Moving from MA to NYC with firearms

Jul 22, 2010
At or about the Great Hill
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For reasons that I will not get into, I am moving to the Bronx. I will say that it is related to my wife, for whom my love exceeds my absolute distain for the notion of living in New York. This is a testament to how much I love her.

What I'm looking for now is some details about moving into New York City with firearms. I have two handguns, the largest of which is a 9mm. I don't have a rifle yet, but I did buy an AR lower in Dream to Dream's recent group buy.

My understanding (though I'm not at all certain) is that I need to have a New York City carry permit merely to possess, and that there is no grace period. It sounds like I'm reasonably likely to be granted a premises-only permit (after they shake me down for $400+ in application fees) as I have a clean record, but it could take a while.

I'm not sure if I can possess the AR lower on the handgun permit, or if I will need to also apply for and be issued a rifle/shotgun permit (for an additional fee). Obviously, if I want to build the AR I would need this, but if I can get away with not having it until I decide to build, then that might be better.

What should I do in the interim while I am applying/waiting for permits to come through? It seems pretty clear that keeping them with me is not an option. I guess I'm going to have to store them with someone I trust in another state (that is legally allowed to possess them there) until such time as I can reclaim them (either by moving out of NY, or getting licensed).

I would consider moving to Westchester County instead if there is a substantially better regulatory climate, but I don't believe that's true ( If I'm mistaken, please let me know.

I've done a non-trivial amount of reading to try to answer these questions, and am eager to do more. So if you have good resources that I should consult, please post them.
Best of luck!

Check with Rob Boudrie off-line, he's a former NY'r (upstate) and is probably the most knowledgeable person here on NY laws.

Next check the NY gun rights group (perhaps they are in the NY orgs sub-forum here?) for a URL to see if they cover this question wrt what you are required to do.
Contact the historic gun shop in New York City: John Jovino Gunshop in 118 Grand Street in Little Italy. If you think Mass is bad wait until to get to the Big Apple. They have home rule there and the laws of the city diverge from the State's.

There are people in New York City who specialize in getting you through the license application process. It is going to be a nightmare otherwise. Be prepared to spend some big dollars for these firms to help you. John Jovino's can get you in touch with some of these people.
I would consider moving to Westchester County instead if there is a substantially better regulatory climate, but I don't believe that's true ( If I'm mistaken, please let me know.

Westchester County is a WHOLE 'nother ball game. Yes, you still need a pistol permit but you'll likely GET one - unlike moving into [STRIKE= ]that wretched hive of scum and villainy[/STRIKE] New York City. You do NOT need any sort of permit for a long gun in New York state outside of NYC.

If divorce isn't an option, go for Westchester.
Westchester County is a WHOLE 'nother ball game. Yes, you still need a pistol permit but you'll likely GET one - unlike moving into [STRIKE= ]that wretched hive of scum and villainy[/STRIKE] New York City. You do NOT need any sort of permit for a long gun in New York state outside of NYC.

If divorce isn't an option, go for Westchester.
I'd go for Westchester too, but depending on what you have to do in the Bronx, it could be a terrible commute.
In NYC the individual long guns must be registered. I haven't lived in the Bronx since 1974 but at the time I didn't even think about a handgun. I did have 2 22's both of which had to be registered and I had to be finger printed before I brought them into the city even though when I bought them in Westchester Co all I had to do is prove I was 18 back in 1968. I'm guessing that it was before the 1968 GCA was passed. To think I moved to MA after living in OH and PA.....must have been a moment of insanity.
Westchester (and Nassau) isn't really much better than NYC. Pistol permits are difficult in those two counties. At least NYC has a process and they follow it.
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