Massachusetts Rifle Association - Woburn, MA

Jusst want to give a shout out toMRA director Sean O'Loughlin for his efforts to complete the new shed on the trap field at the MRA.Though, it was a tough battle to get it done, and many labor hours later, Sean and several deticated members volunteered their time to it's completion. Members and non members alike now have a place to get out of the cold weather we all know is coming, at least when they are waiting their turn to shoot.
So if you see Sean on the trap or sporting clays field, please give him a big thank you.

Thank you very much!

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I'm considering this place as a possible range for me. I can't read through 100+ pages of people talking back and forth about when they're going and who will be there. Can someone who's a member post an overview of the place that a prospective member might find useful? 24 hour access? what kind of restrictions are there? overall pros and cons vs a place like Harvard?

Jusst want to give a shout out toMRA director Sean O'Loughlin for his efforts to complete the new shed on the trap field at the MRA.Though, it was a tough battle to get it done, and many labor hours later, Sean and several deticated members volunteered their time to it's completion. Members and non members alike now have a place to get out of the cold weather we all know is coming, at least when they are waiting their turn to shoot.
So if you see Sean on the trap or sporting clays field, please give him a big thank you.

Just wanted to mention that in 22 degree weather this morning, Sean was out on the 5 stand / trap field lending advice to novice shooters and helping throw and prepare targets. There are many great members who help run the shotgun sports activities at the MRA, but Sean is always there and is very welcoming and knowledgable. I would also encourage any and all members to come down to the MRA on next monday the 2nd for the meeting. thanks!
I'm considering this place as a possible range for me. I can't read through 100+ pages of people talking back and forth about when they're going and who will be there. Can someone who's a member post an overview of the place that a prospective member might find useful? 24 hour access? what kind of restrictions are there? overall pros and cons vs a place like Harvard?


You can check out the website: for plenty of info.

Or feel free to stop by and visit the office Wednesday evenings (6-8pm) or Sunday mornings 9:30am - noon, and we'd be happy to show you around and answer questions.

Just an FYI, the office is closed this Wednesday evening 11/27 because of the holiday.
I know for all long guns you must have the paper targets all the way down the ranges in the Loeb but what about sub machine guns? Can the target be not all the way down?
Hi, everyone! My name is Sean O'Loughlin. I am a director at the Massachusetts Rifle Association. I would like to thank the many former directors, current directors and MRA members who have voiced their support both publicly and privately for me in my position as a Board member. I strive to be a voice of balance to this Board; a voice of reason but also a voice of compromise. I am a custodian of the club and a representative of all the members. This can sometimes make a director very unpopular with other Board members.

I am in this position, now and the Board is seeking to have me removed as a director. The Board will be making this decision this Monday, December 2, 2013 at its regularly scheduled meeting. If you believe in the right to express an opinion different from the majority, I encourage you to attend the meeting, not just for me but for yourself on Monday at 6pm.

If you have any questions, please feel to PM me. If there is a topic that 4 or 5 people are asking about, I'll post my response on this thread.

Thanks, again!

Happy Thanksgiving
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I know for all long guns you must have the paper targets all the way down the ranges in the Loeb but what about sub machine guns? Can the target be not all the way down?

I run my Lage M11 with a .22 at 50 ft. It's fine. I agree with you that it makes no sense to limit pistol caliber carbines to 75 ft.

I'm frankly just happy to have an indoor range that allows machine guns.

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I run my Lage M11 with a .22 at 50 ft. It's fine. I agree with you that it makes no sense to limit pistol caliber carbines to 75 ft.

I'm frankly just happy to have an indoor range that allows machine guns.

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I have shot the M11 with the Lage upper as well on the Loeb and we had the targets all the way down as the Range Rules were silent on the matter. I don't believe that the Range Rules make a distinction between SMG and MG or between .22 or center fire. I know that there has been some interest in revisiting the Rules to make sure, at a minimum, they are consistent. Perhaps the committee can also take a look at this issue as well.

