Near panic in England !


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Aug 24, 2005
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Bullet found in doorway
By David Williams


LETHAL: The .22 calibre bullet found in Walthamstow High Street on a market day morning.

LIVE ammunition has been found lying in the doorway of a busy high street shop.

The .22 calibre short round bullet was found at the entrance of the 99p Stores in Walthamstow High Street on Wednesday morning, November 1.

Haroon Khan, who has a firearms licence and is a member of a local gun club, was alarmed to discover live ammunition in a Walthamstow doorway.

The bullet, of Swiss origin, was still in its brass casing, complete with enough gunpowder for it to fire itself.

Mr Khan said that if it had been struck hard enough or exposed to heat it could have gone off.

"This sort of thing should not be lying around. It was live, primed and active," he said. "But rather me pick it up than a little kid.

"How can you feel safe when you are finding things like this on the street?

"To get hold of one of these is not easy. You have to go through a scrutinised search, you need a licence and you have to belong to a club."

Ammunition of this kind would ordinarily be used in a small handgun or pistol, and both can be owned legally under licence.

But to leave strictly controlled goods out in the street would be enough for a firearms licence to be revoked.

The bullet has been examined at a Metropolitan Police laboratory and details about it kept for future reference.

A police spokesman said: "Recovering firearms and ammunition is a priority for the police. We take the same view of ammunition as we do of a gun.

"If it goes bang, it is still lethal."

Police are treating the unattended ammunition as a crime. Mr Khan alerted them at 10.16am, and they arrived at his shop to pick up the bullet at 11.32am.

7:00pm Thursday 9th November 2006
Isn't it sickening? Seriously, talk about nanny state wimps. That is exactly where the leftists in this country want to take us.
Man if that was the case how many of us would haven't basements/closests to go home to tonight!

Ya'll have a great weekend,

Well if one of my 7.62X54Rs touched off It would do a might bit on the other side of a .22 short. Whow that's a Sh** load of nothing! [rolleyes]

Wanna hear something crazy about the UK? My body shop is touching up a huge Hummer limousine that the limo owner is shipping to England. Now Hummer limos are pretty common here in the US and fetch about $100 an hour. Over there the buyer claims he'll get $500 an hour.[shocked]
Speedy response too !

A police spokesman said: "Recovering firearms and ammunition is a priority for the police.
...Police are treating the unattended ammunition as a crime. Mr Khan alerted them at 10.16am, and they arrived at his shop to pick up the bullet at 11.32am.

Well, [thinking] perhaps not quite as much of a priority as the Sheeple would believe. Note the speedy 1 hour and 16 minuite response time.

Well, [thinking] perhaps not quite as much of a priority as the Sheeple would believe. Note the speedy 1 hour and 16 minuite response time.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to build up your nerve to face a lone bullet in a doorway?

Have compassion on the poor blokes that had to face this bullet down.
can you imagine what they'd think if they saw the insides of one of our gun cabinets/closets/basements?

How many rounds of assorted ammo do you keep around for convenience? I'm a little ashamed to admit that I'm below 1000 rounds of each caliber... but then that means I've been shooting ;)
If I was a rich SOB I'd buy an airplane and modify it to dispense a bunch
of real looking, but fake ammunition. The whole country would then turn into
a brownie like mass as every member of the population shat itself in

Just think folks.... another few decades of nanny state BS, and MA will be
the same way.

On a serious note, it's sad that the country that ruled about half of the known world has come to this. Folks, this is what happens in a statist, socialist, nanny state nation.

Londinistan can't be far away.

Man if that was the case how many of us would haven't basements/closests to go home to tonight!

Ya'll have a great weekend,

Chuck, that's hilarious......

There's enough loaded ammo, powder, and primers in my house to send it into orbit. [rofl]
If I was a rich SOB I'd buy an airplane and modify it to dispense a bunch
of real looking, but fake ammunition. The whole country would then turn into
a brownie like mass as every member of the population shat itself in

Just think folks.... another few decades of nanny state BS, and MA will be
the same way.


If you do, drop them over Japan and cause a real panic...

Bullets from copter still missing

YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, Japan — A search party looking for two errant bullets, part of a box that fell from a U.S. Navy helicopter July 19, ended the eighth day of the search without the bullets.

Jon Nylander, spokesman for Commander, Naval Forces Japan, said the searchers, about 20 people each day often deployed in two shifts, had gone over the area thoroughly. The search for the two remaining bullets — 198 were recovered — probably will be called off within the next few days, Nylander said.

“There are two left but the odds are fairly slim of finding them,” he said. “They had teams out over the weekend and every day since they started looking for them Monday.”

The box of 7.62 mm machine-gun bullets fell around 7:40 a.m. July 19 from an H-60 helicopter on its way from Atsugi Naval Air Facility to guard the USS Kitty Hawk as it made its way to sea. An investigation into how the box fell is continuing. Nylander said he had no information on when it would be complete and the information made public.

