearly this week in the State Forest, our issue is with criminals who have guns NOW, not those we stand to make into criminals LATER. Instead of punishing criminals
or those prohibited from possessing firearms, this bill targets lawful gun owners who are some of the most well vetted in both the Commonwealth and the entire nation.
There is nothing in this bill that mandates the judicial system enforce the laws currently in full force and effect.

“When was the last time anyone served time under Bartley-Fox? For instance, we now know attempting to shoot and murder seven people, including five police officers, will result in just five to seven years in prison.

“We recently had an incident in our community where a lawfully licensed firearm holder stopped the attempted kidnapping, and potentially worse, of a woman in a domestic violence incident.
This gentleman was a contractor working at a residence across the street. Under this bill, if this Samaritan did not have expressed written consent of the victim/homeowner to have his firearm on her premises, he would be subject to a criminal charge. The same goes for an off-duty Plymouth County Sheriff’s deputy who saved countless lives a few years back when he ended a stabbing rampage in a Taunton restaurant.

“Instead of being recognized as the heroes they are, they would be charged with a crime, and recognized at their arraignment.
In nothing else, this bill will make both enforcement and compliance with our laws even more complicated and confusing. As anyone who has had the unfortunate experience of trying to navigate our already-strict gun laws knows, it’s already confusing enough. The firearms law guide used by our officers already clocks in at well over 400 pages. This bill will jostle definitions and provisions all around the books with various changes, placing our laws into an even greater state of misunderstanding and chaos.

“As a licensing authority which consistently ranks within the top ten municipalities in the entire Commonwealth for the number of firearms licenses, this is of grave concern to me.

“As a law enforcement officer first and foremost, I take the duty of protecting persons from any type of violence as my ultimate mission. However, this bill targets the wrong individuals and needs to be reconsidered.

“In closing, I urge our State House delegation to withhold their support from this bill as written.”

Chief Dana. A. Flynn
Sure I read it. He’s right about everything. It MIGHT even be what he personally believes; I hope it is.

With all that said? If the law exempted him, he’d never have written the letter.
Totally agree but being in a union myself I’m fully aware of how the game is played

I was in a union (still am, even tho retired). Almost to a person, the rank and file members supported Trump, but the National supported Biden. Same thing with their other endorsements and the national and state level.
Yea, I'm planning to write an op ed, and this is one of the exact scenarios I plan to include.

Also the fact that gun stores (e.g. Bass Pro Shops) don't own the land they're on. If you bought a gun at the Bass Pro Shop at Gillette, you'd be breaking the law the second you stepped out of the building (maybe even sooner lol) - unless Kraft puts up signs all over the parking lot saying that guns are allowed -- which I don't see happening.

Plus every single lease signed by a renter will need to be amended. If we both continue the present push for the obvious objections based on 2nd amendment, and also add to the conversation the enormous burden this will place on businesses, land owners, etc - I hope that will help.
that's a feature, not a bug in their eyes
There ya go, exactly what the honorable Rep Day was talking about. Legally licensed gun owner doin bad stuff. If only that law had been passed that would never have happened.
while we might be able to lay odds in everett on whether or not these fine upstanding taxpaying citizens have a ltc, i am impressed by his commitment to stop the spread of covid by wearing a mask.

I was in a union (still am, even tho retired). Almost to a person, the rank and file members supported Trump, but the National supported Biden. Same thing with their other endorsements and the national and state level.
When Biden vs Trump went on the IAFF endorsed Biden really early on in the (D) primaries. It was seen as a big joke as Biden was not really considered even likely to get the nomination nevermind win. Since he did, the support for him didn't grow though.

The IAFF was supporting Biden and wanted firefighters to vote for him. And I can say without much doubt that it was a complete failure. Few firefighters voted for Biden and those who did are probably just die hard (D)'s. The endorsement was meaningless and unpopular.
I wonder if there be any FFLs or ranges (commercial) left in MA if this passes in its entirety.
it would make it very simple to deny law enforcement legally acquiring weapons in this state, wouldn't it?

could you envision manufacturers not selling to a state-run ffl if such a thing existed?
Trust me they don't actually care that much there's no extra money in enforcing gun laws. 🤣

Reality is something more along the lines of like some anti-gun cop that happens to steal somebody's s*** while doing a 209a will apply charges as a matter of convenience on top of whatever other made up b******* they invent...

Imho only via massive fraud. Those two on a hate scale would render worse than shitlery clinton in swing states. Plus he's not exactly doing a great job in CA. Literally anybody running against him just has to put up pictures of turds on the street in SF and videos of looting and rampant crime, $7 gas etc, and basically say do you really want your state to turn into this under this kind of leadership? Even most left leaning wobblies as a matter of Interest are not on board with all of this rampant crime Etc...
Trust me they don't actually care that much there's no extra money in enforcing gun laws. 🤣

Reality is something more along the lines of like some anti-gun cop that happens to steal somebody's s*** while doing a 209a will apply charges as a matter of convenience on top of whatever other made up b******* they invent...

Imho only via massive fraud. Those two on a hate scale would render worse than shitlery clinton in swing states. Plus he's not exactly doing a great job in CA. Literally anybody running against him just has to put up pictures of turds on the street in SF and videos of looting and rampant crime, $7 gas etc, and basically say do you really want your state to turn into this under this kind of leaderraud. ship? Even most left leaning wobblies as a matter of Interest are not on board with all of this rampant crime Etc...
There are so many people that are completely unaware of any of what is going on in this country and the media is shaping what they want them to know. The swing states are full of infiltrated liberals and there a lot of normal housewives that would vote for him just based on how he looks. With the Obama name on the ticket there will also be more just voting for her. You are also correct the Democrats are masters at fraud. Even though I am a Trump supporter I don't think he could win going up against that ticket. If you though the cities and population concentrated states that really control election outcome, that they would vote for Trump over a Newsom Oboma ticket.
Hell, just annex all of MA except for Boston, Cambridge and of course Northampton. Let those places stew in their own filth.

Remember when the state abolished most county-wide government in the '90's? There was idle talk of Frankling County going to VT, Berkshire County going to NY, Hampden County going to CT, etc
I agree but let’s take the help and fight that battle if/when it happens.

But if it happens, no FFLs should sell to cops, no ranges should allow them in. f***, don’t even let them on NES at that point.
What would really make an impact is if Glock, S&W, and Sig refused to sell pistols to Massachusetts departments for their duty firearms.
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