MG Keefe (ret) won’t be down


NES Member
Sep 20, 2006
Far North New Hampshire
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Just received this email. RIP General.

It is with a very heavy heart and much sadness, that I have to inform you of the passing of Maj. Gen. George W. Keefe (Ret)., the former Adjutant General of The Massachusetts National Guard late this morning. General Keefe joined the Massachusetts Air National Guard in 1956 as a crash fire rescue specialist and eventually attained the rank of master sergeant in the 104th, then known as the Tactical Fighter Group. He served as the Vice Commander of the Wing before going to Joint Force Headquarters.

He was the last member in uniform who served in the Berlin Call-up, serving at Plattsburg Air Force Base from October 1961 to September 1962. He was also enshrined in the U.S. Air Force Enlisted Heritage Hall at Maxwell Air Force Base as one of the only general officers who enlisted as an E-1, was promoted through the ranks to E-7, and then rose through the officer ranks from First Lieutenant to Major General.

Today is a very sad day for all us. If you had a chance to know him or interact with him as many of us have over our careers, you immediately felt his compassion, sense of humor and absolute love for the 104th Fighter Wing and its members.

I ask that you keep his four sons, Maj. Gen Gary Keefe, Colonel Patrick Keefe, Brig. Gen. Jim (Cobra) Keefe (ret) and Tim and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

Details are just starting to come forward and it looks like the services will be on Wednesday, 27 June and Thursday 28 June. More specific details to follow in the next day or so on how we will say goodbye as a Barnes family, to an outstanding leader and mentor to this Wing and his family.
He was a good man.


He came into my office one day, I was in early and he was waiting on a flight to DC. He "only" had one star at the time IIRC. He poked his head into my office to see who was working and I naturally called the room to attention.

He looked around, looked at me, and said "Tuna, who the Hell are you talking to?"
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