In the end, I agree with you: It IS fun to have an indoor range that is machine gun friendly.
Hi, everyone! My name is Sean O'Loughlin. I am a director at the Massachusetts Rifle Association. I would like to thank the many former directors, current directors and MRA members who have voiced their support both publicly and privately for me in my position as a Board member. I strive to be a voice of balance to this Board; a voice of reason but also a voice of compromise. I am a custodian of the club and a representative of all the members. This can sometimes make a director very unpopular with other Board members.

I am in this position, now and the Board is seeking to have me removed as a director. The Board will be making this decision this Monday, December 2, 2013 at its regularly scheduled meeting. If you believe in the right to express an opinion different from the majority, I encourage you to attend the meeting, not just for me but for yourself on Monday at 6pm.

If you have any questions, please feel to PM me. If there is a topic that 4 or 5 people are asking about, I'll post my response on this thread.

Thanks, again!

Happy Thanksgiving

If a nonmember may be allowed to voice an opinion, Sean, you are one of the good guys. You must follow the rule that my father taught me long ago, if you don't have anything nice/constructive to say, don't say anything. I have never heard you say anything about the Mass Rifle BOD.
Good luck on Dec 2.
Or people need to speak with there wallet I have yet to renew with all this going on. Worst I take a little bit and find a new club, but I have no idea what the leadership is thinking right now. Any idea what happened at the meeting?
The minutes are in a binder under the sign in area. These are very generic with little detail.

That is very disappointing. I'm on the board of another organization that I belong to. The first thing I championed as a BOD member was for descriptive minutes for those who couldn't attend the meetings.
I, and I assume most other members, can't make it out to the suburbs on a week night before 8 or 9pm. Having a BOD meeting when the membership can't attend and then also having incomplete minutes is ridiculous. I have no idea what's going on with the BOD because no one told me anything other than "something is happening we're unhappy".

Can someone shed some light on this? I really like MRA for its convenience, but I guess I should start looking for a club with less drama.
I want to personally thank all the members that attended tonight. While the outcome was to be expected, the show of support was appreciated.
For those who know me personally, I have resigned my postion on the BOD, effective immediately.
Another BOD member has also resigned for personal issues.

I could not make it yesterday... one question though: why did you resign?
Or people need to speak with there wallet

Many already did this over there the past few years. The people I know that still use MRA are there because it's convenient (particularly the Loeb access) they're too lazy to drive somewhere else, and most of the local alternatives to MRA are far worse than it is in terms of fudds, etc.

Upfront disclaimer: I'm a former member of MRA so I no longer have a dog in the fight.

From what I remember the MRA membership doesn't actually elect their president or any of the officers directly. The membership votes on the board and then the board elects the officers. The board is also very large and individuals serve fairly long terms. In my personal opinion that set up sets the stage for cronyism and severely limits the power of the membership. Essentially it would take many years for the membership to make enough changes to the board to effect any real change to the system and few are willing to put in the effort to do so. (I'm guilty of that myself - I quit MRA and instead joined a couple other clubs where I could have more of a positive impact as a member.)

If I were still a member, I think I'd want to figure out a way to spread the power out a bit more. Of course that would be a very difficult thing to do and would require a significant long-term commitment.
was thinking about joining here but I'm probably going to look elsewhere. I'd like the gun range to be a place I can go to escape whiny bitchy drama. Sounds like the place is run like Nazi Germany. Too bad, looks like they have some pretty good facilities.

Maybe the drive to Harvard is worth it.
do not read what is happening here on this forum as truth.. come see MRA and talk to active members. It is a good place to be part of

Stop reading this uncensored forum - only we know the truth, but will not share it publicly. Come see MRA and meet people who will tell you "the truth" in person only.

FTFY, JerryW.

You do realize that the whole "we do not speak about the facts on the internet, only in person" is eerily similar to how Bernie Madoff worked:

Rather than offer high returns to all comers, Madoff offered modest but steady returns to an exclusive clientele. The investment method was marketed as "too complicated for outsiders to understand." He was secretive about the firm’s business, and kept his financial statements closely guarded

Lack of transparency is always a big red flag when dealing with anybody... and MRA is seriously transparency challenged. And I say that as an MRA member, and I've been to board of directors meetings before.

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