Massachusetts Rifle Association - Woburn, MA

Yeah but it's worth noting that they tried to bag Fleury et all on the MG transfer thing and it actually failed, but the institutional fear persisted and now its considered "de facto" the truth.
That would be tricky since he was not the one doing a transfer. I wonder if subornation of transfer is even a crime.
Board of Directors and Association Counsel
Just remember, if the state disagrees you get a warning on the first offense and a $300 fine of questionable collectability on the second.
Here's the TLDR:
-wear masks at the range
-loeb: enter through observation room, exit from entrance. use every other lane to keep distance.
-summa, pope, mclaughlin: use every other lane
-fazio: closed
-shotgun: keep guns apart from eachother on rack to avoid contact. buy ammo on the range so you don't go in the office

That's basically it. I usually go during non-peak hours so I should be good. I hate the mandatory mask, even if I'm the only one there, but rules are rules.

MRA is Opening Thursday, May 21 at 12 Noon

Important information about MRA Range opening follows. Please take a moment to read about the temporary rules and protocols that will be in effect as of May 21st. All Members/Guests are required to follow all MRA rules and as well as the Temporary Rules outline below. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE RULES WILL JEOPARDIZE YOUR MEMBERSHIP

Things will not yet be back to normal, but with your cooperation we can all safely begin to enjoy the shooting sports once again.

We have modified MRA operations in order to keep the ranges safe for all and in compliance with best practices for protecting us all from COVID-19.

Office Hours

We expect to have office hours as usual on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, but will limit access to the office as needed for appropriate social distancing.

Members / guests / prospective members will only be allowed in the office if they are masked or can practice social distancing at 6 feet while conducting business. Individuals, weather permitting, can be taken to the porch or outside for longer conversations.

Lounge Area Use

Use of the lounge is heavily restricted. You may use the lounge area for access to Pope and Loeb ranges, but otherwise you should stay out of the lounge.

Social Distancing and Masks

We expect all members to follow established social distancing practices, and wear masks when necessary. Please be respectful of your fellow members and their families.


We anticipate being able to provide spray bottles of disinfectant and paper towels throughout the facility. These are MRA property -- please don’t walk off with them!

Guest Policy Modifications

Until Wednesday, June 3, 2020, the MRA will be a members’ only facility. There will be no guests during this initial period.

Effective June 3, 2020 and until further notice, members will be limited to one (1) member of their family as a guest. The Board will revisit this on a monthly basis with the goal of returning to the previous policy if and when circumstances and/or capacity and social distancing will support relaxing this temporary measure

New Range Procedures

There will be new temporary procedures for all ranges. All active ranges, except the two shotgun fields will have every other shooting station closed off to enforce a 6-foot distance between shooters. Where appropriate, disinfectant supplies will be available.

On all ranges, PLEASE be considerate of others and limit your range session to 20 minutes or so if there are others waiting. We all want to shoot -- please share the range. The Loeb Range will still be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you may wish to consider avoiding peak hours (Wednesday evening and Sunday morning).

Here are the new procedure details by range:

Loeb Range

  • Entry to the Loeb range will be through the observation room only. The other door will be used for exit only. Both doors will be clearly marked.
  • Every other shooting station will be blocked off to maintain 6 feet between shooters. This reduces the number of shooting stations to 6.
  • Please wait in the marked areas in the observation room for a station to be available, and maintain social distancing.
  • There is room for 1 person to wait inside the Loeb range in a clearly marked “on deck” area just inside the door. Waiting here will ensure that someone can see that someone is waiting to shoot and not just observing.
Fazio Range

  • The Fazio range will remain closed for the time being.
Pope Range

  • Every other lane is blocked off.
McLaughlin Range

  • Every other lane is blocked off.
Summa Range

  • Shooting positions 1, 3, 4 and 6 are open; 2 and 5 are closed until further notice.
Shotgun Ranges

  • When racking and retrieving shotguns, please do so in single file, keeping a safe distance between yourselves.
  • Ammunition will be provided on the range, not in the office
  • If you are seated, please keep a safe distance from other observers.
Archery and Axe / Knife Throwing Area

  • open
OUTDOOR QUAIFICATIONS (Summa and McLaughlin Ranges)

  • Jerry will be working on smaller groups and the most effective and efficient manner to qualify members. Sign up in the office

Any questions or concerns, please contact us during office hours or send email to

Thank You and always be safe and shoot straight

Board of Directors
Massachusetts Rifle Association
Went this morning, wasn't a bad situation at all. Beautiful day for McLaughlin range. Put a precision front sight and aperture rear sight on the AK and zeroed @ 50yds. Did some offhand with the AR, still the best rifle ever made.
Also, Godavari indian food around the corner on Washington had a line out the door!
I'm about 6 months in for my membership and would like to qualify for McLaughlin.

