Let's take a look at the history of 3rd party candidates in MA. Not too long ago, Jack E. Robinson ran as a Republican for the senate against Teddy. For those of you who don't remember, Robinson was a complete idiot. He was basically disavowed by the Republican party, for good reason.
Running against Robinson was probably the best Libertarian candidate we've had in MA, Carla Howell. Many Republicans voted for Carla because 1) Robinson was so bad, and 2) as a protest vote, it didn't matter because everyone knew Kennedy would win.
So in that environment, you would expect the Libertarian candidate to do far better than if there had been a viable Republican opponent. In other words, this was just about the best possible result for an independent candidate.
What was the result? As expected, Kennedy won overwhelmingly. No surprise there.
But Carla Howell couldn't even beat Robinson. She was by far the better candidate, but she finished behind Robinson.
The Republican party basically guaranteed to Mihos that they would put him on the primary ballot. He demured. Why? Because Mihos knew that he would lose to Healey. He knows he won't beat Healey in the general election. If he thought he could have beaten Healey, he would have run in the Republican primary, beaten Healey, and thus picked up the support of the Republican party. He did not because he knows he couldn't beat her in the primary and he knows he can't beat her in the general election. So why is Mihos running if he knows he can't win? Revenge. He's still mad at the Republican party so he's poking a stick in their eye.
So who is Mihos going to steal votes from? Do you think he's going to take votes from Deval Patrick, darling of the Cambridge set? No, he's going to take votes from Healey.
Please be realistic. Wishing and wanting isn't going to get Mihos the win. Mihos is not a strong candidate. Did you watch the debate that Mihos appeared at? He's got money, but came off as not-ready-for-prime-time and he cannot win. He's a weaker candidate than Healey. So, compared to the Kennedy-Robinson-Howell matchup, where Howell couldn't even beat a very weak candidate, we've got a very weak third party candidate against a much stronger Republican candidate. As a result, Mihos is going to get far less than Howell.
During the Clinton, Bush, Perot campaign, lots of folks "voted their conscience" and voted for Perot. As a result, we got Clinton. Bush, Sr., wasn't great, but Clinton was worse.
Healey won't be great, but you all know that Patrick or Reilly is going to be worse.
If we continue to vote for the one we're handed we'll never get anywhere in this state - and, M1911, if we continue to insist something can't be done, then guess what? It can't.
The reality is that Mihos is not a viable candidate. He cannot win. Even if everyone on the board here quit their job and volunteered for Mihos full-time, he would still lose. We've got a choice between not-great (Healey) and terrible (Reilly or Patrick). Wishing and wanting Mihos to be viable isn't going to make that happen. He doesn't have the organization. He doesn't have the support. He doesn't have the charisma.
Hoping and wishing for the impossible isn't going to make it happen.
IIRC, the most recent polls show Healey within a couple percentage points of Reilly or Patrick, with Mihos trailing. Give Mihos votes to Healey and she's over the top.
I know you want Mihos to win. And I wanted to win this weekend's Powerball.
The realistic choices that we have are 1) Reilly/Patrick or 2) Healey. Make your choice.