Mountain Lion Kills 21 Year Old California Man

Sep 16, 2014
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I wonder if the outcome would have been different if these two had some defensive weapons on them. Surely it would have been. Even here in NE (and everywhere else for that matter) I pack heat while deep in the forest.

I wonder if the outcome would have been different if these two had some defensive weapons on them. Surely it would have been. Even here in NE (and everywhere else for that matter) I pack heat while deep in the forest.
In Connecticut, you're forbidden (that is, if it's DEEP property - many towns, too).
In Ma so only during specific hunting seasons are you barred from carrying a pistol.
In Connecticut you're prohibited from carrying firearms unless specifically allowed, e.g. lawfully hunting, and then it must be the type and caliber allowed for that type of hunting. Anything else is against regs and treated as prima facie evidence of poaching.
In Mass, no pistols while bowhunting.... Cue the guys that say concealed is concealed!!!. I'm hunting with the bow and arrow for a reason. I'm not out shooting animals with my P365. If the younger brother was able to carry legally, different outcome for sure.
In Mass, no pistols while bowhunting.... Cue the guys that say concealed is concealed!!!. I'm hunting with the bow and arrow for a reason. I'm not out shooting animals with my P365. If the younger brother was able to carry legally, different outcome for sure.
We have bears and coyotes, I always carry a gun in the woods.

I wonder if the outcome would have been different if these two had some defensive weapons on them. Surely it would have been. Even here in NE (and everywhere else for that matter) I pack heat while deep in the forest.

Nothing wrong with packing heat wherever you want to, and I’m glad you do. But just about everywhere else in New England is more dangerous than in the forest.
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