Well....white hots are about the cleanest black powder substitute you can get my friend. Its a black powder gun.....they are dirty! I do a spit swab down my barrel after each shot when using pyrodex pellets.I was worried it was going to kick like a mule but it's amazingly soft shooting.
I'm using 250gr Shockwaves (With Sabot) with 100 grains of IMR White Hot. Shoots well.
I'm thinking about playing with different powders and bullets this summer. White Hot seems very dirty - Two shots at best before cleaning.
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You say you use shockwaves in 250 grain....so do I. But remember you can mess around with different sabots too. I found the mag express sabot to be an absolute beeotch to get down the bore but gave me the best groups. I tried other sabots like super glides that were easier to run down the barrel but not as accurate.