Need Help buying ammo


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Sep 12, 2024
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Does anyone know what brand of ammo is best for the sig mcx spear chambered in 556?
It don't like the cheap stuff
The best for what purpose?

High round-count self-defense drills at 5 yards?

Making 1 ragged hole at 100 yards? A 2-inch group at 300?

The Spear is a 1-in-7 twist.

If you have a friend in a free state you might want to lay in a good supply of this stuff:

Read the reviews. At 55 cents a round it is widely considered a good all-around pick.

For long(er) range accuracy work you might (read: probably will) get slightly better accuracy out of 69- or 77-grain Gold Medal Match--but at a cost.

Maybe buy a box of each and see how your rifle likes it.

See also Israeli 77gr Open Tip Match (aka Razor Core):

It is 95 cents a round. Read the reviews.

Any XM193 equivalent will be sat for this:


Generally speaking, .223 rounds (less pressure/higher velocity) will generally tend to be more accurate, whereas 5.56 hits harder for purposes of self defense.

If you are on a tight budget, AmmoSeek and a friend/PO Box in a free state is your best bet.

Good luck.

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and that is why price of the dillon 750 suddenly stops looking prohibitevile high, when you realize a $2 per pop is a lot to pay for .223 ammo.
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It's not the dillion that's cost prohibitive it's all the other crap. And the other presses to follow. I'm 8 deep wouldn't pass on a good deal don't have a 750 yet
I generally will bring a bunch of diff ammo with me when playing with a new gun and just take copious notes on paper about what works well and what doesn’t.

Makes life easier when making future ammo purchases if you know for what (your MCX for example) and why (plinking, hunting, defense, classes).

This way you can categorize your stocks to what you own and easily see how much you have or need for each particular platform vs what they prefer with minimal issues and acceptable performance.

You can also keep notes to try and determine if any issues your having is due to a particular ammo type or something else, IE: last time you cleaned your rifle, how many rounds fired since then, what type of lube you’re using, are weather conditions affecting particular lubes or accuracy etc.

It’s good to know these things as you progress so you’ll better understand what works for your particular gun and what doesn’t.
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Exactly what do you mean by “it doesn’t like the cheap stuff”? Are we talking dirt cheap and questionable ammo or is it just unrealistic expectations from common bulk ammo?
Does anyone know what brand of ammo is best for the sig mcx spear chambered in 556?
It don't like the cheap stuff
What do you mean it "doesn't like the cheap stuff? Gun fails to cycle properly? Accuracy is bad? I mean......there's a shit ton of variables here.
Different firearms shoot different ammunition differently.

I swear I should put that in my sig. Basically, it doesn't matter if someone else has the same exact make and model you have, they both could and likely will shoot the same ammo differently. Only you can determine which is the best after having shot it.
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