MSNBC: "Armed in America" Segment on 11/23/2008 @ 10:00 PM (EST)

Check out the promo discussion on the Today Show:

The ATF agent is very obviously walking on egg shells and is careful to make it clear that he is after "illegal guns" and that he isn't anti-gun. Even Al Roker presents himself as pretty level-headed.

However, Lester Holt really makes no attempt to disguise his ignorance for firearms and belief that all guns should be banned. First, after discussing the problem of gun crime, Lester Holt says "And we mentioned that gun sales are up--legal gun sales--but illegal guns are the main problem that you're working with, right?" Umm, no Lester, as an ATF agent, we are working on stemming the problem of legal gun sales. What a freaking idiot this guy is! This is the most vivid display of the NBC News anchor's absolute belief that legal gun ownership is "a problem".

I guess what else should we expect from Lester with a resume including such notables as raised in San Francisco, started career in Chicago and then moved to New York City.
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WTF was their point? Lighter guns, pen guns, briefcase guns? What does that have to do with anything other then sensationalism? [angry]

At least the ATF guy made the point that what Roaker and crew call AK47's are NOT AK47's in actuality and pointed out the distinction of how many are sold WORLD WIDE but not in the US. Of course Roaker glossed over that to keep the OOOOOO Scary vibe going.

Interesting from a novelty standpoint but harmful to the perception of lawful gun owners.
I just watched the full one hour show. To be honest, it was interesting to see how the ATF works and to watch the criminal activity. However, I was disappointed that it seemed like it was written by the Brady Center. It was stuffed full of the same old, tired Democrat agenda.

"Assault rifles are becoming increasingly popular with criminals"

"But if you think an AK-47 packs some punch, incredibly, the .50 BMG is unregulated and is considered a sporting arm!" Oh my god!! Criminals are carrying them around next to schools!!

"The real problem isn't handguns, but high caliber assault weapons" (Their words, not mine)

"Criminals are increasingly switching from pistols to high caliber assault weapons like this AR-15"

"An amendment called the Tiahart amendment is responsible for preventing cities from stemming the flow of crime guns. But the NRA (que evil music) has opposed its repeal!"

"The main problem is illegal guns" (I guess they can work on the legal ones later...)

But the worst part of the whole show was having to sit through that stupid Barack Obama Limited Edition Golden Dollar by the New England Mint commercial--being forced to listen to how fantastic Obama is. Two for only $9.95!! Between the MSNBC special report and the Obama coin commercials, it was like the Brady Center was rubbing a new assault weapons ban in my face. I guess we know who the intended audience is!
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Well as usual, MSNBC is showing guns= Baaaddd. Film At 11.[angry]

The answer for this is, as always, is people who are SANE responding en masse.

The guns they were showing (the mini gun, the AK) are already illegal. No one can own them without huge obstacles. But of course MSNBC doesn't show this.

Then of course the "pen-guns" which are actually "zip guns" and popular since the 1950s among people unable to obtain real guns, are portrayed as favorite "terrorist guns." -What a crock.

Of course no mention is made that these things have exactly ONE shot and if the passengers/crew of an airplane have any testicles and/or tits they won't stop the crew/passengers from beating the terrorist to death.

And equally, of course, the ATF is shown as "good guys" rather than the Federal Terrorists they are.

Get active people. Screw the NRA. They don't do much. Write to your local newspapers. Talk to your local TV stations. Dsabuse the sheep of the stereotypes the ANTI's would like to use.

Only lots of local action and dedication will preserve our rights.

I think the most interesting parts where when the federal agents indicated several times that their focus was on illegally obtained guns and the few dealers who broke the law in straw purchases; but the show keep pushing the story back in the ALL GUNS ARE EVIL category.

I think the most interesting parts where when the federal agents indicated several times that their focus was on illegally obtained guns and the few dealers who broke the law in straw purchases; but the show keep pushing the story back in the ALL GUNS ARE EVIL category.

Yup - another NBC hack-job. Not one single story about the positive gun owners in our society and positive role models within our community.

Holt: "If I wanted a gun now, how would I do that?"

ATF Representative: "Well it depends on where you are - "

Token Idiot: "...Or who you know?"
Holt: "If I wanted a gun now, how would I do that?"

ATF Representative: "Well it depends on where you are - "

Token Idiot: "...Or who you know?"

Exactly, you see, I know Carl at Four Seasons. He hooks me up: Glocks, AK-47s, AR-15s, whatever I want! But man, if I didn't know him, by golly, I don't know where I would buy my guns from!!
I just watched the full one hour show. ....
But the worst part of the whole show was having to sit through that stupid Barack Obama Limited Edition Golden Dollar by the New England Mint commercial--being forced to listen to how fantastic Obama is. Two for only $9.95!!

uhh.....that's not a REAL Gold Coin, it just has a very thin flashing of Gold on the outside covering a worthless interior...kind of like an "empty suit"....
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