Minelli 1917 Stocks Now Available

It’s to bad Boyd’s can’t make a nice stock like Minelli. I missed the last time the garand stocks came around. My friend picked up 2 for his rack grades and they are very nice. I have a wenig stock that fits really nice.
I wish minelli made a new Mauser and type 99 stock set
I might buy one and put it in the rafters next to the Dupage Tigerstrip Garand stock I bought a few years ago. Rainy day project.
Hope they have a run of 1903 C stocks! I never really warmed up to the 1917 and will shoot either the K31 or M39. Cool that these stocks are available.
5 year necro post?

Eyes getting older, so now I'm more open to the M1917 due to its rear peep. Numrich has the Minelli M1917 stocks and handguards in stock, so I ordered a set for a future project with a Winchester 1917 that has a pretty beat up stock and a sewer pipe for a barrel. I bought a Criterion 1917 barrel a few years ago and once offered to sell but there were no takers. Guess that was a lucky break for me.
I hear the 1917 barrels are tight as f***😜
So I hear. Can't be any worse than the Swedish Mauser. I forget what I calculated but it was something like 1700 foot lbs to get it to release. I'm going to rebarrel a M1 on my own but I think the 1917 project may go to the Italian Stallion for the barrel and a trigger job. I realize there's not much to be done w/ a 1917 for a trigger job, but if anything can be done he'd be the guy.
I’ve got a 1917 Enfield that was re-barreled by CMP with a Criterion barrel ( and re-parked). Shoots “OK,” 2 MOA with hand loads. Probably better if I practiced. Been wanting to find a click-adjustable rear-aperture sight: Parker Hale 5B!
So I hear. Can't be any worse than the Swedish Mauser. I forget what I calculated but it was something like 1700 foot lbs to get it to release. I'm going to rebarrel a M1 on my own but I think the 1917 project may go to the Italian Stallion for the barrel and a trigger job. I realize there's not much to be done w/ a 1917 for a trigger job, but if anything can be done he'd be the guy.
Just under cut the barrel at the receiver.
It will practically turn out with fingers.
The key is solid bench.

Have not had a barrel not break free.
Had one mauser that would not budge
Shoulder is internal so had no other method than drill out and split the threads.


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Just under cut the barrel at the receiver.
It will practically turn out with fingers.
The key is solid bench.

Have not had a barrel not break free.
Had one mauser that would not budge
Shoulder is internal so had no other method than drill out and split the threads.
Very tempting to DIY, but I'm leaning towards farming it out so that what comes back is the complete package. One thing I've never liked about the Minelli stocks is the color- kind of a light sh!t brown. That would need to be changed. Did that for my 03A3 which I reworked myself and used dye to recolor- Fiebings dye if I recall correctly.
A head's up to the forum that a recent batch of Minelli 1917 stocks could have a problem. Decided to farm out the build to our local but nationally known Italian Stallion armorer. The receiver holes were off center in the stock. He could have fixed that via machining then filling the gap, but there would have been visible epoxy which is a no-go for CMP competition. SARCO replaced with no issues, but the replacement stock looks like it might be off a little as well. [banghead] We'll see.

The Spaghetti King did have to relief cut the 1917 barrel to remove it from the receiver, but the barrel was a total sewer pipe so no loss there. I'd been sitting on a Criterion barrel for a few years- didn't even have a 1917 when I bought it. A couple parts needed to re-parked but otherwise the hardware was in decent shape and the Winchester receiver is nice.
Update on the Numrich / GunPartsCorp stock:

Got a call last night from the Spaghetti King. Second stock even worse than the first, with additional problems for the receiver fit. He's not sure if it's even made by Minelli though it was made by someone in Italy.

The good news is that he says the original stock, though a bit of a beater in looks, is good to go for fitment and stability. It will work just fine for a vintage match shooter. He's going to test it out with the new barrel. Hopefully my front sight is tall enough. Many of them are short, causing the 1917 to shoot high.
Good thing is that sight blade should be easy to 3D print
I have 3D printed sights for K31 , British enfield ans such.
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