Massachusetts Rifle Association - Woburn, MA

Hi Dreppucci,

We send out dues bills the beginning of September. It is the standard 1 pager that goes in a #10 envelope. We usually send out a reminder postcard in early November, then send the final dues letter in December. We send out 3 notices starting in September as per the bylaws of the club. I like to send the the final dues bill in letter form in case the first letter was misplaced. In fact it will be going out next Monday. If you got the dues postcard and not the first letter it must have gotten lost in the mail.

Don't worry about your fob being turned off. We don't do anything until January. You can always call the club on either Wednesday evenings or Sunday mornings to see if your payment has been received. Most of the time a problem occurs when a member has moved and does not notify the club of the change of address. If this happens just call the office and we can straighten the situation out. The office number is 781-933-2138.

I hope this helps.

Thank you...I never got the first notice in September...I don't know what happened to it.

Hopefully I'll get the finals dues notice soon.
I had scheduled an orientation appointment for this morning at 9 AM [sad] I didn't get a call that it was canceled, so I headed on over a little early and waited until 9:25 or so. I'm planning on heading up Wednesday night after work to get my orientation out of the way.

I'm assuming the office will be closed today, so can anyone confirm whether or not I can expect to get my orientation done on Wednesday night?
I had scheduled an orientation appointment for this morning at 9 AM [sad] I didn't get a call that it was canceled, so I headed on over a little early and waited until 9:25 or so. I'm planning on heading up Wednesday night after work to get my orientation out of the way.

I'm assuming the office will be closed today, so can anyone confirm whether or not I can expect to get my orientation done on Wednesday night?

Call the office- 781-933-2138. Leave a message if nobody picks up. [wink]
I had scheduled an orientation appointment for this morning at 9 AM [sad] I didn't get a call that it was canceled, so I headed on over a little early and waited until 9:25 or so. I'm planning on heading up Wednesday night after work to get my orientation out of the way.

I'm assuming the office will be closed today, so can anyone confirm whether or not I can expect to get my orientation done on Wednesday night?

With the snow storm it was impossible to do orientations today. We will be happy to do your orientation on Wednesday. Just make sure that you are there by 6:00 PM. Sorry for the trouble but the New England weather can be a pain.
Question for you guys...I sent my dues in on Thursday 12/27/07 ( late i know) you think they will make it by today?? Now if it doesnt make it i know they will shut my key off...but does this mean i have to "re-apply" for the membership and pay the initial fee again?? Just wondering...hopefully it will make it on time.
They won't shut your key off until its obvious that you don't intend to renew.

If you have any problems at all, just call Marty.
Question for you guys...I sent my dues in on Thursday 12/27/07 ( late i know) you think they will make it by today?? Now if it doesnt make it i know they will shut my key off...but does this mean i have to "re-apply" for the membership and pay the initial fee again?? Just wondering...hopefully it will make it on time.

You might want to post this question at the Club's forum - I know Marty checks in from time to time..
Loeb Range Closure 1/1/08

Just a reminder -


The Loeb range will be closed Jan 1-5, 2008 for the installation of the new target retrieval system.
Jan 1 the old system will be taken out preparing for the new system.
New system, new year.
Thanks for your continued patience
As probably the last person to use the old Loeb setup, I gotta say that the condition I found it in tonight was almost a cry for replacement. Over half the lanes down from what it looked like, one went to the 50; only and the other one I used went down to the 75; and then stopped moving.

Can't wait to see the new, hopefully bullet-resistant setup.

Stop shooting the carriers!
Let us know if you need any help. I was on board to help out the original removal date but it was postponed and never heard back but if your still in need of help after 5pm let me know.

I was there the other night and the old system has definately seen better days. Now onto bigger and better things..great way to start the New Year.
I was at the club today - looks like the installers are a bit behind schedule.
Thought I'd give you guys a heads up so you don't go to the club and findout the Loeb range is still being worked on.

I believe Rich has been posting updates at the MRA Forum.
I'm seriously considering joining MRA, at least partially because the Loeb range sounds like it will be quite good when revamped.

However, the application asks for my employer information. How important is this (because they're not getting it)?
I hear ya Jungle made a few more rounds tonight and made some 357 to test so when they are up and running we will meet up and test out my abilitiy or lack there
Mass Rifle's Loeb Range Update - Jan. 13, 2008

Greetings All:

As those of you that have been following the Loeb Range rennovations may recall, the parts and the installation crew were originally supposed to arrive from Atlanta before the holidays. Due to a storm and glitches involving Savavge Range Sysyems, that (obviously) didn't happen.

When the crew did arrive it was a day before the parts themselves. Once on site they worked straight through. The upcoming storm must have added a little incentive - the work by Savage Range Systems concluded today. Their crew now is trying tobeat the storm and get back home.

The range has only one significant installation issue remaining. All of the new motors have to be hooked up by an electrician. The Board has an electrician coming in at the beginning of the week. Barring any (more) unforeseen difficulties, we should have our "armored-up" Loeb Range up and running by the end of the week.

While I know that this is a shooting range - please take a moment before you begin shooting to make sure of the following:

1) You know the range rules; and
2) You aim and maintain control of the firearm so that all shots go where they belong - on paper and into the backstop.

We appreciate everyone's (well, almost everyone's) patience during the rennovation period and would like to keep the range open and repair costs to a minimum in the future.

If you see anyone doing anything inappropriate, please either approach them in a professional manner and try to educate them or report them via an "Incident Report" on the shelf by the front door where the log book is.

Together we can spend more on range improvements than range repair.

Thanks to all the volunteers who made this happen.
I posted on the MRA board as welll but stopped by last night to see if I could check out the progress. it was pitch black in the range and i felt it would be wise not to enter the range as the FOBs were obstructed. But from what i COULD see it looks like they are making progress on the installation of the motors..Cant wait either, hopefully by this time next week we will all be shooting.

There are some pics on the MRA forum site and the new system looks BEEFY so yes hopefully there will not be as many range repairs..If you asked me if anyone damaged these, it looks like it was intentional, as the pictures on the forum show some heavy steel up there...

Again thanks to all the MRA members Gettn R Done.
I've been in Loeb a few time during the renovations. One of the guys on the board of directors was showing me the new setup (no shooting). It looks like it will be a HUGE improvement over what we had previously. The metal looks very beefy. The only thing that worried me was that the wires are exposed. BUT, they are mounted way up high. Anyone that manages to score a direct hit on them should not be shooting anyways. The biggest concern I can think of is if someone hits the metal part where the target attaches and a ricochet hits the wire. But hopefully that will be the exception, not the rule.

I was at the club this afternoon, and some of the directors were saying that the electrical wiring that was in place was a complete disaster. I guess they literally had to gut and redo the entire wiring at the firing line end of the Loeb range. They're hoping for everything being up and ready by this Tuesday.

It should be well worth the wait!
Thanks for the update Terror. i was there today as well testing some reloads. it was not as nice and cozy as the inside but it was well worth it for now. the system does look good and cant wait for it to be completed
Incase anyone didnt see it this was from MassMan from the MRA forum. Looks like they are almost done with the construction.

********Begin Paste***********
Hi everyone,
We are looking for volunteers Wed night 1/23 for final clean up and preparation to open up the Loeb range.
Should begin about 6pm. No real "heavy lifting" just general clean up, replacing ceiling tiles, ect.
Anyone interested please see me, Rich, in the club office.
Thank you!

With the Loeb range renovations as well as a few personal items a few checks stayed in the safe longer than normal. All checks are in the bank and everyone who paid is all set.

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