Machine Gun Fun - help me with a problem.
So I have a problem.
I just received 15 pre-ban metal mags for my M11/9/Lage in the mail.
They are old and need to be tested. The vendor has a great rep for customer service if any of them don't work. But I need to find any duds before he runs out of inventory.
This could be expensive. So I came up with a solution.
This Sunday AM I'll be at Loeb with my MG and new mags. If you want to volunteer to test a mag for me, just bring your own ammo (BYOA). It needs to be brass cased fmj 9mm.
Come by with your own ammo and give a machine gun a try.
MA rifle members and their guests only, please.
Post a reply if you are interested.
Your participation will legitimately help me out. And you get to have some good, clean, safe, fun.
p.s. if you have never fired a machine gun, this is about as tame as you can get. It is shoulder fired and weighs about 11 lbs.
I start all shooters out with only 3 rounds in the magazine. Just as an intro. If you don't have the biggest sh%t eating grin on your face when you are finished, then you are not alive. Even my anti-gun sister was giggling like a kid after her first mag.