This Remington Wingmaster 870 was bought for my Dad as a present from his parents when he graduated HS. Its a 1953 year model. In pretty good shape for a 62 year old. Last time it was fired would be @1980. Sat in the back of a closet since then. Passed onto me eventually after he and my mother both passed away. The big bonus was that as a kid I used to regularly clean/oil all the firearms even if we didn't shoot them. But the extent of my skills then were brushing the barrel and clean anything I could hit with a cloth or q-tip. So as I took this completely apart recently, I found that the insides were pretty nasty/dirty. But no rust. Once I really got into it I found some fairly rough machining to what I would have expected to be smooth parts.
So it really needed some TLC. Figured I bring it into the 21st century while I was at it. Ended up taking it into a tactical direction. After all said and done, only factory original parts I ended up with were the receiver, bolt assembly and action bar.
Fun build. Most likely could have had brand new for what the parts cost. But that's beside the point of giving the old bird a facelift. I shot this gun many times as a kid. And I maintained it for my Dad since I was @8 and taught by him how to clean/oil a firearm, but more importantly how to respect any firearm.
Parts Used:
Volquartzen Extracter
Choate Magazine tube ext.
Magpul Adaptable 870 Stock
Magpul High Cheek Riser
Fab Defence Poly Forearm Grip
Magpul MOE Grip
Remington 18.5" Barrel
Remington 870 Police Trigger Group
Mesa Tactical Anti-walk Pins
Mesa Tactical Saddle Ammo Carrier/Picatinny Optics Rail
GG&G Low Drag Magazine Follower
Fortmann's Left Hand Saftey.
Bushnell TRS-25 Red Dot
And bought it a new Plano case too.
So it really needed some TLC. Figured I bring it into the 21st century while I was at it. Ended up taking it into a tactical direction. After all said and done, only factory original parts I ended up with were the receiver, bolt assembly and action bar.
Fun build. Most likely could have had brand new for what the parts cost. But that's beside the point of giving the old bird a facelift. I shot this gun many times as a kid. And I maintained it for my Dad since I was @8 and taught by him how to clean/oil a firearm, but more importantly how to respect any firearm.
Parts Used:
Volquartzen Extracter
Choate Magazine tube ext.
Magpul Adaptable 870 Stock
Magpul High Cheek Riser
Fab Defence Poly Forearm Grip
Magpul MOE Grip
Remington 18.5" Barrel
Remington 870 Police Trigger Group
Mesa Tactical Anti-walk Pins
Mesa Tactical Saddle Ammo Carrier/Picatinny Optics Rail
GG&G Low Drag Magazine Follower
Fortmann's Left Hand Saftey.
Bushnell TRS-25 Red Dot


And bought it a new Plano case too.