NE Shooters? My ass............

Feb 28, 2005
Rhode Island
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.........was handed to me by 2 fellow NE shooters today! Sorry I tricked you into reading the post! Ha HA. Derek and Brent were adventurous enough to come down and shoot the RI State Police Pistol Combat league. What a great time. Both shot really good scores and I learned not to bet for lunch before you see the other bet-ee's shoot! And also that you shouldn't load spent brass with high expectations! Thanks for coming down guys I hope you had fun. Also any NE shooters, Baretta for sale; 92 Vertec....6mags, great trigger......
I think I'm sticking with Sigs and I'm ready to put this in the hands of a competent beretta shooter.

I had an awesome time. We need to get some other shooters from here to show up for the next match. Preferably the LEG match next month. :D

It was great meeting you and Im looking forward to shooting with you in the near future. The matches today were a blast, and the guys we shot with were top notch.

Thank you again.


Who is that gun smith you were telling me about in Pawtucket?

George told me he was going to loan me one of his match pistols for the Leg Match on the 4th. But I still want the trigger on my sig226 lightened up.

His name is Dave Santurri, his number is 401-726-1310. He is a real nice guy and does some awesome work. I actually have the S&W I bought at NE traders being transferred to him. He is a RI FFL. My Beretta only cost 85 bucks I assume yours will be a similar price. He picks guns up from NE traders evry week I guess, so I don't even have to pay shipping that way. George is a great guy, I like shooting with them alot. Glad you guys had fun. I am now reconsidering blaming the beretta, ever since it has been warm I have been shooting rifle and not practicing pistol, so I'll be hitting the range and I'll give it a few more tries. It is such a smoothe gun I hate to give it up. But I still think a 220 then a 226 is in the forecast. I think I will have Dave do the trigger on my LMT and also snug up the handguards on it.
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