My first PCC was a Sub2k. Kind of regret not waiting to do a little more research. The glock mags are nice, but the location of the charging handle is awkward. I also dislike that it requires a lot of aftermarket parts to make it decent. This isn't a case of racing out a gun. These are almost mandatory purchases for the gun. Bolt tube cover, recoil buffer, charging handle, trigger shoe, sights, and foreend.
After doing a bit more of homework on what I really wanted for a PCC, I decided I needed to answer at least 2 questions before moving forward. 1) Would I be happy enough with 10rd mags? 2) Will I want to SBR it in the future or do I want a long barrel? This immediately separated the list:
Pre-ban mag options
MP5 Clone
AR9 (Glock or Colt mags)
Berretta CX4 Storm
Kriss Vector
Ruger PC
10rd mags only (in MA)
CZ Scorpion
Most if not all B&T Models (if going SBR)
[there are most likely a ton more, but those are the popular examples]
That being said, I picked the pre-ban models and also picked something that really deserves to be SBR'd. If I were going to keep it long, then I'd go AR9, Berretta CX4, Sub2k, or Ruger PC. The rest are begging to be SBR'd in my opinion, and almost look funny with long barrels.