Model 41 problem

Mar 13, 2005
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I fired my model 41 today and the first shot fired and then with the second pull of the trigger the firing pin failed to strike the next round.

To fire a shot I had to pull the slide back just a little and reset the action back in to battery.

The fired round's casing also didn't eject very far and seemed to more fall out of the pistol landing on the table in the booth.

But it would seat every round perfectly it just wouldn't fire the next round unless the slide was pulled back just enough to keep the round from ejecting and released again to battery.

I used more than one magazine with the same results. Also I was usig CCI Blazer std. velocity the ammo suggested by S&W.

Can any one tell me what's the matter with it?

Could it be the hammer is failing to stay back and riding forward uncocked after the first discharge?
Hard to diagnose from a distance, but the M41 is a blowback and it sounds like it is short cycling. Assuming the ammo is any good, how clean is the gun?
I shot a 41 in bullseye competition for several years. The only time it failed to cycle was when it was telling me it needed a good cleaning. Try that first.
It's real clean. The only thing I can thing of is there must be some thing worn in the inside. The reason I think that is it has to be recocked after every shot. Even though it's fully rechambering each round it seems that the hammer isn't recocking.

Why it's doing that is what I'm looking for.
Bugs100- Try taking the barrel off the gun. Hold the barrel verticle with the chamber up. Try dropping a new round in the chamber. You should hear a ping and the round drops in. Try a few rounds if not the chamber may have carbon build up near the throat. This prohibits the round from fully seating and as the hammer fall the firing pin actually pushes the round foreward and seats the round. Sometimes this looks like a light hit. A dirty chamber may also cause drag on a fired round delaying the extraction. You may also try putting a drop of oil on the first round in the mag and then loading this may smooth things up a bit. Greg Derr
I've used my 41 in comp for many years. I always had ejection problems using standard ammo. I use CCI minimags and the gun performs flawlessly. It might not be what I'm supposed to do but it works for me.
It's going back to the factory it's just getting worse. I took it apart to clean it for about the 5th time and now the trigger guard won't go back up with the barrel seated on the frame.

So I called them and they said some thing was broken in the pistol. So S&W is sending me the paper work to send it to Maine and they said I will have it back in 8 days rebuilt.
Based on everything you've said, that's probably the most painless way to get it resolved.
Did you adjust the trigger at all, even if you didn't mean to? It sounds as if there isn't enough travel in the trigger to reset the sear to allow you to fire the next round. Take it to the factory or stop by the Shooting Sports Center and most likely we will be able to help you out too.
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