Military to Bring Back the .45

I've only been able to fire one .357 round but damn that thing was a blast. .380 was a lot of fun too. Those are the highest calibers I've shot....Dying to shoot a .45 sometime.
Ray P said:
dwarven1 said:
Hey, don't forget: a .380 is a good defense round... for a girl. [wink]

(just don't tell me that... my PPK's feelings would be hurt!)


Reinbeau, Dwarven1: either of you tried the CORBON .380 +P? From the stats, it looks like it has higher muzzle energy that a moderate load 38spl. A couple of co-workers bought or received .380s over the holidays, and as the office gun-nut, I've invited them to join me at the local gun club this spring for a fam fire. I'd like to try out a box or two then.
I would like to try to Corbon .380 +P, haven't tried very hard to find it, though, when I do, I will see if it makes a difference. the PPK-S likes to be clean, after putting 40-50 rounds through it last weekend it started to not want to load up the first round in a fresh mag. I looked inside and saw tons of soot, so I put it down and finished off the day with the .45 :P
Ladies....just ignore the "9mm's are for wimmin" crowd. They get a bit nervous when they see us shooting rings around them, so they need to vent their manhood once in a while. It usually passes quickly and seems to make them feel better, so let them have their fun. We know the truth of the matter, and for the most part, so do they. Auntie Sue and I usually let them have their fantasies and go easy on their eggshell egos.

(was that what you had in mind Len?? [lol] [lol] [wink] )

Lynne said:
Ladies....just ignore the "9mm's are for wimmin" crowd. They get a bit nervous when they see us shooting rings around them, so they need to vent their manhood once in a while. It usually passes quickly and seems to make them feel better, so let them have their fun. We know the truth of the matter, and for the most part, so do they. Auntie Sue and I usually let them have their fantasies and go easy on their eggshell egos.

(was that what you had in mind Len?? [lol] [lol] [wink] )

Well, um, I didn't see anyone going very hard on them, but they're that fragile....... [twisted]
Lynne said:
Ladies....just ignore the "9mm's are for wimmin" crowd. They get a bit nervous when they see us shooting rings around them

Actually, Lynne... I was quoting that idiot at the range when I was there one day. Hey, my 15 year old niece likes Nickel's 1911! Think I didn't notice that?

As for wimmen outshooting us... when SWMBO and I were in the SCA, I would regularly outpoint her in archery practice. And she'd usually beat me by a point or two in competition. So I'm used to it by now... [lol]

better eind thispost. teh cat is headbyutting the computer!
reinbeau said:
I would like to try to Corbon .380 +P, haven't tried very hard to find it, though, when I do, I will see if it makes a difference. the PPK-S likes to be clean, after putting 40-50 rounds through it last weekend it started to not want to load up the first round in a fresh mag. I looked inside and saw tons of soot, so I put it down and finished off the day with the .45 :P

Hmm, My DAO Backup 45 can be a finicky eater; won't feed hollow points after much more than a 50 box. But it WILL feed FMJs forever; and it also loves the Pow'RBall. Pow'rBall is a +P JHP that uses a plastic ball in the hollowpoint to present an FMJ profile. It is new-made on Starline brass.

Is Corbon something you guys can't order from MA? If so, I'll gladly get a box of it for you to try out if you can make it up to ME some day this spring.
Lynne said:
dwarven1 said:
better eind thispost. teh cat is headbyutting the computer!

He either wants your full attention or food. [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]

Both. He's a serious mooch when I'm trying to make my lunch for the next day... begs for bits of my cold cuts. He gets them, too. :D
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