I recall from the safety class that it was a 6 month wait-period. Can someone please tell me if this is right? I could not find any additional details in the rulebook.
I'm about 6 months in for my membership and would like to qualify for McLaughlin.

I recall from the safety class that it was a 6 month wait-period. Can someone please tell me if this is right? I could not find any additional details in the rulebook.
Holy shit! That's a seriously long time. It must be either demand from members or supply from training times. I'm pretty sure you can go to mclaughlin or pope with a member, assuming proper instruction is given. We are each other range safety officers.
You have to be a member for six months before you can qualify for the outdoor ranges. Drop by on Sunday morning and ask to sign up for the next qualification. You may have to wait a few weeks since Jerry is working with smaller groups, but it shouldn't be too long.
I've signed up for the qualification for McLaughlin and Summa and have a little time to prepare before my qualification. I fall squarely into the new-to-shooting category, am very conscious of handling and safety at all times but unclear about accuracy expectations at the qualification distances.

Can someone please tell me what the size of the target is at both distances? I've frankly not shot at 50 yards with a pistol before. Up in Fazio I can group around 3-4" after getting warmed up with .22 at 25 yards, and am certain I will not accidentally discharge into the joists above the targets. What type of accuracy is expected required for the pistol target?

For the rifle target, I am comfortable grouping 2-4" standing through my iron sights in loeb with a 223, but again this is very different from firing at 200 yards. I've not shot at that distance before, what is target size and accuracy expectation? I've sighted in at a 35yd zero - with a -1"ish drop at 25 so expect the trajectory to be fairly flat at 200.

I am signed up for the next appleseed event and look forward to greatly improving my shooting. This is after my qualification, however.
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As a newish shooter I am going to give you the best piece of advice you will ever receive.

Go shoot an appleseed. What? You don't know what an appleseed is?

Its the best value in marksmanship training that exists.

Your groups sound fine.

Do you know how to zero a rifle? This is important because they want to make sure you can get yourself on target.

Inches/minutes/clicks - does this mean anything to you? If not, then google it.

PM me. I'd be happy to loan you the necessary rifle and magazines to participate in an appleseed.

Dcmdon - we spoke some months back through PMs and I am signed up for the appleseed based on your guidance! I have an old marlin glenfield 20 and got 7 magazines based on your guidance so I will not spend all my time re-loading. Would LOVE to see your precision 10/22 at some point.

As a newish shooter I am going to give you the best piece of advice you will ever receive.

Go shoot an appleseed. What? You don't know what an appleseed is?

Its the best value in marksmanship training that exists.

Your groups sound fine.

Do you know how to zero a rifle? This is important because they want to make sure you can get yourself on target.

Inches/minutes/clicks - does this mean anything to you? If not, then google it.

PM me. I'd be happy to loan you the necessary rifle and magazines to participate in an appleseed.

Review your Range Rules for the Summa and McLaughlin. My Summa range qualification was done off the bench with a bipod equipped rifle. I think the target was a 200 yard NRA target (42" x 42"?). The expectation was to be able to get it on the paper. The McLaughlin range was another knowledge check on the range rules with a get it on the paper accuracy check. The outside range qualification is more of a keep all the bullets in the playing field kind of a requirement.
Anyone have info as to why the door fobs for the outside ranges are not working? The Pope and the McLaughlin were a No-Go today and the Loeb was hotter than a buzzards crotch.
Does anyone know the guest policy now?
According their web site, no change on guest policy yet.
Guest Policy Modifications

Until Wednesday, June 3, 2020, the MRA will be a members’ only facility. There will be no guests during this initial period.

