Moved out of NYS - What to do about my NY License


NES Member
Apr 4, 2016
Cape Cod
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So, I left NYS and moved to MA. Got my MA LTC a here 4 years ago. I brought my hand guns (that are/were registered in NY) with me.

Here's my question - what do I have to do, legally, about my NY carry license? Some say do nothing. Some say surrender it and one person told me it was a felony if I kept it. Any good sound advice would be appreciated. Thanks
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I sent mine back to the issuing agency.

When an attorney was doing some research for me, he discovered it was still active and on file.
Ha, that's NY for you. I was curious what was required by law. I want to keep mine. Not sure why, but I do. Maybe because it is hard to get so I want to keep it. Even though I'm done with NY.
At minimum I keep Scanned documentatio of old CCW licenses, mostly as my own personal proof that I was licensed at any given time. In some restrictive areas of this country it can be helpful to have documentation of having been previously licensed elsewhere.
For sure I understand that and it's smart. But what I am really interested in finding out - what is the LEGAL responsibility on my part since I left NY.

Is keeping my physical license and/or not alerting NY that I moved a criminal offense?
No worries.

Its a New York license. Given the way the SAFE act is written, you're probably guilty of something no matter what you do.
Yea, I did check the NY forum....didn't see anything there.

Ha, you guys are funny.....and you're right Picton, I'm sure I'm guilty of something. Just want to minimize my guilt. Oye Ve (spelling)
Yea, I did check the NY forum....didn't see anything there.

Ha, you guys are funny.....and you're right Picton, I'm sure I'm guilty of something. Just want to minimize my guilt. Oye Ve (spelling)

Well, this thread claims you need to notify your issuing authority of your move within ten days of your move - but apparently you get to keep the permit, depending on what the county says.

9. License: amendment. Elsewhere than in the city of New York, a
person licensed to carry or possess a pistol or revolver may apply at
any time to his or her licensing officer for amendment of his or her
license to include one or more such weapons or to cancel weapons held
under license. If granted, a record of the amendment describing the
weapons involved shall be filed by the licensing officer in the
executive department, division of state police, Albany. The
superintendent of state police may authorize that such amendment be
completed and transmitted to the state police in electronic form.
Notification of any change of residence shall be made in writing by any
licensee within ten days after such change occurs, and a record of such
change shall be inscribed by such licensee on the reverse side of his or
her license. Elsewhere than in the city of New York, and in the counties
of Nassau and Suffolk, such notification shall be made to the executive
department, division of state police, Albany, and in the city of New
York to the police commissioner of that city, and in the county of
Nassau to the police commissioner of that county, and in the county of
Suffolk to the licensing officer of that county, who shall, within ten
days after such notification shall be received by him or her, give
notice in writing of such change to the executive department, division
of state police, at Albany.
Yes, I know this however as I understand it - it's when you move from one NY address to another NY address. In my case I moved out of NY entirely. The handguns that are on my NY license are now with me in MA. I do have a MA LTC so I'm good here.

Don't know why I'm concerned except like I said in my original post someone told me it's a felony not to surrender my NY license....All these GD rules and regulations are so confusing and most make no me anyway. [rules]Thanks to everyone who took the time to try and help me out. I appreciate it a lot.
New York has both overarching statewide laws and county level laws, regulations and policies when it comes to firearms so the matter is not simple. In some counties permits are issued with out expiration dates so they are essentially good for life. Anyway, that's the way it was a few years ago.

I assume you applied for your license in the county where you live or own a business. New York does not have provisions for a non resident license of the type issued by many other states. However, it does allow some non residents to obtain a pistol permit under certain not clearly specified reasons and this could include owning a business in the state. A few years a map was published showing where permit holders lived and several popped up in nearby Connecticut providing evidence of this. Anyway, this could provide you with some cover since it, apparently, is not patently illegal for a non resident to hold a pistol permit even though it can be damn hard for a non resident to qualify for the initial issue one.

I think you should tread lightly on this and try navigate around any agencies or authorities that might reflexively say "No, you cannot keep your license." I would try to find out what you can at the county level first. You might even consider simply submitting a change of address notification indicating your current address in Massachusetts to the county agency that issued you license to see what kind of response you get. Document your action with a certified or return receipt letter. If there is any possibility you can hang on to you license, even if only until the next renewal, I'm sure that would be of value to you.

However, the key and most important legal issue here may simply be once you are officially a resident of Massachusetts and no longer a resident of New York is to be absolutely sure never to attempt to buy a firearm in New York as that would be a violation of Federal law and, probably, NYS law too. I'm sure you don't have to be cautioned on this but it is the only obvious legal pitfall I see that could cause you real trouble.

This is a very interesting issue. Please keep us posted on what you find out with this!
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New York has both overarching statewide laws and county level laws, regulations and policies when it comes to firearms so the matter is not simple. In some counties permits are issued with out expiration dates so they are essentially good for life. Anyway, that's the way it was a few years ago.

I assume you applied for your license in the county where you live or own a business. New York does not have provisions for a non resident license of the type issued by many other states. However, it does allow some non residents to obtain a pistol permit under certain not clearly specified reasons and this could include owning a business in the state. A few years a map was published showing where permit holders lived and several popped up in nearby Connecticut providing evidence of this. Anyway, this could provide you with some cover since it, apparently, is not patently illegal for a non resident to hold a pistol permit even though it can be damn hard for a non resident to qualify for the initial issue one.

I think you should tread lightly on this and try navigate around any agencies or authorities that might reflexively say "No, you cannot keep your license." I would try to find out what you can at the county level first. You might even consider simply submitting a change of address notification indicating your current address in Massachusetts to the county agency that issued you license to see what kind of response you get. Document your action with a certified or return receipt letter. If there is any possibility you can hang on to you license, even if only until the next renewal, I'm sure that would be of value to you.

However, the key and most important legal issue here may simply be once you are officially a resident of Massachusetts and no longer a resident of New York is to be absolutely sure never to attempt to buy a firearm in New York as that would be a violation of Federal law and, probably, NYS law too. I'm sure you don't have to be cautioned on this but it is the only obvious legal pitfall I see that could cause you real trouble.

This is a very interesting issue. Please keep us posted on what you find out with this!

Thanks for your input aeromarine, I appreciate all that you offered. And for sure I'm not buying any guns in NY. And you sure are right about the NY laws.

Yes, I got my license in the county where I lived (and had my business). It used to be good for life but that has changed and starting this year you must get it renewed every 5 years. Friends of mine have but as of yet I haven't been contacted for the renewal process (my mail gets forwarded) so now that I think about it I may just wait it out and see what happens.

One of my concerns is all of the info for my handguns, serial #'s, makes, models, caliber etc. are listed in full on my NY license. When I moved to MA and got my MA LTCa I brought all my gun info with me to the chief of police to have it added to my MA license. He said "we don't need that info". I was very surprised. So, part of my dilemma is that my guns are registered in NY with no documentation of them being in MA. How would I go about selling them? Probably couldn't do a face to face and how would a MA ffl handle it? If I surrender my NY license what happens with my guns registered on it now that I'm in MA?

Guess I'm in a pickle as they say. I'm not planning on selling my guns but that may change....Hmmmm. Thanks for everyones input.
People moving into MA do NOT have to register anything they move in with, that's the law!

Selling guns does NOT require that they were previously registered and no actual proof of ownership is required to make a legal sale.

Stop worrying so much.
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