Massachusetts Rifle Association - Woburn, MA

do not read what is happening here on this forum as truth.. come see MRA and talk to active members. It is a good place to be part of

What specific untrue statements are you referring to?
I think the MRA should be very active on these forums so they can hear from people who can't always make it to BOD meetings.
I wonder if the hired, or requested, uniformed local police officer was an attempt at intimidation, or was the BOD concerned that the BOD meeting could get out of hand... Definitely a first since my time as a member....

Maybe a member who just finished his shift?
So, Mass Rifle is down three Board members.

My understanding of the Bylaws is that the next three top vote-getters from the last election become Directors for the remainder of the terms of them as who are gone.

Anyone remember the election results and thus who the new Directors are? (I'm assuming there were more candidates than who got elected, but that might be a bad assumption.)
So the contributions of the only identified MRA board member in this discussion consist of:

A simple, factual answer:

The only thing I got was the mailed out reminder card that all members get

Followed by a legitimate question:

So.... the club Secretary did not publish the names of the candidates as per the bylaws? Interesting......

which gets ignored with a bullshit statement:

spin city, you are the champ

I fail to see how asking whether the bylaws were followed is spin.

Also, we have a "we do not talk on forums - only in person" MRA "rule" repeated in two posts, and...

At MRA, each BOD is elected to a 3 year term. After each election, committee assignments are made and members of each committee are made up of BOD and any member that wishes to participate. The way members can influence MRA is attending the BOD monthly meetings and presenting their concerns and or requests also volunteering to work on committees.

do not read what is happening here on this forum as truth.. come see MRA and talk to active members. It is a good place to be part of

The most glaring matter is how specific questions like the ones below

What specific untrue statements are you referring to?

Spin? Are you saying it isn't the truth? Please prove me wrong....Were the names on the announcement..maybe the website...maybe the forum....maybe Facebook....or even NES?


Thank you, JerryW, for your demonstration of the wrong way to run a club - you seem to be more concerned with vague complaints of bias and the ability of the BoD to identify the people who commit the unforgivable sin of asking questions than with actually explaining what is going on to active members.
Finally something more than complaints about spin - thank you, Dragon2115.


And the same goes for WatchCityCPA. If you're this unhappy with the club then why don't you go somewhere else. Or is this just what you like to do for fun, piss in other people's Cheerios?

I am a member because it pleases me to be a member, and I will only leave if I choose to. And they are my own Cheerios, seeing how I am an active MRA member.

I raised specific concerns about JerryW's posts and substantiated them with the facts available (and lack thereof). If you don't like that, so what? I do not quit in fights I take on, nor do I insult people I hardly know on a message board just because they ask questions and raise concerns [grin]. I will speak whenever I feel like it and use whatever venue I feel like using... be it a board meeting or NES.

Also, I want to be on the record as saying that JerryW's posts are not acceptable coming from an MRA BoD member nor do they help MRA in any way shape or form. There are quite a few things I dislike in your posts, but at least you explained specifically what you believe happened, and that I can respect while still disagreeing on certain matters.
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Wow I didn't know NES had a soap opera forum too. Is this story an episode from "Guns of our Lives" or "The Young and the Armed".
Maybe its "General Gun Club" [rofl]

Sorry I couldn't resist. Just trying to add a little levity to the situation.
Thats good. Something would be seriously wrong if you were a member of a club you didn't like.

Yes you did question JerryW, who for what I can see has not said anything bad about the club so far. But I find it curious that you don't hold Massman to the same standard. He's been making actual derogatory comments about the club before and after resigning as a director. In looking at the bylaws what Massman has been posting could be in violation of Article VI sections one and seven which all members voluntarily agree to abide by. That fact that you're not questioning anything he's had to say leaves your motives shall we say, suspect.

You do not have to badmouth the club to hurt it - the "defense" that JerryW was putting up was hurting MRA more than anybody else on this thread. For another (and epic) example of that approach, check this thread out starting with post 138. Fortunately for MRA, JerryW smartly stopped posting before he could do the kind of damage BobDavin did to HTP while "trying to help".

I hold Massman and you to the same standard - two people who care deeply about a topic, strongly disagree with each other and are willing to discuss matters on an open forum. Since I am not privy to the specific facts of the dispute, I cannot (yet) judge either of your actions/positions, and thus I did not offer an opinion on either. I have questions about both of your positions and actions, and I will figure out what happened in the fullness of time. The information you both provided will help with that - the empty and positively weaselly posts of JerryW did not.

One more thing: it is my experience that people who question and/or ascribe hidden motives or some sort of agenda to another party have a hard time defending their position and try to pretend they are persecuted by people with some secret/evil agenda. Spare me that particular ploy, will you? I clearly stated what my interest in the matter is what my concerns are and the reason why I am concerned in my earlier posts - no need to throw stuff on the wall in the hope that something will stick...
Plus people tend to be more civil when standing in front of a cop. Funny thing, it worked

If I sell you tiger repellent, and you go the entire year without any tigers in your yard, is that proof my tiger repellent worked?
So, the BOD thought it was necessary to use the police to intimidate club members to get their way?

It can be a tactic to make a statement "these people are so unstable we need police protection from them" or, alternatively, to reinforce who is the in charge at the club.

Or, it could be that the individuals in question were really dangerous.

As an outsider, uninvolved with the operations of the club, I have no way to know which is the case.
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As a casual member who goes in and shoots once every couple weeks, do I need to know what the crap is going on here or is this just political minutiae playing out in a public forum and making MRA look bad?

I knew I had joined a shooting range... I didn't realize it was also a soap opera.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I need to know what the crap is going on here or is this just political minutiae playing out in a public forum and making MRA look bad?

If you care about your club, you should probably know what's going on.
If you care about your club, you should probably know what's going on.

Well will someone enlighten me? I paid money to join a shooting range where I can go shoot from time to time and not follow a complicated and obfuscated online drama. I have better things to do with my time. I do hope whatever it is gets resolved though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well will someone enlighten me? I paid money to join a shooting range where I can go shoot from time to time and not follow a complicated and obfuscated online drama. I have better things to do with my time. I do hope whatever it is gets resolved though.

Ask the BoD, apparently they're the only ones who know the whole story, but will only tell you in person, with a police presence.
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