This state sucks ass and Meninostan is even worse. Seriously, why come here at all? Go to New Hampshire.
The OP is probably bound here by a job or somesuch.
I would have moved into NH myself, if it wasnt for the present housing
arrangement I have, which is more or less buying a house in-family at
essentially zero interest. If the laws get worse here I might have to
forgo that just to escape the communism. And regardless
unless I get a better job (which is highly unlikely, given the part of
the tech sector that im in) I'll still have to come in and out of Cambridge
every day, so regardless of a change in residency, I'd still have to drive
in and out of communist territory every day. I know what some people
are saying- guns are not everything in life, but it isn't just that. It's hard to live
where a local/state government is constantly stomping on your civil
rights. Frankly the legal peril in owning guns in MA is far greater overall
than it is in the other 90% of the states.