Effective June 3, 2020 and until further notice, members will be limited to one (1) member of their family as a guest. The Board will revisit this on a monthly basis with the goal of returning to the previous policy if and when circumstances and/or capacity and social distancing will support relaxing this temporary measure
In the middle of the night on the indoor range. [rofl]

Haha thanks that’s helpful. I’m trying to introduce a friend to shooting and would like to go when it isn’t too crowded but also not at 2:00 AM. It’s probably going to have to be on a weekend due to his schedule. The few times I’ve gone on the weekend it was pretty crowded and I had to wait for a spot to open up (early afternoon). I’ll give it a shot Sat/Sun morning.
What are some good days and times to go here if one is looking to avoid the crowds?

The crowds are always on the Loeb range. Its the indoor range.

If you aren't a sheep, you can avoid the crowds easily. There is a .22 only range on the second floor of the clubhouse that is often empty.

The outdoor handgun range is also never crowded. And neither is the 50 or 100/200. Its just the Loeb that gets crowded.
I never got it. I'd be there on a beautiful spring day and the idiots are inside banging away while I'm all alone outside.

If you go during the work day during the week, even the Loeb is not crowded. But if you show up at 6 pm there will be other people there.

I really enjoy the .22 only range as a place to teach people to shoot. No chance of ending up next to someone with a braked AR or shotgun.

that club sounds kind of like a headache to get into

Not at all. Show up, talk to the membership people, take the test, and you are in.
The crowds are always on the Loeb range. Its the indoor range.

If you aren't a sheep, you can avoid the crowds easily. There is a .22 only range on the second floor of the clubhouse that is often empty.

The outdoor handgun range is also never crowded. And neither is the 50 or 100/200. Its just the Loeb that gets crowded.
I never got it. I'd be there on a beautiful spring day and the idiots are inside banging away while I'm all alone outside.

If you go during the work day during the week, even the Loeb is not crowded. But if you show up at 6 pm there will be other people there.

I really enjoy the .22 only range as a place to teach people to shoot. No chance of ending up next to someone with a braked AR or shotgun.
Don't ruin it for those of us that avoid Loeb at peak times!

Hey everyone. Joined MRA recently and have the orientation soon. I was told you can qualify for the outdoor range without waiting the 6-month period but didn't have time to stay and chat. Can someone elaborate how you go about it? Please PM me or share here. Thanks!
Hey everyone. Joined MRA recently and have the orientation soon. I was told you can qualify for the outdoor range without waiting the 6-month period but didn't have time to stay and chat. Can someone elaborate how you go about it? Please PM me or share here. Thanks!

I assume by outdoor range you mean the 50 and/or the 100/200.

MRA has been a victim of its own success. Many new members are also new shooters. New shooters do dumb things. The 6 month rule is really intended to let new members/shooters gain proficiency and familiarity without the risk of a bullet getting outside MRA associated with those 2 ranges.

If you are a new shooter, I'd suggest you stand down for a few months and shoot as much as you can in the mean time.

Take an Appleseed. Maybe go to Sig.

If you are experienced, I'd suggest calling the office and talking to Jerry W, he's a board member and the one who does the check outs.

When I got my membership, I had just moved up here from CT where I had shot competitively for 25 years, I had also been a FFL and a pistol/ rifle instructor for 20 years.
I approached it with humility and respect and was able to get a check out within a week of gaining membership.

This was 8 years ago. So things may have changed, but this was my experience.
I assume by outdoor range you mean the 50 and/or the 100/200.

MRA has been a victim of its own success. Many new members are also new shooters. New shooters do dumb things. The 6 month rule is really intended to let new members/shooters gain proficiency and familiarity without the risk of a bullet getting outside MRA associated with those 2 ranges.

If you are a new shooter, I'd suggest you stand down for a few months and shoot as much as you can in the mean time.

Take an Appleseed. Maybe go to Sig.

If you are experienced, I'd suggest calling the office and talking to Jerry W, he's a board member and the one who does the check outs.

When I got my membership, I had just moved up here from CT where I had shot competitively for 25 years, I had also been a FFL and a pistol/ rifle instructor for 20 years.
I approached it with humility and respect and was able to get a check out within a week of gaining membership.

This was 8 years ago. So things may have changed, but this was my experience.

Thanks man that's very helpful, appreciate it!
Is anyone else considering not renewing their membership for the next year? I'm slightly on the fence (60% renew, 40% lapse) simply because ammo prices are so ridiculous that I cannot bear to shoot anything. However, I do support MRA (and their operating costs) and want to be ready to shoot after things return to normal. I'll probably renew, but the thought crossed my mind due to the current situation. Anyone else?

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