The ammo box and most of the bullets were found within a few hours in two spots in a car park in an area of Yokohama. No one was injured and no property damage was reported.
can you imagine what they'd think if they saw the insides of one of our gun cabinets/closets/basements?

How many rounds of assorted ammo do you keep around for convenience? I'm a little ashamed to admit that I'm below 1000 rounds of each caliber... but then that means I've been shooting ;)

I'm sad to report that I have maybe 2 1/2 bricks of .22, about 300 rounds of .38/.357, and less than that of 9mm, .40, and 7.62x51mm.

Plenty of shotshells though!
On a serious note, it's sad that the country that ruled about half of the known world has come to this. Folks, this is what happens in a statist, socialist, nanny state nation.

... and it all started when the voters made a protest vote against the Conservative (Republican) government and elected New Labour (Democrat) and Tony Blair (Hillary Clinton) who promised they had chamged and left behind their socialist left-wing past.
Everybody run! It's a live cartridge! AHHHHHHH!!!!!

I suppose in a nation where you can't have firearms and football (think rifling metaphor) involves a round object you kick on the ground you forget the laws of physics.

I used to be proud of my English heritage. But at least I know where all of my neurotic fears come from...
This sounds like Deval's idea of a perfect Socialist utopia.

Did the UK actually confiscate firearms when they decided to bascially make them illegal ?

Firearms are not illegal in the UK. Semi automatic, centerfire rifles and handguns are. And yes, those were confiscated/surrendered.

Semi auto shotguns and pump shotguns (with magazines permanently limited to two rounds) are still legal on a Shotgun Certificate. Semi auto and pump shotguns with more than two rounds in the mag are legal under a Firearms Certificate if the police wish to let you have them (and they most likely won't).

Shooters in the UK have two licenses for long guns: Shotgun Certificates (SC) and Firearms Certificates (FAC). SC are for non repeating (double barrel) shotguns and for repeating shotguns permanently limited to two rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber. FACs are for all other permitted centerfire and rimfire firearms.

Needs justification is required for both, but merely stating sport shooting in the SC is often sufficient. Club membership in a clays club is not required. FAC applicants undergo much heavier scrutiny. They must show proof of land available for hunting or sport shooting club membership and often must present proof of actual use of such facilities. Ammunition restrictions (alowable calibers and quantities) are listed on the certificates. Police can deny a FAC application for almost any reason, including what they think is an unsuitable firearm (deer hunting with a 375 H&H bolt action, for example).

Note that personal defense is NEVER a legitimate reason for a SC or FAC and will guarantee a police rejection.

In short, the UK is a nightmare for gun owners, where they are villified and ostracized. It is what the US will look like without a strong, conservative Surpeme Court that will block further erosion of our right and start reversing what has already happened.

Australia is actually worse than the UK, as repeating shotguns are not allowed AT ALL.
Australia is actually worse than the UK, as repeating shotguns are not allowed AT ALL.
But Australia allows handguns up to .38/9mm (I think there is also a 10 round limit). Australian handgun owners hardly consider their plight "worse" that that in the UK.

It gets really interesting up in PNG where carry permits are like taxi medallions. You can get one IF you qualify and find someone else willing to turn theirs in for cancellation. One of my friends down under has had a PNG carry permit for years, and tells me he could sell it for over $10K USD, but does not want to end up dead (PNG can be a rough place, and he spends a lot of time there on business).
But Australia allows handguns up to .38/9mm (I think there is also a 10 round limit). Australian handgun owners hardly consider their plight "worse" that that in the UK.

What's even more disturbing about the UKs and AUs current anti-gun legislation is how quickly it came about ... and both as a result of a knee-jerk reaction to a crazed gunman type massacre.

It gets really interesting up in PNG where carry permits are like taxi medallions. You can get one IF you qualify and find someone else willing to turn theirs in for cancellation. One of my friends down under has had a PNG carry permit for years, and tells me he could sell it for over $10K USD, but does not want to end up dead (PNG can be a rough place, and he spends a lot of time there on business).

That's an unfair and idiotic policy right there. If there's a limited number of permits, ownership should be returned to the issueing authority to be reissued at the original cost/price (same for taxi medallions).
But Australia allows handguns up to .38/9mm (I think there is also a 10 round limit). Australian handgun owners hardly consider their plight "worse" that that in the UK.
I think Login Name covers this one. Australia used to have pretty reasonable (for a country that lacks a constitution outlining the right to bear arms) gun laws, but that all changed very quickly after the Port Arthur massacre. The UK has always erred on the side of crazy when it comes to gun laws for the public.
I think Login Name covers this one. Australia used to have pretty reasonable (for a country that lacks a constitution outlining the right to bear arms) gun laws, but that all changed very quickly after the Port Arthur massacre. The UK has always erred on the side of crazy when it comes to gun laws for the public.

However, it really took a turn for the worse after the Dunblane School shootings.

IIRC, after the shootings occured, it was a matter of months (if not weeks), that the Parlament responded with their current gun-control laws.
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