Motorcycle traffic violation - Cop pulls out gun

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Who knows what happened in the minutes preceding. There was another cruiser behind the bike. Heck, it could have been a two hour chase for all I know. If that's the case, it would probably be fairly obvious who was holding the pistol.
I would think that he might have considered showing his badge and saying he was state police BEFORE he pulled out his gun (with no credentials shown). Of course, I do not know the particuliars of the situation and the motorcycle guy could have and Uzi strapped to his chest for all I know.
looks like a cruiser was behind the rider already... so my guess is that he might have been acting like a jackass.

Police will treat you differently on a motorcycle when you get pulled over. I always throw my keys over my shoulder towards the cruiser when I get pulled over on my bike. Pull out the keys, jangle them in the air till they make eye contact through your mirror, and then toss them. It helps give the LEO a sense of security that you won't tear off like a bat out of hell. And it shows that you're considerate of them when they're at their job.
looks like a cruiser was behind the rider already... so my guess is that he might have been acting like a jackass.

Police will treat you differently on a motorcycle when you get pulled over. I always throw my keys over my shoulder towards the cruiser when I get pulled over on my bike. Pull out the keys, jangle them in the air till they make eye contact through your mirror, and then toss them. It helps give the LEO a sense of security that you won't tear off like a bat out of hell. And it shows that you're considerate of them when they're at their job.

You throw your keys over your shoulder?

Why not just shut down your bike and get off?
You throw your keys over your shoulder?

Why not just shut down your bike and get off?

It shows them that you can't just fire it back up and tear off. They start up in a heartbeat.

I was told that this helps put an officer at ease by one of my state trooper friends. Ever since I started doing it, I haven't been getting tickets.... so I won't complain [grin]
His badge is on his belt. [thinking]

Without being there, and knowing the situation, its tough to call a failure on IDing.
I noticed the camera is with the bike rider. I am surprised the cop did not tell hem to turn it off. Wonder what's before on the tape.
i got pulled over on my bike once and I keep the registration under the rear cowl. The cop was very mad at me because of my antics that lead to me being pulled over and drew down on me while I retrieved my registration from under the cowl. He said he did it because he didnt know what else I might have had under there. Understandable but not a good feeling at all.
I always throw my keys over my shoulder towards the cruiser when I get pulled over on my bike. Pull out the keys, jangle them in the air till they make eye contact through your mirror, and then toss them. It helps give the LEO a sense of security that you won't tear off like a bat out of hell. And it shows that you're considerate of them when they're at their job.

Last time I got stopped on the bike (1990 or so, IIRC), I pulled over to the side, shut the bike off, took off my helmet and put it on the tank and just waited for him. No problem at all. Got a warning... in SUDBURY.

I also didn't even try to deny I was speeding, either - he knew I was, I knew I was, and I knew HE knew I was... and I think that the lack of BS is what got me a warning instead of a ticket.
Theres 23 seconds of video, and he says state police 6 seconds in................

"Get off the motorcycle"

(Handgun drawn)

"Get off the motorcycle"

"Get off the motorcycle"

"State Police" - I think this is what he should have said first.

His badge is on his belt. [thinking]

He never displays the badge (it only becomes visible when he re holsters) and that is not until the 12 second mark.

I think the cop (in plain clothes) should have identified himself much sooner.
Can't see the video at work. But, unless he thought he was being pulled over by a disco wouldn't all the flashing lights on the police car have been a tip that it was a cop?
It seem from the video this guy should have known it was a cop real quick, considering the cruiser you see behind the motorcycle and whatever tipped him off to pull over in the first place. Understandable the cop wanted him off the bike before exchanging introductions...
There was a marked unit behind him so one can logically assume that he know damn well who the guy was PLUS, the biker looked like he was backing up to make a run for it when the cop first gets out of the car. I have no problem with it. The gun was pointed in a safe direction the whole time.

How many videos have we watched of cops getting shot at because they reacted to slowly. Here we have a case of a cop acting swiftly and safely.
I'm sure the motorcycle driver just keeps a camera on him to film himself safely driving through traffic, not make those videos all over the web of what it looks like to weave through traffic at 180.

There was a marked car behind him I think it was pretty clear what was going on.

