Mr. Deval Patrick

Nov 14, 2005
Massachusetts Live Free or Here!
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Let me call your attention to some further issues around Mr. Patrick that add insult to injury on his stance of gun control.

Excerpt from New York Times Article:

Easy Victories in Primaries in 2 States

Mr. Patrick told his supporters Tuesday night. “Voters said no to division and exclusion. We need to stop dwelling on the differences between the right and the left and start focusing on the differences between right and wrong.”


While I agree wholeheartedly about “..right and wrong.” let me ask you a few questions:

1. It is right to ignore the citizens of Massachusetts who followed the rules to get a ballot question on the 2008 ballot concerning “Marriage” to be denied due process and NOT be allowed to place the question on the ballot simply because you personally don’t share their same view?

2. It is right to ignore completely and not even bring up in the Senate that the citizens of MA voted to repeal the Income Tax from 5.85% to 5.0% when the .85% was a temporary tax implemented years ago?

3. It is right to grant illegal aliens in this country in-state MA tuition rates at our colleges and universities that will be paid out of your tax dollars? Tax dollars that could go to cities & towns for more police and fire protection?

4. It is right to grant illegal aliens in this country Massachusetts drivers licenses?

Since right verse wrong is supposed to be based upon common sense and the morality in which you were raised along with some “inner voice” tossed in, it's going to be up each of us to decide the facts and long-term results about the above 4 issues for ourselves.

For me personally, "right" means voting for Ms. Healey.
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HA HA HA HA!!!! I hope the Poodle shoves this right up his ass!!!!

Doesn't surprise me a bit. I know a number of leftist racists. Typical of them. Damn hypocrites! [angry]

I've been saying for months he's a racist....
HA HA HA HA!!!! I hope the Poodle shoves this right up his ass!!!!

Doesn't surprise me a bit. I know a number of leftist racists. Typical of them. Damn hypocrites! [angry]

You admittedly voted for him!!![rolleyes] [rolleyes] Look comes the other edge of that sword.........Swoooosh.

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