MRA is Opening Thursday, May 21 at 12 Noon
Important information about MRA Range opening follows. Please take a moment to read about the temporary rules and protocols that will be in effect as of May 21st. All Members/Guests are required to follow all MRA rules and as well as the Temporary Rules outline below. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE RULES WILL JEOPARDIZE YOUR MEMBERSHIP
Things will not yet be back to normal, but with your cooperation we can all safely begin to enjoy the shooting sports once again.
We have modified MRA operations in order to keep the ranges safe for all and in compliance with best practices for protecting us all from COVID-19.
Office Hours
We expect to have office hours as usual on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, but will limit access to the office as needed for appropriate social distancing.
Members / guests / prospective members will only be allowed in the office if they are masked or can practice social distancing at 6 feet while conducting business. Individuals, weather permitting, can be taken to the porch or outside for longer conversations.
Lounge Area Use
Use of the lounge is heavily restricted. You may use the lounge area for access to Pope and Loeb ranges, but otherwise you should stay out of the lounge.
Social Distancing and Masks
We expect all members to follow established social distancing practices, and wear masks when necessary. Please be respectful of your fellow members and their families.
We anticipate being able to provide spray bottles of disinfectant and paper towels throughout the facility. These are MRA property -- please don’t walk off with them!
Guest Policy Modifications
Until Wednesday, June 3, 2020, the MRA will be a members’ only facility. There will be no guests during this initial period.
Effective June 3, 2020 and until further notice, members will be limited to one (1) member of their family as a guest. The Board will revisit this on a monthly basis with the goal of returning to the previous policy if and when circumstances and/or capacity and social distancing will support relaxing this temporary measure
New Range Procedures
There will be new temporary procedures for all ranges. All active ranges, except the two shotgun fields will have every other shooting station closed off to enforce a 6-foot distance between shooters. Where appropriate, disinfectant supplies will be available.
On all ranges, PLEASE be considerate of others and limit your range session to 20 minutes or so if there are others waiting. We all want to shoot -- please share the range. The Loeb Range will still be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you may wish to consider avoiding peak hours (Wednesday evening and Sunday morning).
Here are the new procedure details by range:
Loeb Range
- Entry to the Loeb range will be through the observation room only. The other door will be used for exit only. Both doors will be clearly marked.
- Every other shooting station will be blocked off to maintain 6 feet between shooters. This reduces the number of shooting stations to 6.
- Please wait in the marked areas in the observation room for a station to be available, and maintain social distancing.
- There is room for 1 person to wait inside the Loeb range in a clearly marked “on deck” area just inside the door. Waiting here will ensure that someone can see that someone is waiting to shoot and not just observing.
Fazio Range
- The Fazio range will remain closed for the time being.
Pope Range
- Every other lane is blocked off.
McLaughlin Range
- Every other lane is blocked off.
Summa Range
- Shooting positions 1, 3, 4 and 6 are open; 2 and 5 are closed until further notice.
Shotgun Ranges
- When racking and retrieving shotguns, please do so in single file, keeping a safe distance between yourselves.
- Ammunition will be provided on the range, not in the office
- If you are seated, please keep a safe distance from other observers.
Archery and Axe / Knife Throwing Area
OUTDOOR QUAIFICATIONS (Summa and McLaughlin Ranges)
- Jerry will be working on smaller groups and the most effective and efficient manner to qualify members. Sign up in the office
Any questions or concerns, please contact us during office hours or send email to
Thank You and always be safe and shoot straight
Board of Directors
Massachusetts Rifle Association