There is a guy on the web who tapes himself evading police. Who knows what the guy on the bike was doing. I don't know if you have ever been pulled over going way too fast, but I have. The cops will usually have guns drawn long before they announce who they are. In my situation, about 6 years ago, I was stopped doing 145 in my Eclipse, I was removed from my vehicle and had multiple cops with their guns pointed at me in seconds. The cop that initially stopped me was in an unmarked car and plain clothes. And trust me he never bothered to do anything but identify himself as being armed. When you do something stupid, you know when you've been caught. The cop did the right thing, protected his own ass and the lives of everyone else on the street.

When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes, like a gun in your face. Don't blame the cop for this guy's mistake. If he is wearing a helmet cam, it's not to document himself obeying the law.
How stupid do you guys have to be? I've been stopped plenty of times but have NEVER had a cop draw down on me. Only thing they've ever whipped out was a ticket book.

Maybe you should consider a track day if you want to run at 145mph and not endanger the rest of us who aren't cool enough to do triple digits on public roads. (Yes, I've been known to speed but not where I'm a danger to anyone else.)
Here's the full vid, I think....

Looks like he gets "pinged" at about 1:07 or so...

ETA: Looks like earlier in the vid he is definitely hauling some ass.... those cars are disappearing
pretty fast....

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How stupid do you guys have to be? I've been stopped plenty of times but have NEVER had a cop draw down on me. Only thing they've ever whipped out was a ticket book.

Maybe you should consider a track day if you want to run at 145mph and not endanger the rest of us who aren't cool enough to do triple digits on public roads. (Yes, I've been known to speed but not where I'm a danger to anyone else.)

I was on a back road with no houses at 3am. I could see headlights coming literally a mile away, and also took a trip down to be sure nobody was in the road. It is a barely used road, especially at 3am. The cop was literally parked in the bushes, as kids drag race there on the regular. I may drive like an A-hole, but I make sure my ignorance doesn't endanger anyone but myself. And trust me, there is a starting line and a finish line painted on a 1/4 mile stretch of the road, it's been going on there for a long time since I stopped doing it. 6 years in your 20's is a long time to grow up, I haven't broken a speed limit in years.
You throw your keys over your shoulder?

Why not just shut down your bike and get off?

Bike off, keys on the ground, kickstand up is what I've heard to be a standard method some some LEO friends of mine. That way you can't do much of anything without laying the bike down first.
I was on a back road with no houses at 3am. I could see headlights coming literally a mile away, and also took a trip down to be sure nobody was in the road. It is a barely used road, especially at 3am. The cop was literally parked in the bushes, as kids drag race there on the regular. I may drive like an A-hole, but I make sure my ignorance doesn't endanger anyone but myself. And trust me, there is a starting line and a finish line painted on a 1/4 mile stretch of the road, it's been going on there for a long time since I stopped doing it. 6 years in your 20's is a long time to grow up, I haven't broken a speed limit in years.

Please don't try to justify stupidity. All it takes is a deer to jump out and local services have a hell of a mess to clean up. I realize that kids can be stupid, but no matter what you did, it was wrong.
I realize that kids can be stupid, but no matter what you did, it was wrong.

At what point did I say it was right? At the bottom of my first post I state that I was stupid. If your going to call me a dumbass, at least don't make it look like I don't already know. I just did my best to make sure if anyone died it was me, and not someone else. It's my life, and I have no kids. And it was 6 years ago, a lot has changed since then. I take it you were never a stupid kid? At least I am honest about my own ignorance and stupidity.
Please don't try to justify stupidity. All it takes is a deer to jump out and local services have a hell of a mess to clean up. I realize that kids can be stupid, but no matter what you did, it was wrong.

You don`t buy a crotch rocket to ride at legal speeds. These modern race bikes are amazing compared to my first bike, a 1973 Honda CB350. I ride a 1987 CBR 1000 Hurricane and it`s no fun to putt around on. I`m 54 yrs. old now w/3 herniated discs so it`s not that comfy anymore to ride. I`ve never been interested in "cruiser" type bikes but I need to get another bike w/a more upright riding position.
When I ride on a highway I always ride in the far left lane and far to the left in that lane. I would much rather be passing cars than have auto`s coming up on me and passing me. Speed is safety on a motorcycle. Now that said I`m not saying I ride at 145 mph.
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